Anticonvulsants MCQs Question Bank
1. Which drug was the first to be used extensively as an anticonvulsant?
a. Phenytoin.
b. Valproic acid.
c. Phenobarbital.
d. Carbamazepine.
2. Phenytoin elicits gingival overgrowth in which percentage of pediatric patients?
a. 50%.
b. 60%.
c. 70%.
d. 80%.
3. Which adverse effect of anticonvulsant drugs is detected by a blood test?
a. Withdrawal.
b. Renal stones.
c. Visual disturbances.
d. Altered liver function.
4. Which anticonvulsant is approved to prevent migraine headaches and treat epilepsy?
a. Phenytoin.
b. Valproic acid.
c. Phenobarbital.
d. Carbamazepine.
5. Most benzodiazepines are used for short durations of drug therapy of epilepsy, because they
a. prevent the spread of the seizure discharge.
b. are effective in the treatment of absence seizures.
c. are characterized by rapid tolerance development.
d. are combined with conventional anticonvulsants for seizure prevention.
6. Which anticonvulsant is not used to treat epilepsy, but prevents or controls pregnancy-related convulsions?
a. Topiramate.
b. Lamotrigine.
c. Levetiracetam.
d. Magnesium salts.
7. Which proportion represents the seizure population that is resistant to treatment?
a. 10%.
b. 20%.
c. 30%.
d. 40%.
8. Which anticonvulsant is also preferred for treating trigeminal neuralgia?
a. Phenytoin.
b. Midazolam.
c. Fosphenytoin.
d. Carbamazepine.
9. Anticonvulsants administered in the dental office setting are usually administered
a. rectally.
b. intrabuccally.
c. intravenously.
d. intramuscularly.
10. Which is NOT a characteristic of a tonic-clonic seizure?
a. Loss of consciousness.
b. Sudden onset, possibly preceded by an aura.
c. Muscle contractions are limited to specific muscles.
d. Air forced through the contracted larynx results in an epileptic cry.