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Introduction to Autonomic Nervous System Drugs MCQs

Introduction to Autonomic Nervous System Drugs

1. Which is innervated by both the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system?
a. Lungs.
b. Sweat glands.
c. Blood vessels.
d. Adrenal medulla.

2. Which consists of a predominately one-to-one ratio between preganglionic and postganglionic nerves?
a. Central nervous system.
b. Somatic nervous system.
c. Sympathetic nervous system.
d. Parasympathetic nervous system.

3. Which is the primary neurotransmitter at neuroeffector sites in the parasympathetic nervous system?
a. Dopamine.
b. Epinephrine.
c. Acetylcholine.
d. Norepinephrine.

4. Which procurement of intracellular norepinephrine is stored in granulated vesicles?
a. 5% to 10%.
b. 25% to 30%.
c. 70% to 75%.
d. 90% to 95%.

5. Which enzyme facilitates the breakdown of a specific neurotransmitter into choline and acetate?
a. Monoamine oxidase.
b. Acetylcholinesterase.
c. Catechol-O-methyltransferase.
d. Phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase.

6. Which condition can be treated by targeting dopamine receptors in the periphery?
a. Diabetes.
b. Whooping cough.
c. Cardiogenic shock.
d. Skeletal muscle pain.

7. Neuromodulators, called purines, regulate the release of which neurotransmitter?
a. Dopamine.
b. Epinephrine.
c. Acetylcholine.
d. Norepinephrine.

8. The use of benzodiazepines in oral surgery effectively
a. reduces the sympathetic response.
b. increases the sympathetic response.
c. reduces the parasympathetic response.
d. increases the parasympathetic response.