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Gene cloning MCQs with Answers


???????? Topic : Gene cloning ????????

1️⃣ Restriction endonuclease enzyme has ability to cut___
A. DNA at random site
B. DNA at specific site
B. Both DNA & RNA from random site
D. None

2️⃣ Plasmid is___
A. Self replicating
B. Single stranded
C. Intra chromosomal
D. All of the above

3️⃣ Insulin is a protein that contains _
A. 3 polypeptide chain
B. 2 polypeptide chain
C. Only 1 polypeptide chain
D. More than 4 polypeptide chain

4️⃣ Restriction enzymes are also called _
A. Molecular scalpel
B. Molecular knives
C. Biological scissors
D. All

5️⃣ The most imp discovery that leads development of rDNA technology is___
A. Double helix model
B. Discovery of restriction endonuclease enzyme
C. Discovery of ligase enzyme
D. Discovery of plasmid

6️⃣ Who discover restriction enzyme ?
A. Nathan , Arber , Smith
B. Watson & Crick
B. Boyer & Cohen
D. Paul berg

7️⃣ The plasmid use by Cohen & Boyer was___
A. pSC 101
B. PUC 17
C. pBR 322
D. E.coli plasmid

8️⃣ A gene produce for rDNA technology contain gene from one organism the regulatory sequence of another gene is calle___
A. Oncho gene
B. Junk gene
C. Chimeric gene
D. None

9️⃣ Molecular stitcher is___
A. Restriction endonuclease
B. Ligase
C. RNA Polymerase
D. DNA Polymerase

???? During recombinant Insulin synthesis , the bond between Insulin polypeptide & galactosidase can be removed using _
A. Cyanogen bromide
B. Chymotrypsin
C. Carboxy peptidase
D. Amylase


1. B ( DNA at specific site )
2. A ( Self replicating )
3. B ( 2 polypeptide chain )
4. C ( Biological scissors )
5. B ( Discovery of restriction endonuclease enzyme )
6. A ( Nathan , Arber , Smith )
7. A ( pSC 101 )
8. C ( Chimeric gene )
9. B ( Ligase )
10. C ( Carboxy peptidase )