1. The following are safely used in pregnancy
a. Carbamazepine
b. Digoxin
c. Streptomycin
d. MTX
e. PTU
2. Which is safest to give in pregnancy
a. heparin
b. lithium
c. phenytoin
d. ACE inhibitors
e. Gentamicin
3. Regarding drugs in the elderly
a. The dose of lithium should be increased
b. Their phase II biotransformation is much poorer
c. They have increased lean body mass
d. They have higher serum albumin
e. S/E are proportional to the amount of medication
4. Elderly patients
a. respond better to diuretics and β blockers than to ACE inhibitors as anti hypertensive treatment
b. have increase lean body mass
c. all have an age related decline in creatinine clearance
d. have increased serum albumin and α acid glycoprotein
e. are less sensitive to respiratory effects of opioid analgesics
5. In regards to drugs in pregnancy
a. Transfer of drugs across the placenta is independent of its lipid solubility and charge
b. Foetal proteins have a high binding affinity for drugs
c. Pregnant women have a smaller volume of distribution
d. Gastric emptying time is shortened in the first day of life
e. A single intrauterine exposure to a drug can be teratogenic
6. Differences in the pharmacokinetics may occur in neonates because
a. They have a higher glomerular filtration rate in adults
b. Their liver enzyme systems are more active in adults
c. All their renal mechanisms (filtration, secretion and reabsorption) are decreased
compared to adults
d. They have higher gastric acidity and decreased gastric emptying time than adults
e. None of the above
7. Some of the changes in pharmacokinetics in the elderly is due to
a. Increased body water
b. Increased lean body mass
c. Increased cardiac index
d. Increased body fat
e. Increased hepatic blood flow