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Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 Notes / MCQs / PPT / PDF

Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 Unit 1 Notes

UnitUnit Topic ListDownload Link
1Introduction to Human Body: Definition and Scope of Anatomy and PhysiologyClick Here
1Levels of Structural Organization and Body SystemsClick Here
1Basic Life Processes, Homeostasis, and Basic Anatomical TerminologyClick Here
1Cellular Level of Organization: Structure and Functions of CellClick Here
1Transport Across Cell MembraneClick Here
1Cell Division and Cell JunctionsClick Here
1General Principles of Cell Communication and Intracellular Signaling Pathway ActivationClick Here
1Forms of Intracellular Signaling: Contact-Dependent, Paracrine, Synaptic, EndocrineClick Here
1Tissue Level of Organization: Classification of TissuesClick Here
1Structure, Location, and Functions of Epithelial, Muscular, Nervous, and Connective TissuesClick Here

Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 Unit 2 Notes

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2Integumentary System: Structure and Functions of SkinClick Here
2Skeletal System: Divisions of Skeletal System, Types of BoneClick Here
2Salient Features and Functions of Bones of Axial and Appendicular Skeletal SystemClick Here
2Organization of Skeletal MuscleClick Here
2Physiology of Muscle ContractionClick Here
2Neuromuscular JunctionClick Here
2Joints: Structural and Functional ClassificationClick Here
2Types of Joints Movements and Its ArticulationClick Here

Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 Unit 3 Notes

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3Body Fluids and Blood: Composition and Functions of BloodClick Here
3Hemopoiesis, Formation of Hemoglobin, AnemiaClick Here
3Mechanisms of CoagulationClick Here
3Blood Grouping, Rh Factors, Transfusion, Its Significance and Disorders of BloodClick Here
3Reticuloendothelial SystemClick Here
3Lymphatic System: Lymphatic Organs and TissuesClick Here
3Lymphatic Vessels, Lymph Circulation, and Functions of Lymphatic SystemClick Here

Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 Unit 4 Notes

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4Peripheral Nervous System: Classification of Peripheral Nervous SystemClick Here
4Structure and Functions of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous SystemClick Here
4Origin and Functions of Spinal and Cranial NervesClick Here
4Special Senses: Structure and Functions of EyeClick Here
4Special Senses: Structure and Functions of EarClick Here
4Special Senses: Structure and Functions of NoseClick Here
4Special Senses: Structure and Functions of TongueClick Here
4Disorders of Special Senses (Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue)Click Here

Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 Unit 4 Notes

Sr NoUnit Topic ListDownload Link
4Peripheral Nervous System: Classification of Peripheral Nervous SystemClick Here
4Structure and Functions of Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous SystemClick Here
4Origin and Functions of Spinal and Cranial NervesClick Here
4Special Senses: Structure and Functions of EyeClick Here
4Special Senses: Structure and Functions of EarClick Here
4Special Senses: Structure and Functions of NoseClick Here
4Special Senses: Structure and Functions of TongueClick Here
4Disorders of Special Senses (Eye, Ear, Nose, Tongue)Click Here

Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 Unit 5 Notes

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5Cardiovascular System: Anatomy of HeartClick Here
5Blood Circulation and Blood VesselsClick Here
5Structure and Functions of Arteries, Veins, and CapillariesClick Here
5Elements of Conduction System of Heart and Heartbeat Regulation by Autonomic Nervous SystemClick Here
5Cardiac Output and Cardiac CycleClick Here
5Regulation of Blood Pressure and PulseClick Here
5Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Disorders of HeartClick Here