Common Medication Classifications and Actions
Antacids– Reduce hydrocholoric acid located in the stomach
Antianemics– Increases the production of red blood cells
Anticholinergics– Decreases oral secretions
Anticoagulants– Prevents the formation of clots
Anticonvulsants– Management of seizures or bipolar disorders
Antidiarrheals– Reduce water in bowels and gastric motility
Antihistamines– Block the release of histamine
Antihypertensives– Decreases blood pressure
Anti-infectives– To get rid of infections
Broncholdilators– Dilates the bronchi and bronchioles
Diuretics– Increase excretion of water/sodium from the body
Laxatives– Loosens stools and increases bowel movements
Miotics– Constricts pupils of the eye
Mydriatics– Dilates the pupils
Narcotics/analgesics– Relieves pain