◆ BCS classification is differentiate the drugs on the basis of their solubility and permeability.
◆ Solubility classification is based on U.S.P. aperture.
◆Proposed by:- Amidon (in 1995)
◆ 4 classes of BCS Classification????
Class 1st:- High permeability ,High Solubility
●Eg.:-Paracetamol, Propranolol, Metoprolol , Theophylline, Chloroquine, Diltiazem.
Class 2nd:-High permeability, Low Solubility
●Eg.:-Phenytoin,Nifedipine, Carbamezapine, Danazol, Glibenclaimide, ketoconazole
● IVIVC is usually expected for class II drugs.
Class 3rd:-Low permeability, High Solubility
Eg.:-Cimetidine, Captopril,Atenolol, Ranitidine, Metformin, Acyclovir.
Class 4th:-Low Permeability ,Low Solubility
Eg.:-Chlorothiazide, Furosemide, Taxol, Cyclosporine-A, Ellagic acid, Ritonavir, Saquinavir.
● Drugs of class IV are problematic for effective oral administration
Significance of BCS
◆ Imp. for determine the bioavailability of drugs.
◆reduce cost & time
◆ Applicable in clinical drug development process.
Que 1:- A drug of low water solubility when orally is absorbed up to 90% of the administered dose.
The drug belongs to which class according to BCS classification?
(A) Class IV
(B) Class III
(C) Class II
(D) Class I.