Remix education
pharmacystudy material

Heterocyclic:- Hand written notes


  • Heterocyclic compounds:
    Nomenclature and classification Synthesis,
    reactions and medicinal uses of following compounds/derivatives
    Relative aromaticity and reactivity of Pyrrole,
    Furan and Thiophene
  • What is Heterocyclic compounds
    What is Heterocyclic.
    Synthesis, reactions and medicinal uses of following compounds/derivatives
    Pyrazole, Imidazole, Oxazole and Thiazole.
    Pyridine, Quinoline, Isoquinoline, Acridine and Indole. Basicity of pyridine
    Synthesis and medicinal uses of Pyrimidine, Purine, azepines and their derivatives
  • Reaction, preparation, mechanism, comments
  • Subject:- Organic chemistry 3
  • Course:- B.pharm (pharmacy), D.pharm
  • Semester:- 4th sem , sem :- 4