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pharmacyTopic wise MCQs

General Pathology MCQs with Answers

1. The concept of clinicopathologic correlation (CPC) by study of morbid anatomy was introduced by:

  1. A. Hippocrates
  2. B. Virchow
  3. C. John Hunter
  4. D. Morgagni

2. ABO human blood group system was first described by:

  1. A. Edward Jenner
  2. B. Karl Landsteiner
  3. C. Hippocrates
  4. D. Laennec

3. Structure of DNA of the cell was described by:

  1. A. Watson and Crick
  2. B. Tijo and Levan
  3. C. Ruska and Lorries
  4. D. Barbara McClintock

4. Exact number of human chromosomes was first described in the year:

  1. A. 1947
  2. B. 1950
  3. C. 1953
  4. D. 1956

5. Which of the following was discovered first in human beings:

  1. A. Number of chromosomes
  2. B. Structure of DNA
  3. C. In situ hybridisation
  4. D. Polymerase chain reaction

6. Father of cellular pathology is:

  1. A. Carl Rokitansky
  2. B. Rudolf Virchow
  3. C. G. Morgagni
  4. D. FT Schwann

7. Humans genome consists of following approximate number of

  1. A. 20,000
  2. B. 30,000
  3. C. 50,000
  4. D. 100,000

8. Stem cell research consists of:

  1. A. Human cells grown in vitro
  2. B. Plant cells grown in vitro
  3. C. Cadaver cells grown in vitro
  4. D. Synonymous with PCR

9. Human genome project was completed in:

  1. A. 2001
  2. B. 2002
  3. C. 2003
  4. D. 2004

10. Frozen section is employed for the following purposes except:

  1. A. Fat demonstration
  2. B. Amyloid
  3. C. Rapid diagnosis
  4. D. Enzymes

11. For frozen section, the tissue should be sent to the laboratory as under:

  1. A. In 10% formalin
  2. B. In Carnoy’s fixative
  3. C. In saline
  4. D. Fresh unfixed

12. Usual chromogens used in immunohistochemical staining techniques impart the following colour to indicate positivity:

  1. A. Pink
  2. B. Blue
  3. C. Brown
  4. D. Red

13. Immunohistochemistry is employed for the following purpose:
A. To distinguish neoplastic from non-neoplastic lesion
B. To distinguish benign and malignant lesion
C. To localise the cell of origin of tumour
D. To detect autoantibodies in the serum

Answers key
1) = D, 2) = B, 3) = A, 4) = D, 5) = B, 6) = B, 7) = B, 8) = A, 9) = C, 10) = B, 11) = D, 12) = C, 13) = C