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Daily Pharma Quizpharmacystudy materialTopic wise MCQs

Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics MCQs with anwers

Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (Theory)

Class- Final Year B Pharmacy

1) Which is the major process of absorption for more than 90% of drugs.
A) Facilitated diffusion
B) Active transport
C) Endocytosis
D) Passive diffusion

2) What is driving force for passive diffusion.
A) Concentration gradient only
B) Electrochemical gradient only
C) Charge equilibration & Concentration gradient
D) Concentration & electrochemical gradient both

3) What is the driving force for pore transport.
A) Hydroststic pressure
B) Concentration gradient
C) Electrochemical gradient
D) Charge equilibration

4) Which type of molecules can’t pass through pore transport
A) Low molecular weight molecules
B) Water soluble drugs

C) Molecules upto 400 dalton’s
D) Molecules greater than 400 dalton’s

5) What is mean by carrier
A) Non polar drug can be transported through carrier mediated
B) Carriers binds reversible & non covalently with solute molecule
C) It discharges the molecules & destroys itself
D) Carrier is protein

6) What is major difference between Facilitated & passive diffusion
A) Carrier mediated transport
B) Down hill transport
C) Energy is used
D) Inhibition by metabolic poisons.

7) In active transport drug is transported from region of lower to one of higher
concentration against
A) Concentration gradient only
B) Uphill transport only
C) Concentration gradient & uphill transport both
D) None of the above

8) Which type of drug are absorbed by ion pair transport
A) High lipophilicity
B) Oily droplets
C) Quaternary ammonium compounds
D) All of the above

9) What is the other name of cell eating
A) Transcytosis
B) Pinocytosis

C) Endocytosis
D) Phagocytosis

10) Who has poorly developed BBB.
A) Infants
B) Adults of age more than 20
C) Aged
D) Children’s of puberty

11) Which of the following has very low perfusion rate
A) Fat and bone
B) Muscle and skin
C) Lungs and kidneys
D) Liver and heart

12) Infants have high albumin content
A) True
B) False

13) Blood testis barrier is located at
A) Capillary endothelium
B) Sertoli sertoli cell junction
C) Fetal blood vessels
D) None of the above

14) Which of the following has very high perfusion rate
A) Fat and skin
B) Muscle and skin
C) Liver and heart
D) All of the above

15) Which one of the following bond is not generally bind in our body
A) Hydrogen bond

B) Hydrophobic bond
C) Ionic bonds
D) Covalent bonds

16) Binding of drugs falls into 2 components these are
A) Binding of drug to bile components & to extra vascular tissue
B) Binding of drugs to bile components & other cells
C) Binding of drugs to cell & blood cells
D) Binding of drugs to blood components to bones to cells

17) What is molecular weight of human serum
A) 50000 dalton’s
B) 65000 dalton’s
C) 60000 dalton’s
D) 75000 dalton’s

18) Which of following is correct order
A) Albumin 》alpha 1 acid glycoprotein 》globulin 》lipoproteins
B) Albumin 》globulin 》lipoproteins 》alpha 1 glycoprotein
C) Albumin 》alpha 1 glycoprotein 》lipoproteins 》globulin
D) Albumin 》lipoproteins 》globulin 》alpha 1 glycoprotein

19) Site 1 HSA drug binding is also known as
A) Digitoxin binding site
B) Warfarin & azopropazone binding site
C) Diazepam binding site
D) Tomaxifen binding site

20) HSA comes under which protein family
A) Globulin
B) Receptors

C) Enzymes
D) Catalyst

21) What is the name of drug binding site III of HSA
A) Tamoxifen binding site
B) Digitoxin binding site
C) Diazepam binding site
D) Warfarin and azopropazone binding site

22) Which of the given drug bind to B2 Globulin
A) Steroidal drug
B) Vitamin A D E K
C) Ferrous ions
D) Carotenoids

23) Which vitamin molecules will bind to alpha 2 Globulin
A) Vitamin A D E K
B) Vitamin B complex
C) Vitamin A & B
D) All of the above

24) Which of the given drug bind alpha 1 Globulin
A) Steroidal drug
B) Vitamin ADEK
C) Ferrous ions
D) Carotenoids

25) Which drug bind to RBC membrane
A) Imipramine
B) Phenytoin
C) Acetazolamide
D) Phenothiazones

26) Which is the primary site for metabolism
A) Liver
B) Kidneys
C) Lungs
D) Intestines

27) Which of the following is correct decreasing order of drug metabolism
A) Liver》lungs》kidneys 》placenta》adrenals》intestines 》skin
B) Liver》lungs》kidneys 》intestines 》placenta》adrenals》skin
C) Kidneys 》intestines 》liver 》lungs》placenta
D) Kidneys 》intestines 》lungs 》liver 》skin

28) Biotransformation of drug is defined as the conversion from one
physical form to another
A) True
B) False

29) Phase 1 reaction are also known as synthetic reactions
A) True
B) False

30) Following are the phase 1 reactions except
A) Oxidative reactions
B) Hydrolytic reactions
C) Reductive reactions
D) Sulphide reaction

31) Other name of phase 1 reactions
A) Functionalization reactions
B) Conjugation reactions
C) Synthetic reactions

32) The drug biotransformation is detoxification
A) True
B) False

33) Which of the following processes proceeds in second phase of biotransformation
A) Reduction
B) Acetylation
C) Hydrolysis
D) Oxidation

34) First pass metabolism occurs in
A) Liver
B) Kidneys
C) Pancreas
D) Intestines

