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Anti-anginal drugs MCQs with Answers


???????? TOPIC : Anti-anginal drugs ????????

1️⃣ Myocardial oxygen demand depends on___
A. Preload
B. Afterload
C. Heart rate
D. All of the above

2️⃣ Classical angina occurs___
A. Due to exercise and emotions
B. At resting position
C. Due to spasm of coronary artery in rest
D. None of the above

3️⃣ Which of the following is not true about Nitrates and it’s MOA ?
A. Dilates vein more than arteries
B. It activate guanylyl cyclase
C. It increase the calcium entry
D. It increase cGMP synthesis

4️⃣ Which of the following is short acting Nitrates ?
A. Isosorbide dinitrate
B. Glyceryl trinitrate
C. Erythryl Tetra Nitrates
D. Isosorbide mononitrate

5️⃣ What is not true about beta blockers in treatment of angina?
A. It decrease cardiac work
B. Can be used in unstable angina
C. Can be used in variant angina
D. It Decrease heart rate

6️⃣ Which of the following is an example of potassium channel blocker ?
A. Nicorandil
B. Verapamil
C. Captopril
D. Aspirin

7️⃣ What is not true about Dipyridamole ?
A. It fall under the category of Miscellaneous agents in classification of Anti anginal drugs

B. It’s a coronary vasodilator
C. Cause platelet aggregation & helps in blood clotting
D. Used in MI patients

8️⃣ What is the correct order of MOA of potassium channel blocker in angina treatment ?
A. Influx of k+ ???????? cause hypopolarization
B. Opens k+ channel ???????? efflux of k+ ???????? cause hyperpolarization
C. Opens k+ channel ???????? efflux of k+ ???????? increase cGMP synthesis ???????? hypopolarization
D. None of the above

9️⃣ Nitrates are contraindicated with___
A. Sildenafil
B. Pinacidil
C. Nicorandil
D. All of the above

???? In case of cyanide poisoning , Amylnitrite ( example of nitrate drug )is given___
A. By inhalation
B. By I.V route
C. By oral route
D. By I.M route


1. D ( All of the above )
2. A ( Due to exercise and emotions )
3. C ( It increase the calcium entry )
4. B ( Glyceryl trinitrate )
5. C ( Can be used in variant angina )
6. A ( Nicorandil )
7. C ( Cause platelet aggregation & helps in blood clotting )
8. B ( Opens k+ channel ???????? efflux of k+ ???????? cause hypopolarization )
9. A ( Sildenafil )
10. A ( By inhalation )