1. The family of Gokhru :
a) Liliaceae
b) Cucurbitaceae
c) Zygophyllaceae
d) Araliaceae
2. The drug used as nerve tonic :
a) Brahmi
b) Mordica
c) Ginseng
d) Senega
3. Borntrager test is used for one of the following drugs:
a) Senna
b) Aloe
c) Digitalis
d) Stropanthus
4. Is Known as father of medicine?
a) Aristotle
b) Dioscorides
c) Hippocrates
d) Galen
5. is not used as cardiotonics
a) Digitalis
b) Cinchona
c) Squill
d) Stropanthus
6. Goldbeater skin test is used for identification of:
a) Alkaloids
b) Glycosides
c) Tannins
c) Resins
7. Tannins show some chemical reaction except:
a) solution of tannins precipitate gelatin.
b) Tannins are precipitated by salt of copper, tin and lead.
c) They show colour reaction with iron.
d) They react with potassium mercuric iodide.
8. Condensed tannins are called as:
a) Hydrolysable tannins
b) Non hydrolysable
c) Pseudotannins
d) Prototannins
9. In the patient with deficiency of vitamin A, which oil capsules you will suggest?
a) Shark liver oil
b) Mustard oil
c) Arachis oil
d) Linseed oil
10. Oil is showing laxative property:
a) Arachis oil
b) Sesame oil
c) Castor oil
d) Corn oil
11. Acid value is defined as:
a) Number of milligram of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize one gram of fat or oil
b) Number of gram of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize one gram of fat or oil
c) Number of Kilogram of potassium hydroxide required to neutralize one gram of fat or oil
d) Number of ml of potassium hydroxide (5N) required to neutralize one gram of fat or oil
