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Biostatistics and Research Methodology MCQs with Answers

Biostatistics and Research Methodology

1.a : Introduction to Statistics and Biostatistics

1. According to Crexton and Cowden which arrangement of component of statistics is true?
a. Collection of data – Analysis of data – Presentation of data – Interpretation of data
b. Collection of data – Presentation of data – Analysis of data – Interpretation of data
c. Presentation of data – Analysis of data – Interpretation of data – Collection of data
d. Interpretation of data – Collection of data – Presentation of data – Analysis of data
Ans: b

2. Which is not step of Descriptive Statistics?
a. Collecting
b. Organizing
c. Hypothesis testing
d. Presenting Data
e. Summarizing
Ans: c

1.b : Introduction to Statistics and Biostatistics

3. Which is related to Frequency Distribution?
a. Tally Mark
b. Variable
c. Frequency
d. Class Interval
e. All of above
f. Option a and b
g. Option c and d
Ans: e

4. If Class intervals are not given, then it is called as a___________.
a. Discrete Frequency Distribution
b. Continuous Frequency Distribution
c. Grouped Frequency Distribution
d. None of above
Ans: a

5. Types of Class intervals are_____
a. Exclusive
b. Discrete
c. Inclusive
d. Continuous
e. Option a and c
f. Option b and d
g. Option a and b
h. Option c and d
Ans: e

1.c : Graphical Presentation of Frequency Distribution

6. Age and Salary are Continuous variables. True or False?

a. True
b. False
Ans: a

7. Figure indicates which type of Graph?

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a. Line frequency Graph
b. Histogram
c. Frequency polygon
d. Ogive
e. Frequency Curve
Ans: c

8. Figure indicated which type of graph?

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a. Histogram
b. Frequency polygon
c. Ogive
d. Frequency Curve
Ans: c

9. Cumulative Frequency curve also known as_____
a. Histogram
b. Frequency Polygon
c. Grouped Frequency
d. Line frequency curve
e. Ogive
Ans: e

1.d : Measure of Central Tendency

10. Mean is also known as ____
a. Median
b. Mode
c. Average
d. Range
Ans: c

11. Which is Positional central tendency?
a. Arithmetic Mean
b. Geometric Mean
c. Harmonic Mean
d. Median
e. All of above
Ans: d

12. Which is NOT mathematical central tendency?
a. Arithmetic Mean
b. Median
c. Harmonic Mean
d. Geometric Mean
Ans: b

13. Simple arithmetic mean of 2, 8, 7, 3, 4.2, 6.1, 8.2, 7.1, 10, 9 is ________
a. 4.64
b. 7.46
c. 8.64
d. 6.46
Ans: d

14. Which of the following is a equation to derive arithmetic mean in grouped data by short cut method.

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15. Mean for following Data _____

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a. 11.9
b. 25.9
c. 29.5
d. 19.5
Ans: b

16. is the equation for_____

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a. Arithmetic mean by direct method
b. Arithmetic mean by short cut method
c. Arithmetic mean by Step deviation method
d. Arithmetic mean by indirect method
Ans: c

17. If all the weights in weighted arithmetic mean are equal, then the weighted mean is the same as the _____________.
a. Arithmetic mean
b. Geometric mean
c. Median
d. Mode
e. Option a and b
f. Option c and d
Ans: a

1.e: Geometric Mean and Harmonic Mean

18. __________ = ???????????????????????????? [1???? ????????????????????]
a. Harmonic mean
b. Geometric mean
c. Arithmetic mean
d. Weighted arithmetic mean
Ans: b

19. What is Harmonic mean for : 18, 12, 16, 21, 7, 9
a. 11.9
b. 9.1
c. 1.9
d. 12
Ans: a

20. Geometric mean is defined as the nth root of the product of n values. True or False?
a. True
b. False
Ans: a

1.f : Median and Mode

21. Calculate median of the following data gives the height of five student in c.m., 168, 173, 153, 164, 158
a. 153
b. 173
c. 168
d. 164
Ans: d

22. _________ = ???? +(????/2– ????????)/???????? ????
a. Median
b. Mode
c. Harmonic Mean
d. Quartile deviation
e. Standard deviation
Ans: a

23. Find median of daily wages of employees in hospital

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a. 180
b. 185
c. 200
d. None of above
Ans: b

24. Calculate Median for following data

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a. 125.125
b. 100.125
c. 101.125
d. 103.125
Ans: d

25. ________ =

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a. Median
b. Mode
c. Harmonic Mean
d. Quartile deviation
e. Standard deviation
Ans: b

26. Calculate mode for following data

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a. 112.857
b. 110.112
c. 112.112
d. 25
Ans: a

1.g: Types of Measures of Dispersion

27. Which is NOT type of variability?

a. Biological variability
b. Random variability
c. Real variability
d. Experimental variability
Ans: b

28. Which is NOT type of Measure of Dispersion?
a. Mean
b. Range
c. Mean absolute deviation
d. Standard Deviation
e. Quartile Deviation
Ans: a

29. What is the coefficient of range for the given data : 8, 6, 7, 9, 12, 3, 15, 18, 5, 6
a. 6
b. 15
c. 0.714
d. 21
Ans: c

