Remix education

Drugs and their unique effects


Some Drugs and their unique effects

01 Cinchonism– Quinine

02 Alopecia– Anticancer drugs, Heparin

03 Ototoxicity– streptomycin, Kanamycin.

04 Euphoria– morphine, Meprobamate

05 Anorexia– Amphetamine, Metronidazole

06 Pin point pupil- Morphine

07 Drowsiness– Acetazolamide, spirinolactone

08 Insomnia: Analeptics / CNS Stimulants / Caffeine / MAO Inhibitors

09 Hypoglycemia: Insulin / oral hypoglycemic agents / Alcohol

10 Emesis: Morphine / Apomorphine / Ipecacunha / Sodium chloride

11 Teratogenecity – Tetracycline

12 Anaphylactic shock – Penicillin, Cephalosporins

13 Cinchonism – Quinine, quinidine

14 Gray baby syndrome – Chloramphenicol

15 Tinnitus – Quinine, quinidine,aspirin

16 Photophobia – Atropine , Homatropine

17 Cycloplegia – Atropine

18 Constipation – Morphine, Atropine

19 Bone and teeth deformity – Tetracyclin