35) Which enzyme is important in phase II reactions
A) Esterase
B) Amidases
C) Transferases
D) Aldo Keto reductase

36) Which of the following statement is false
A) D glucoronic acid is easily available
B) Various functional groups can be easily linked with D glucoronic acid
C) Conjugation with D glucoronic acid occurs to a high degree
D) Whole animal kingdom have the common ability to produce D glucoronic acid

37) Which enzyme is most important for second step in formation of
A) Esterase
B) Amidase
C) Transferases
D) UDP glucoronyl transferases

38) Which enzyme is synthesized in first step of the formation of
A) Uridine triphosphate
B) Uridine 5 diphosphate alpha D glucoronic acid
C) UDP glucose
D) Glucoronide

39) Which one of the following is principal organ for drug excretion
A) Lungs
B) Liver
C) Kidneys
D) Sweat glands

40) Compound excreted in bile is classified into 3 categories which one of the following does not comes under the category
A) Drugs with bile/plasma Concentration ratio approximately 1
B) Drugs with bile/plasma Concentration ratio between 10-1000
C) Drugs with bile/plasma Concentration ratio is less than 1
D) Drugs with bile/plasma Concentration ratio above 1000

41) What is molecular weight cut off for biliary excretion
A) Less than 300 dalton’s
B) More than 300 dalton’s
C) Less than 200 dalton’s

D) More than 200 dalton’s

42) What is equation for biliary clearance
A) Biliary excretion rate/plasma drug Concentration
B) Plasma drug Concentration/biliary excretion rate
C) Plasma drug Concentration/bile flow × biliary drug Concentration
D) None of the above

43) Which compound are excreted through lungs
A) Lipophilic
B) Gaseous
C) Liquid and hydrophilic
D) Solids less than 100 dalton’s

44) What is the mechanism of drug excretion for skin excretion
A) Active secretion
B) Glomerular secretion
C) Passive diffusion
D) Passive reabsorption

45) The renal clearance expressed mathematically 
A) Rate of urinary excretion/plasma drug Concentration
B) Plasma drug Concentration/ rate of urinary excretion
C) 1/ plasma drug Concentration
D) 1/ rate of urinary excretion

46) What is driving force of glomerular filtration
A) Concentration gradient
B) Hydrostatic pressure of plasma
C) High amount of aqueous pores
D) Hydrostatic pressure of blood flow

47) For certain drugs the bile flow rate is 0.7 ml/mm, the biliary drug Concentration is 2g/ml & the plasma drug Concentration is 0.8 g/ml. What is bile clearance
A) 1.50 ml/mm
B) 1.75 ml/mm
C) 2.75 ml/mm
D) 3 ml/mm

48) Which of the following is correct order of dosage forms
A) IV》 rectal》oral》topical
B) IV》oral》rectal》topical
C) IV》topical 》rectal》oral
D) Oral》IV》rectal》topical

49) In BCS system class II shows
A) High solubility High permeability
B) High solubility low permeability
C) Low solubility high permeability
D) Low solubility low permeability

50) Which of the following is official dissolution test apparatus
A) Rotating basket apparatus
B) Paddle over disc
C) Reciprocating holders
D) All of the above

51) What is pro drug
A) An excipient which help in creating the environmental for drug dissolving
B) Chemical drug precursors

C) Excipients of drug formulation
D) Drug which is used by professionals

52) Which of the following is not factor influencing pulmonary excretion
A) Pulmonary blood flow
B) The solubility of volatile substances
C) Rate of respiration
D) Heart rate

53) What is the mechanism of drug excretion in milk of mammary excretion
A) Passive process
B) Active process
C) Passive reabsorption
D) Glomerular secretion

54) How do you calculate the rate of excretion by kidneys
A) Rate of filtration- rate of secretion- rate of absorption
B) Rate of filtration + rate of secretion – rate of absorption
C) Rate of filtration + rate of secretion + rate of absorption
D) Rate of filtration – rate of secretion + rate of absorption

55) Which of the following is not factor of renal excretion
A) Blood flow to kidneys
B) Urine ph
C) Blood ph
D) Disease state

56) ……. mechanism is useful to describe charged or highly ionized drug molecule
A) Ion pair transport
B) Cellular transport

C) Active transport
D) Passive transport

57) Drug can be absorbed by more than one mechanism
A) True
B) False

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58) What is the name of the drug binding site I of HSA
A) Tamoxifen binding site
B) Digitoxin binding site
C) Diazepam binding site
D) Warfarin and azopropazone binding site

59) What is mean by IVIVC
A) In Vitro In Vivo correlation
B) In vivo In In vitro correlation
C) In vivo In vivo correlation
D) In vitro In vitro correlation

60) Low solubility Low permeability is BCS class,
A) Class I
B) Class II
C) Class III
D) Class IV



1). D , 2). D , 3). A , 4). D , 5). B , 6). A , 7). C , 8). C , 9). A , 10). A , 11). A , 12). B , 13). B , 14). C , 15). D , 16). A , 17). B , 18). C , 19). B , 20). B , 21). B , 22). D , 23). A , 24). A , 25). A , 26). A , 27). B , 28). B , 29). A , 30). D

31). A , 32). A , 33). B , 34). A , 35). C , 36). D , 37). D , 38). B , 39). C , 40). D , 41). D , 42). B , 43). B , 44). C , 45). A , 46). D , 47). B , 48). B , 49). C , 50). D , 51). B , 52). D , 53). A , 54). B , 55). C , 56). A , 57). A , 58). D , 59). A , 60). D