Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 Notes NO. Chapter Publish By Click link 1. Human anatomy and physiology (unit:- 1) DuloMix Click Hear 2. Human anatomy...
Hand Written Notes Of Social Preventive Pharmacy No. Topics Publish By Click Link 1. Social Preventive Pharmacy (Unit:- 1) Notes DuloMix Click Hear 2. Social...
Hand Written Notes Of Biostatistics and Research Methodology No. Topics Publish By Click Link 1. Biostatistics and Research Methodology (Unit:- 1) DuloMix Click Hear 2....
Antifungal agents ( Classification, uses, side effects, MOA ) Anti HIV agent ( Classification, uses, side effects ) Synthesis of Acyclovir Approaches in drug design...
Description NOVEL DRUG DELIEVERY SYSTEM (BP704T)IMP QUESTIONSB-PHARMACY 7th SEMESTER1). Explain the concept of controlled release system and its design. Explain thephysiological and biological properties of...
Description INDUSTRIAL PHARMACY II (BP702T)IMP QUESTIONSB-PHARMACY 7th SEMESTER1). What is Pilot plant scale up techniques? Write its objectives and importance.2). Write a note on SUPAC...
Description Medicinal Chemistry II (BP501TT)IMP QUESTIONSB-PHARMACY 5th SEMESTER1). Discuss in detail about proton pump inhibitors along with its mechanism of action.2). Short note on H2...
a) Budget preparation and implementationBudget preparation and implementation Budget preparation and implementation Hand made Notes Budget preparation and implementation Hand made Notes Budget preparation and...
Pharmacy and therapeutic committeeOrganization, functions, Policies of the pharmacy and therapeutic committee inincluding drugs into formulary, inpatient and outpatient prescription, automaticstop order, and emergency drug...
e) Patient medication history interviewNeed for the patient medication history interview, medication interview forms.f) Community pharmacy managementFinancial, materials, staff, and infrastructure requirements....
a) Drug distribution system in a hospital Dispensing of drugs to inpatients, types of drug distribution systems, chargingpolicy and labelling, Dispensing of drugs to ambulatory...