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pharmacyPharmacy Exams

Chemotherapy of Antimicrobial Agents MCQs with answers

Chemotherapy of Antimicrobial Agents

B.Pharmacy- 6th Semester (New PCI Syllabus)

Part:- 1

1. Agent which kills the bacteria completely is called as-
(B) Bactericidal
(C) Fungicidal
(D)All of the above

2. Penicillin was originally obtained from
(A)Penicillium notatum
(B) Penicillium chysogenum
(C) Penicillium
(D)Penicillium staphylum

3. Penicillin is currently obtained from
(A)Penicillium notatum
(B) Penicillium chysogenum
(C) Penicillium
(D)Penicillium staphylum

4. Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in-
(B) 1929
(C) 1930

5. Penicillin G is also known as
(A)Benzyl penicillin
(B) Phenoxymethyl Penicillin
(C) Antipseudomonal penicillin
(D)All are the correct

6. Sulphonamide (Sulfonamide) were introduced by
(A)Domagk 1935
(B) Domagk 1940
(C) Domagk 1945
(D)Domagk 1955

7. Mechanism of action of sulphonamide (Sulfonamide) is
(A)Folic acid synthesis inhibitor
(B) Protein synthesis inhibitor
(C) DNA-Gyrase inhibitor
(D)Topoisomerase IV inhibitors

8. Penicillin is example of
(A)Beta-lactam antibiotics
(B) Sulfonamide and related rugs
(C) Quinolones

9. Which of the following is example of cell wall inhibitors
(B) Cephalosporin
(C) Cycloserine
(D) All of the above

10. Example of acid resistance penicillin
(A)Phenoxymethyl penicillin
(B) Penicillin V
(C) Penicillin G
(D)Both A and B

11. Cephalosporin is obtained from-
(B) Cephalosporin-C
(C) Cephalosporin- D
(D)All of the above

12. Chloramphenicol was initially obtained from
(A)Streptomyces venezuelae in 1947
(B) Streptomyces venezuelae 1948
(C) Streptomyces venezuelae 1950
(D)Streptomyces venezuelae 1960

13. Chloramphenicol mechanism of action is-
(A)Protein synthesis inhibitor
(B) Cell wall inhibitor
(C) DNA- Gyrase inhibitor
(D)Folic acid synthesis inhibitor

14. Which was the first member of macrolides antibiotics
(B) Roxithromycin
(C) Clarithromycin
(D) Azithromycin

15. Erythromycin was obtained from
(A)Streptomyces erythreus
(B) Streptomyces Gyrasium
(C) Streptomyces Monoabicious
(D)None of the above

16. Fluoroquinolones mechanism of action is-
(A)Protein synthesis inhibitor
(B) Topoisomerase- IV Inhibitors
(C) DNA- Gyrase inhibitor
(D)Both B and C

17. Example of Quinolones is
(A)Nalidixic Acid
(B) Penicillin
(C) Ampicillin
(D)All of the above

18. Tetracycline is included in which category
(A)Barrow spectrum
(B) Broad Spectrum
(C) Extended spectrum
(D)Not yet classified

19. How many cyclic rings are present in tetracycline
(B) Two
(C) Three

20. Tetracycline act on
(A)30s ribosomal subunit
(B) 50s ribosomal subunit
(C) Both
(D)None of the above


Part:- 2

21. Tetracycline action is affected by
(B) Iron
(C) Calcium and Sucralfate
(D)All of the above

22. By which of the following process tetracycline is taken up by microorganism
(A)Passive transport
(B) Active Transport
(C) Endocytosis
(D)All of the above

23. Which of the following is ADR of tetracycline if given IV (Except doxycycline and minocycline)
(B) Arrhythmia
(C) Skin irritation
(D)All of the above

24. Which of the following may be adverse reaction related to the chloramphenicol
(A)Bone marrow suppression
(B) Grey baby syndrome
(C) Super infection
(D)All of the above

25. Development of new infection after using antibiotic is termed as
(A)Counter infection
(B) Super infection
(C) Meta infection
(D)Microbial resistance

26. Find the correct statement
(A)Beta lactamase is good for antibiotic activity
(B) Beta lactamase inhibitor is good for antibiotic activity
(C) Both
(D)Beta lactamase has not any relation with antibiotic action

27. Penicillinase resistant penicillin are
(A)Damaged by penicillinase
(B) Prevent them self from hydrolysis
(C) Provide better activity along with beta lactam antibiotics
(D)Both B and C

28. Find the ADR associated with tetracycline
(A)Affect teeth and Bone by chelate formation
(B) Risk of acute hepatic necrosis in pregnant woman
(C) Risk of pseudotumor cerebri in infants
(D)All of the above

29. Which of the following is/are properties of aminoglycoside
(A)Polycationic carbohydrate
(B) Highly water soluble
(C) Excreted unchanged by kidney
(D)All of the above

30. Which of the following is true for aminoglycoside
(A)Loop diuretic should be avoided
(B) Curarimimetic drugs should be avoided
(C) Should not mix any other antibiotic in same syringe
(D)All of the above are correct


  1. B
  2. A
  3. B
  4. A
  5. A
  6. A
  7. A
  8. A
  9. D
  10. D
  11. B
  12. A
  13. A
  14. A
  15. A
  16. D
  17. A
  18. B
  19. D
  20. A
  21. D
  22. B
  23. A
  24. D
  25. B
  26. B
  27. D
  28. D
  29. D
  30. D