12. One of the following is an example of chemical method of evaluation.
A Determination of Volatile Oil Content
B Determination of Refractive Index
C) Detection of Alkaloids
D Observation of Type of Vascular Bundles
13. Liquorice is used in the treatment of :
a) Conjuctivitis
b) Peptic ulcer
c) Allergy
d) Skin disease
14. Rhubarb is cultivated mainly in which state of India:
a) J and K
b) Madhya Pradesh
c) Maharashtra
d) Bengal
15. Rhubarb when treated with alkali, shows red colour due to presence of :
a) Anthroquionoe glycoside
b) Cardiac glycoside
c) sapogenin glycoside
d) Cyanogenic glycoside
16. Shark liver oil is ___________source of drug
A Animal
B Mineral
C Marine
D Plant
17. Name of the scientist who gave the term Pharamcognosy
A. Seydler
B. Charak
C. Sushrut
D. Hippocrates
18. Who is considered as father of surgery?
A Seydler
B Charak
C Sushrut
D Hippocrates
19. The classification system comprising of chemical type of compound and evolution of plant is_______
A Chemical
B Taxonomical
C Chemotaxonomical
D Morphological
20. Ash value indicate
A Presence of silicates, oxalates, phosphates
B Presence of chemical composition of plant
C Presence of different cells and tissues
D Presence of Water
21. All are physical method of evaluation of drugs Except
A Stomatal index
B Ash value
C Extractive value
D Viscosity
22. Detrmination stomatal index is __________type of evaluation
A Alphabetical
B Chemical
C Microscopical
D Morphological
23. To study shape, margin, apex is known as _____ evaluation
A Alphabetical
B Chemical
C Pharmacoloogical
D Morphological
24. Who is considered as father of Indian medicine?
A Seydler
B Charak
C Sushrut
D Hippocrates
25. Seed and fruit drug should be collected when they are
A Fully grown and ripened
B Immature and ripened
C Fully grown and unripe
D Immature and unripe
26. Gentian is used as _____________
A Sweetener
B CNS Stimulant
C Bitter
D Emetic
27. Mustard contains ___________ as isothiocyanate
A Atropine
B Sinigrin
C Digoxin
D Salicylic Acid
28. ………………alkaloid was found spermatogenic
A Vasicine
B Morphine
C Arecholine
D Psorelin
29. The semi solid mass dissolved by boiling a decoction is called
(a) Asava
(b) Aristha
(c) Lehya
(d) None
30. In preparation of Ghrita, if we use mild heating then
the paka obtained is known as
(a) Madhyampaka
(b) Kharpaka
(c) Mrudupaka
(d) None
31. Marine fungus is the source for
(a) Penicillin
(b) Cephaelosporin
(c) Zonarol
(d) Avarol
32. For the formation of shoot which ratio of plant growth regulators is required?
(a) Auxin:cytokinin (1:4)
(b) Auxin:cytokinin (4:1)
(c) Auxin:cytokinin (100:1)
(d) Auxin:cytokinin (1:100)
33. Iodine value for oils and fats is measured as
(a) Iodine present in oils
(b) Extent of unsaturation
(c) Extent of saturation
(d) None of the above
34. Lycopodium spore method is used for
(a) Powdered drugs having well-defined particle size
(b) Single layered cells or tissues
(c) The objects of uniform thickness
(d) All of the above
35. Halphen’s test is used for
(a) Detection of cotton seed oil as an adulterant
(b) Detection of artificial invert sugar
(c) Saponins
(d) Tannins
36. Which of the following causes fruit ripening?
(a) Auxin
(b) Cytokinin
(c) Gibberellins
(d) Ethylene
37. All are plant growth promoters except
(a) Abscisic acid
(b) Auxin
(c) Gibberellin
(d) Cytokinin
38. In which Ayurvedic formulation preservative is not
(a) Lepa
(b) Vatika
(c) Asava
(d) Pisti
39. Which marine drug has a cardiovascular activity?
(a) Spongosine
(b) Anthropleurins
(c) Saxitoxin
(d) Both (a) and (b)
40. Iodine number of fat is determined to know:
(a) Free fatty acid
(b) Average molecular size
(c) Relative unsaturation
(d) All of the above
42. Palisade ratio is
(a) Total number of palisade cells beneath each upper epidermal cell
(b) Total number of palisade cells beneath mesophyll
(c) Average number of palisade cells beneath each upper epidermal cell
(d) None of the above
43. As per IP, 1 gram of shark liver oil should contain not less than
(a) 1000 IU of vitamin A
(b) 3000 IU of vitamin A
(c) 6000 IU of vitamin A
(d) 4000 IU of vitamin A
44. Which of the following is the test for the identification of anthraquinones?
A) The Marquis test
B) The Froehde test
C) The Liebermann-Burchard test
D) The Borntraeger test
45. Hashish is the …….. of Cannabis sativa.
A) gum of the male flowers
B) resin of the female flowers
C) gum of the male and female flowers
D) pressed juice of the leaves
46. Drug is not under the class of organized drug :
a) Leavesb) flowers
c) Fruits
d) Gums
47. ______ is not used as expectorant.
