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pharmacyTopic wise MCQs

Gastrointestinal Agents MCQs with Answers

1. Inorganic agent used to treat GIT agent
(a) products for altering gastric pH
(b) productives for instinal inflamma-
(c) adsorbents for intestinal toxins.
(d) all of the above

2. The goal of antacid therapy.
(a) ↓ Concentration of acid in gastric
(b) Gastic pH 3.5 and 7
(c) ↑ Concentration of acid
(d) Both (a) and (b)

3. Symptoms of achlohydria.
(a) Mild diarrhoea
(b) Frequent bowel movement

(c) Epigastric pain
(d) All of the above

4. Side effect of antacid therapy.
(a) Acid rebound
(b) Systemic allealopsis
(c) Na content of antacid
(d) All of the above

5. Al(OH)3 gel is used in
(a) dentrifices
(b) radioactivite agent
(c) raptic ulcan
(d) all of the above

6. Calcium contaning antacid differ from aluminium containing antacid
(a) depend upon their basic property
(b) do not have any amphoteric effect
(c) do not cause systemic alkalosis
(d) all of the above

7. Side effect of Ca containing antacid.
(a) Renal failure
(b) Mille allkali syndromes
(c) Hyperphosphatemia
(d) All of the above

8. Stimulant laxative act by
(a) local irritation of intestinal trad
(b) ↑ bulk stimulating peristalsis
(c) ↓ omatic load
(d) all of the above

9. Expectorant are used in treatment of respiratory tract by
(a) ↑ viscosity of bronchial sec
(b) ↓ viscosity of bronchial sec
(c) ↑ amount of refractory tract fluid a
demulcent action is extract
(d) both (b) and (c)

10. Ammonium chloride is used as
(a) expectorant
(b) diuretic
(c) systemic acidifier
(d) all of the above

11. The acid neutralizing capacity of an
antacid plane at least
(a) 5 meq. of HCl per dosage unit
(b) 7 meq. of HCl per dosage unit
(c) 8 meq. of HCl per dosage unit
(d) 10 meq. of HCl per dosage unit

12. Simethicone is
(a) antacid
(b) defoaming agents
(c) astringents
(d) none of the above

13. Dried aluminium hydroxide gel contains
(a) hydrated aluminium oxide
(b) small quantities of basic aluminium
n carbonate and bicarbonate
(c) both (a) and (b)

(d) none of the above

14. Cathartics are the drugs used to
(a) relieve acidity
(b) relieve constipation
(c) reduce gastrointestinal irritations
(d) all of the above

15. Which of the following is an example of inorganic saline expectorant?
(a) Ammonium chloride
(b) Potassium iodide
(c) Antimony potassium tartarate
(d) All of the above

16. The antioxidants action of sodium
metabisulphite is due to
(a) release of sodium ions
(b) release of SO2
(c) release of O2
(d) all of the above

17. Antacid acts by
(a) decreasing the volume of HCl in
(b) neutralizing the gastric HCl
(c) through H/K ATPase pump
(d) all of the above

18. What should be ideal property for an antacid prepration?
(a) It should not be absorbable
(b) Not causes systemic alkalosis
(c) Should buffer in the pH range 4–6
(d) All of the above

19. Antiflatulents are generally included in antacid formulation. They act by
(a) reducing the surface tension of
bubbles in the stomach
(b) avoid absorption of antacid
(c) prevent the formation of HCl
(d) all of the above

20. Saline cathartics should not be given to
(a) patients with cardiovascular
(b) patients with history of convulsions
(c) patients with low sodium diet
(d) patients with muscular disorders

21. Excess use of magnesium sulphate leads to
(a) hypermagnesaemia
(b) gastrointestinal irritations
(c) watery diarrhoea
(d) all of the above

22. Combination of antacid are prepared because
(a) to attain synergestic effect
(b) to enhance antacid effect
(c) an attempt to balance the consti- pative effect of calcium and aluminium with the laxative effect of magnesium
(d) all of the above

23. The major side effect associated with saline cathartics is
(a) excessive loss of body fluids in form
of watery stools
(b) convulsions
(c) cardiac disorder
(d) constipation

24. Burnett syndrome is associated with the prolonged uses of
(a) calcium containing antacids
(b) magnesium containing antacid
(c) aluminium containing antacid
(d) all of the above


  • 1. (d)
  • 2. (d)
  • 3. (d)
  • 4. (d)
  • 5. (d)
  • 6. (d)
  • 7. (d)
  • 8. Local irritation of intestinal tract
  • 9. (d)
  • 10. (d)
  • 11. at least 5 meq of HCl per dosage unit
  • 12. antacid
  • 13. (c)

14. relieve constipation
15. (d) 16. release of SO2
17. neutralizing the gastric HCl content

18. (d)
19. reducing the surface tension of bubbles
in the stomach
20. patients with low sodium diet
21. (d)
22. an attempt to balance the constipative effect of calcium and aluminium with the Laxative effect of magnesium
23. excessive loss of body fluid in the form of watery stools
24. calcium containing antacids

Subject:- Inorganic chemistry

Sem:– first sem, sem 1 Pharmacy

Unit 2 Gastrointestinal Agents MCQs with Answers