Analgesic Use for Effective Pain Control MCQs Question bank
1. Reactive depression and decreased function are most associated with which type of pain?
a. Acute.
b. Chronic.
c. Somatic nociceptive.
d. Visceral nociceptive.
2. Which is the most accurate and reliable indicator of pain?
a. Test results.
b. Patient self-report.
c. Obvious pathology.
d. Degree of functionality.
3. Which analgesic acts on the patient’s perception (motivational-affective component) of pain?
a. Opioids.
b. NSAIDs.
c. Acetaminophen.
d. Local analgesics.
4. Which factor should NOT determine the selection of an analgesic?
a. Cause of pain.
b. Severity of pain.
c. Medical history of patient.
d. Pain management of other patients.
5. Which effect of nonopioid analgesics is a potential postsurgical disadvantage in dentistry?
a. Analgesia.
b. Antipyretic.
c. Anti-inflammatory.
d. Low tolerance/dependence.
6. Which drug is least effective, when given alone to treat mild to moderate dental pain?
a. Aspirin.
b. Codeine.
c. Ibuprofen.
d. Acetaminophen.
7. Which effect is most probable, when opioids are used appropriately to manage dental pain?
a. Tolerance.
b. Addiction.
c. Nausea and vomiting.
d. Respiratory depression.
8. Which analgesic group has no ceiling effect for analgesia?
a. NSAIDs.
b. COX-2 inhibitors.
c. Pure agonist opioids.
d. Agonist/antagonist opioids.
9. Opioid analgesics, administered orally, reach their peak effect within
a. 1.5 to 2 hours.
b. 2.5 to 3 hours.
c. 10 to 20 minutes.
d. 40 to 50 minutes.
10. At which age do opioids begin to exert similar clinical effects in children as in adults?
a. 1 year.
b. 3 years.
c. 5 years.
d. 6 months.