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pharmacyPharmacy Exams

Drug & Their Imortant Side Effect


1. Grey Baby Syndrome- Chloramphenicol
2. Pin Point Pupil, Straubb’s syndrome-Morphine
3. Reyes Syndrome– Asprin
4. Urine Coloration– Rifampcin
5. Frontal Headache– Indomethacin
6. Captopril– Persistant dry cough
7. Bleomycin-Pulmonary fibrosis
8. Vancomycin– Red man syndrome
9. Nicotinic acid– Flush
10. Steven Johnsons syndrome– Allopurinol, Sulphonamides, Itraconazole
11. sulphonamides-kernicterus
12. aminoglycosides-ototoxicity
13. Discolouration of teeth-tetracyclines
14. Doxorubucin & duanorubucin– cardiomyopathy.
15. Chloroquine– Cardiotixicity, retinopathy, discolouration of hair
16. Doxycycline– esophageal ulceration
17. Vincristin & Vinblastin– Neuropathy
18).cyclophosphamide– Alopecia, Pancretitis
19. Cimetidine & Spironolactone– Gynaecomastia
20. Jaurisch hexheimer reaction– Penicillin
21. Blue baby syndrome– Amiodarone
22. Nephrotoxicity– Cisplatin
23. Shake and bake syndrome-Amphotericin B
24. S-Thallidomide-Phocomelia
25. Phenytoin-Gingival hyperplasia
26. Valproic acid-curling of hair
27. Carbamazepine-Aplastic anaemia
28. Anticholinergic e-store fever

(GPAT, GATE, Pharmacy, NIPER, Pharmaceutical, Pharmacist, NIPER_JEE, RRB, CGHS, ESIC, DSSSB, BSF, ONGC, ONGC)