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pharmacyTopic wise MCQs

Aliphatic Alcohols MCQs With Answers

Aliphatic Alcohols MCQs With Answers

1. Which alcohol has the most abuse potential as a sedative-hypnotic?
a. Ethanol.
b. Isopropyl.
c. Methanol.
d. Isopentanol.

2. An ethanol concentration of 100 proof contains which percentage of ethanol by volume?
a. 25%.
b. 33%.
c. 50%.
d. 75%.

3. At which blood alcohol level (BAC) are effects of severe intoxication and loss of consciousness usually first produced?
a. 50 mg/dL.
b. 150 mg/dL.
c. 300 mg/dL.
d. 500 mg/dL.

4. Which is the immediate product of alcohol dehydrogenase in ethanol metabolism?
a. Acetate.
b. Methanol.
c. Acetaldehyde.
d. Acetyl coenzyme A.

5. Which factor potentiates the effects of benzodiazepines when combined with ethanol?
a. Increase in hypotensive effects.
b. Exaggerated anticoagulant response.
c. Reduction of CNS depressant effects.
d. Inhibition of benzodiazepine metabolism by ethanol.

6. Increased gastric bleeding is a result of combining ethanol with which drug?
a. Diazepam.
b. Penicillins.
c. Acetaminophen.

7. Which aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor is given to ethanol abusers as a prevention drug?
a. Disulfiram.
b. Cephalosporin.
c. Metronidazole.
d. Oral hypoglycemic.

8. Which oral manifestation in an alcoholic patient results in a 6% chance of developing carcinoma?
a. Calculus.
b. Leukoplakia.
c. Periodontitis.
d. Enlargement of salivary glands.

9. Which effect of ethanol abuse is not shared by other sedative-hypnotic drugs?
a. Sedative.
b. Analgesia.
c. Anxiolytic.
d. Malnutrition.

10. Acute toxicity of ethylene glycol leads to oxalic acid which is most toxic to which organ?
a. Brain.
b. Heart.
c. Liver.
d. Kidney.