Use of Herbs and Herbal Dietary Supplements in Dentistry MCQs Question bank
1. Which complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practice is accepted by the American Medical Association (AMA)?
a. Meditation.
b. Herbal remedies.
c. Chiropractic care.
d. Physician sale of supplements.
2. Which percentage of patients seeking complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies do so at the recommendation of a medical professional?
a. 13.2%.
b. 25.8%.
c. 37.5%.
d. 50.1%.
3. Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), dietary supplements are classified as
a. herbs.
b. foods.
c. drugs.
d. chemicals.
4. Which claim is not approved for supplement package labeling by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA)?
a. “Improves memory.”
b. “Reduces signs of aging.”
c. “Cures migraine headaches.”
d. “Enhances the immune system.”
5. Which product was banned by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 2004?
a. Ginkgo biloba.
b. Ephedra sinica.
c. Serenoa repens.
d. Digitalis purpurea.
6. Herbal therapeutic products that are alcohol based are marketed as
a. tinctures.
b. infusions.
c. decoctions.
d. nutraceuticals.
7. Which industrialized nation is the leading regulatory model in regard to the therapeutic actions of herbs?
a. Japan.
b. China.
c. Germany.
d. United States.
8. The most common herbal impact on dental surgery involves which factor?
a. Bleeding.
b. Salivation.
c. Muscle spasms.
d. CNS depression.
9. Which natural mouth rinse ingredients have anaerobic bacteria inhibitory effects, similar to chlorhexidine?
a. Rhatany and sage.
b. Chamomile and myrrh.
c. Echinacea and calendula.
d. Berberine, hydrastine, and canadine.
10. Listerine, a dental product containing natural/herbal ingredients, is approved by the American Dental Association (ADA) for which property?
a. Anticaries.
b. Tooth whitening.
c. Antihypersensitivity.
d. Antiplaque/antigingivitis.