Antiseptics and Disinfectants MCQs With Answers
1. Standard precautions of infection control accomplish all EXCEPT which goal?
a. Elimination of cross contamination.
b. Reduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
c. Protection of patients and healthcare workers from infection.
d. Identification of patients with infectious diseases.
2. The destruction of all forms of microorganisms is described by which term?
a. Antisepsis.
b. Sanitation.
c. Sterilization.
d. Disinfection.
3. Antiseptic agents differ from disinfectants because
a. antiseptic agents are nontoxic to living tissue.
b. antiseptic agents are effective at room temperature.
c. disinfectants require a short exposure time.
d. disinfectants remain active in the presence of biologic materials.
4. Which surface disinfectant is effective against many organisms, including Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
a. Iodophors.
b. Sodium hypochlorite.
c. Elemental iodine compounds.
d. Combination sodium chloride and sodium bromide.
5. In dentistry, which agent used as a “cold sterilant”?
a. Carbolic acid.
b. Ethylene oxide.
c. Glutaraldehyde.
d. Formaldehyde gas.
6. Which agent has a weak antimicrobial effect but is useful for analgesia?
a. Eugenol.
b. Carbolic acid.
c. Hexachlorophene.
d. Chlorhexidine gluconate.
7. Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) is most effective against which virus?
a. Rotavirus.
b. Adenovirus.
c. Enterovirus.
d. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
8. Which is a disadvantage of triclosan, when used as hand soap?
a. Antifungal action.
b. Poor substantivity.
c. Narrow spectrum of antibacterial action.
d. Low Pseudomonas aeruginosa toxicity.
9. Quaternary ammonium compounds primarily affect which type of microorganism?
a. Tubercle bacilli.
b. Bacterial spores.
c. Gram-positive bacteria.
d. Gram-negative bacteria.
10. Which concentration of hydrogen peroxide is effective against spores?
a. 0.5%.
b. 1.5%.
c. 3.0%.
d. 6.0%.