List of Important questions for Sem-V Pharmacology (GTU exam):
Questions (Sem-V):
1. Classify drugs used in heart failure.
2. Write a note on digitalis and describe the symptoms & treatment of digitalis toxicity.
3. Classify drugs used in hypertension.
4. Write a note on ACE inhibitors.
5. Write a note on CCB.
6. Write a note on beta blockers.
7. Classify antianginal drugs and write a note on Nitrates.
8. Classify antiarrhythmic drugs.
9. Classify antihyperlipidemic agents and write a note on statins.
10. Explain the mechanism of action of bile acid sequesterants, Ezetimibe, Fenofibrate, Alirocumab and Niacin.
11. Write a note on hematinics.
12. Classify anticoagulants. Differentiate the heparin with warfarin.
13. Write a note on Alteplase.
14. Classify antiplatelet drugs. Write a note on clopidogrel.
15. Write a note on plasma expanders.
16. Classify diuretics. Write a note on thiazide diuretics.
17. Write a note on loop diuretics & potassium sparing diuretics.
18. What is autocoid? Explain synthesis, storage, release, metabolism & physiological actions of histamine.
19. Write a note on pathological role of serotonin (5-HT).
20. Describe the synthesis and actions of prostaglandins.
21. Classify NSAIDs.
22. Write a note on Aspirin and Paracetamol.
23. Write a note on Anti-GOUT agents.
24. Classify Antirheumatoid drugs and write a note on Methotrexate.
25. Write a note on hGH. Enlist the GH inhibitors and explain its functions.
26. Classify antithyroid agents and write a note on thyroid peroxidase inhibitors.
27. Write a note on calcium balance.
28. Explain the mechanism of action of Insulin and enlist their different preparation.
29. Classify oral hypoglycemic agents. Write a note on Insulin secretogauge.
30. Write a note on metformin and DPP-4 inhibitors.
31. Explain the pharmacological actions of corticosteroids.
32. Write a note on SERM (selective estrogen receptor modulator).
33. Write a note on oral contraceptives.
34. Write a note on tocolytics & oxytocics.
35. Explain the principle, types and applications of bioassay.
36. Describe the bioassay of insulin.