a) Ipecacuanha
b) Vasaka
c) Liquorice
d) atropine
48. Glycosides are condensation products of :
a) Sugar + aglycone
b) Sugar + Protein
c) Protein + aglycone
d) Fats + aglycone
49. Which schedule includes GMP of Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha Medicines?
A) Schedule M1
B) Schedule M2
C) Schedule T
D) Schedule U
50. Which test is used to differentiate Pale Catechu and Black Catechu?
A) Goldbeater’s skin test
B) Matchstick test
C) Gelatin test
D) Gambier fluorescin test
51. Shark liver oil contains
(a) Fatty alcohols
(b) Omega -3 fatty acids
(c) Glycerol
(d) All of the above
52. Shark liver oil helps to treat
(a) Kidney failure
(b) Heart disease
(c) Cancer
(d) Jaundice
53. What are the chemical constituents of aloe?
(a) Amino acids
(b) Enzymes
(c) Minerals
(d) All of the above
54. Aloe is used to treat
(a) Vaginal infection
(b) Allergic reaction
(c) Herpes
(d) All of the above
55. Aloe belongs to which plant family?
(a) Apocynaceae
(b) Liliaceae
(c) Rubiaceae
(d) Solaneacae
56. Leaves of aloe are
(a) Rosette shape
(b) Thick
(c) Fleshy
(d) All of the above
57. Which of the following is an adulterant of aloe?
(a) Malic acid
(b) Glucose
(c) Indigo dye
(d) Both a and b
58. What is the chief chemical constituent of aloe?
(a) Vincristine
(b) Strychnine
(c) Protopine
(d) Emodine
59. Aloe used as an ingredient in the formulation of
(a) Lotion
(b) Beverages
(c) desserts
(d) all of the above
60. What is the botanical name of aloe?
(a) Monarda didyma
(b) Gaillardia aristata
(c) Liatris spicata
(d) Aloe barbadensis miller
61. General tests for the identification of sterol and triterpenoid glycosides in a drug sample
(a) Borntrager’s test
(b) Antimony trichloride test
(c) Tetranitro methane test
(d) Both b and c
62. Salkowaski test used for the identification of which glycoside moiety in a drug sample ?
(a) Sterol glycoside
(b) Anthraquinone glycoside
(c) Cynophoric glycoside
(d) Flavonoid glycoside
(d) 3,5- dinitro benzoic acid test
66. Reagent used in the fluorescence test of coumarin glycoside:
(a) KOH
(b) NaOH
(c) FeCl3
(d) CuSO4
67. Modified borntrager’s test used in the identification of which glycoside?
(a) Cardiac glycoside
(b) Flavonoid glycoside
(c) Saponin glycoside
(d) Anthraquinone glycoside
68. Haemolysis test used in the identification :
(a) Sterol glycoside
(b) Triterpinoid glycoside
(c) Saponin glycoside
(d) All
69. Sodium picrate test used in the identification of which glycoside?
(a) Cynophoric glycoside
(b) Cynogenic glycoside
(c) Saponin glycoside
(d) Anthraquinone glycoside
70. In salkowaski test which colour ring appear at the junction of two liquid mixed?
(a) Yellow
(b) Red
(c) Pink
(d) Both a and b
71. What is the botanical name of rhubarb?
(a) Capsicum annuum
(b) Scabiosa caucasica
(c) Sedum acre
(d) Rheum officinale Bali.
72. What is the biological source of rhubarb?
(a) Leaves
(b) Roots
(c) Rhizomes
(d) Both b and c
73. What are the common adulterants of rhubarb?
(a) Rhaptonic rhubarb
(b) Stock roots of rumex alpines
(c) Crystal violet
(d) Both a and b
74. Anthraquinone is the chemical constituents of which plant?
(a) Black pepper
(b) Terpenes
(c) Ephedra
(d) Rhubarb
75. Rhubarb is used to treat
(a) Chronic eczema
(b) Psoriasis
(c) Trichophytosis
(d) All of the above
76. Chemical constituents of rhubarb are
(a) Starch
(b) Fats
(c) Calcium oxalate
(d) All of the above
77. Rhubarb is consist of which property?
(a) Antiseptic
(b) Purgative
(c) Anti-inflammatory
(d) All of the above
78. what is the length of root of rhubarb?
(a) 8-10 cm
(b) 5 cm
(c) 9 cm
(d) 7 cm
79. What is the botanical name of digitalis?
(a) Digitalis pupurea
(b) Gaillardia aristata
(c) Dicenta spectabilis
(d) Liatris spicata
80. What is the biological source of digitalis?
(a) Seeds
(b) Leaves
(c) Roots
(d) Bark
81. Digitalis belongs to which plant family?
(a) Apocynaceae
(b) Solaniaceae
(c) Scrophulariaceae
(d) Loganiaceae
82. what are the adulterants of digitalis?
(a) Mullein leaves
(b) Comfrey leaves
(c) Primrose leaves
(d) All of the above
83. What is the main property of digitalis?
(a) Antiseptic
(b) Anti-inflammatory
(c) Cardio tonic
(d) All of the above
84. Length of leaves of digitalis is
(a) 20-30 cm
(b) 10-30 cm
(c) 30-40 cm
(d) 10-20 cm
85. What is the main chemical constituent of digitalis?
(a) Verodoxin
(b) Odoroside H
(c) Saponin
(d) Purpurea A and B
86. Digitalis used to treat
(a) Tachycardia
(b) Congestive heart failure
(c) Arterial flutter
(d) All of the above
For B.pharm sem:- 4, 5 Pharmacognosy MCQs with Answers