30. Find coefficient of Mean deviation for : 10, 20, 28, 34, 23, 17
a. 0.285
b. 0.287
c. 2.87
d. 8.27
Ans: b

31. The square of standard deviation is called ____________
a. Quartile deviation
b. Mean absolute deviation
c. Range
d. Variance
Ans: d

32. Coefficient of variation also known as ___________
a. Coefficient of Quartile deviation
b. Standard deviation
c. Relative Standard deviation
d. Coefficient of Mean deviation
Ans: c

33. _______ = √(????−????̅)2????
a. Coefficient of Variation
b. Variance
c. Coefficient of Mean deviation
d. Standard deviation
e. Correlation coefficient
Ans: d

34. What is Standard deviation for: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70
a. 20
b. 200
c. 400
d. 40
Ans: a

1.h: Correlation

35. The value of correlation coefficient will very from ____
a. 0 to 1
b. -1 to +1
c. -∞ to +∞
d. -1 to 0
Ans: b

36. If the value of one variable is increase, then value of other variable also increases on an average, then the correlation said to be positive. True or False?
a. True
b. False
Ans: a

37. If the value of one variable decreases, then the value of other variable decreases on an average, then the correlation said to be Negative correlation. True or False?
a. True
b. False
Ans: b

38. The relationship between more than two variables is said to be _________
a. Simple Correlation
b. Random Correlation
c. Parital Correlation
d. Multiple correlation
Ans: d

39. r = 0 indicates…
a. a positive correlation between variables
b. a negative correlation between variables
c. no correlation between variables
d. All of above
Ans: c

40. Figure indicates ______

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a. Perfect positive correlation
b. Perfect negative correlation
c. Positive correlation
d. Negative correlation
e. None of above
Ans: e

41. If the points are widely scattered in a graph, the correlation is said to be _________
a. Highly Negative
b. Negative
c. Zero
d. None of above
Ans: c

42. Equation ???? =????????????√????????2????/2 Stands for ______
a. Spearman’s Rank coefficient of correlation
b. Quartile deviation
c. Karl pearson’s coefficient of correlation
d. coefficient of condurrent deviation.
Ans: c

43. Which is equation for spearman’s rank coefficient of correlation?

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44. Calculate coefficient of concurrent deviation for following data:

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a. 0.1773
b. 5.7735
c. 0.5773
d. None of above
Ans: c

2.a: Regression

45. In regression analysis independent variable is also known as _______
a. Regressor
b. Predictor
c. Explanatory variable
d. All of above
e. None of above
Ans: d

46. The equation for the standard error of the regression (S) is _______

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2.b : Probability

47. What is probability of head when tossing coin one time?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 1.5
d. 0.5
Ans: d

48. What is probability of 3 when throwing dice once.
a. 1/6
b. 2/6
c. 3/6
d. 1
e. None of above
Ans: a

49. In probability theory, two events are said to be mutually exclusive if they cannot occur at the same time or simultaneously. True or False?
a. True
b. False
Ans: True

50. If one event is unaffected by the outcome of another event, the two events are said to be
a. Dependent
b. Independent
c. Mutually exclusive
d. All of the above
e. Both b and c
Ans: b

51. Which is true for Probability of an Event P(E).
a. 0 ≤ P(E) ≤ 1
b. 0 < P(E) ≤ 1
c. 0 ≤ P(E) < 1
d. 0 < P(E) < 1
e. None of above
Ans: a

52. Five coins are thrown simultaneously. Find the chance of getting four heads.
a. 5/64
b. 7/64
c. 1/64
d. None of above
Ans: a

53. Suppose, we have a production process of some item that is manufactured in large quantities. We
find that, in general, the proportion of defective items is p = 0.01, A random sample of l00 items is selected. What is the probability that there are no defective items in this sample?
a. 0.184
b. 0.921
c. 0.368
d. 0.08
Ans: c

54. ????(????) =???????????? −????/????! equation Stands for____
a. Binomial distribution
b. Poisson distribution
c. Normal distribution
d. All of above
Ans: b

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55. For Normal Distribution which statement is false?
a. For Normal distribution, mean = median = mode
b. It is symmetry about the center
c. 50% of values less than the mean and 50% greater than the mean
d. None of above
Ans: d

56. Gaussian distribution is known as _______
a. Normal distribution
b. Binomial distribution
c. Poisson distribution
d. Random distribution
Ans: a

2.c : Sampling

57. Which is NOT Probability sampling technique?
a. Simple random Sampling
b. Stratified random sampling
c. Cluster Random Sampling
d. Quota Sampling
Ans: d

58. Which is NOT Non-Probability sampling technique?
a. Snowball sampling
b. Purposive sampling
c. Cluster Random Sampling
d. Quota Sampling
Ans: c

59. Nonprobability sampling techniques involve random selection. True or False?
a. True
b. False
Ans: b

60. Purposive Sampling techniques is also known as _______
a. Snowball sampling
b. Haphazard sampling
c. Quota sampling
d. Judgmental Sampling
Ans: d