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pharmacystudy material

Medicinal chemistry 2 GTU IMP/ Commen Question


1.Antihistaminic agents:
WINTER -2019
   1. Write a note on proton pump inhibitors.
   2. What is antihistamine? How do they act? Classify them with examples. 06
   3. (b) Write a note on HMG Co - A reductase inhibitor. 05
   4. (c) Write a note on H2-antagonists.
   5. Write detail classification and short mechanism of action of anticancer agents
SUMMER -2020
   1. Enlist various histamine receptors. Discuss neurochemistry of histamine.
   2. Give the synthesis of Promethazine hydrochloride and diphenhydramine hydrochloride.
   3. Write a note on Gastric Proton pump inhibitors.
   4. Write a note on the natural products used as antineoplastic agents.
   5. Classify antineoplastic alkylating agents with relevant examples.
   6. Write a brief note on H2-antagonists.
   1. Enlist various histamine receptors. Discuss neurochemistry of histamine.
   2. Discuss in detail about proton pump inhibitors along with its mechanism of action.
   3. Short note on H2 receptor antagonist.
   1. What is antihistamine? Classify H1-antagonist in detail.
   2. Write a short note on proton pump inhibitors.
   3. What are antineoplastic agents? Explain alkylating agent in detail.
   4. Write a note on antimetabolites.
   5. Give structure, uses and synthesis of methotrexate.
   6. Write a note on the H2 receptor antagonist.

2. Anti-anginal: 2.1. Anti-hypertensive Agents: 2.3.Diuretics
WINTER -2019
    1. Write a note on potassium sparing diuretics and thiazide diuretics.
    2. Define and Classify Antihypertensive agents with examples.
SUMMER -2020
    1. Write a note on Nitroglycerin as a Vasodilator.
    2. Classify Diuretics with one structure in each class. Write mechanism of action,
        uses and side effects of Acetazolamide.
    3. Write informative note on Anti-hypertensive agents and give the synthesis of
        Methyldopate hydrochloride.
    1. What do you mean by Diuretics? Classify and give the synthesis of Furosemide.
    2. Define and classify Antianginal agents with the synthesis of Isosorbide dinitrate.
    3. Define antihypertensive agents with its classification and write a
        note on calcium channel blockers.
  1. Classify antihypertensive agents. Give at least one structure from each class.
  2. (b) Write a short note on anti-anginal agents.
  3. What are diuretics? Explain in detail about loop diuretics.
  4. Write a note on ACE inhibitors.

3. Anti-arrhythmic Drugs: 3.2 Anti-hyperlipidemic agents:
3.3 Coagulant & Anticoagulants: 3.4 Drugs used in Congestive Heart Failure:

WINTER -2019
   1. Define and classify Antiarrhythmic drugs. Explain mode of action in each class.
   2. Discuss coagulants and anticoagulants.
   3. Write a note on drugs used in congestive heart failure.
SUMMER -2020
   1. Classify Antiarrhythmic agents with one structure in each class. Write synthesis
      of Disopyramide phosphate. 06
   2. (b) Write short notes on heparin as anticoagulant and give the synthesis of
   3. Write a note on Drugs used in Congestive Heart Failure.
   1. Short note on Antiarithmetic agents 06
   2. (b) Write short notes on coagulants and anticoagulants.
   3. Discuss the various factors which are affecting on blood coagulation and write
      a note on Warfarin.
   1. Classify antiarrhythmic agents. Give synthesis of disopyramide phosphate.
   2. Write a note on anti-hyperlipidemic agents.
   3. Explain the chemistry of cardiotonic.
   4. Explain briefly coagulant and anticoagulant agents.

4. Drugs acting on Endocrine system
WINTER -2019
    1. Write a note on nomenclature and stereochemistry of steroids.
    2. Give a detailed note on thyroid hormones and write a note on anti-thyroid drugs.
    3. Give a detailed note on oral contraceptives.
    4. Write a short note on corticosteroids.
SUMMER -2020
    1. Explain in detail the nomenclature and stereochemistry of steroidal compounds.
    2. Write informative note on Sex hormones.
    3. Write a note on Antithyroid agents.
    4. Write a note on Oral contraceptives.
   1. Short note on oral contraceptives.
   2. Write short notes on stereochemistry of steroids. 06
   3. (b) Short note on testosterone. 05
   4. (c) Give a detailed account on various corticosteroids.
   5. Write a note on antithyroid drugs.
   1. Explain in detail about nomenclature and stereochemistry of steroids.
   2. Write a short note on drugs used for erectile dysfunction.
   3. Explain about antithyroid agents.

5. Antidiabetic agents:
WINTER -2019
    1. Define and classify oral hypoglycemic agents.
    2. Explain the SAR of local anesthetic agents.
    3. Explain types of diabetes and write a note on various insulin preparations.
    1. Give Synthesis of (i) Diphenhydramine hydrochloride (ii) Furosemide
    2. Give Synthesis of (i) Cimetidine (ii) Tolbutamide
    3. Give structure and uses of (i) Diltiazem (ii) Verapamil (iii) Clofibrate
    4. Write a short note on ACE inhibitors.
SUMMER -2020
    1. Write a note on Anti-hyperlipidemic agents.
    2. Define and classify Antidiabetic agents. Give the synthesis of Procaine.
    3. Discuss the SAR of Local anesthetics.
    1. Give the synthesis the following: (Any two)
        (i) Isosorbide dinitrate (ii) Chlorothiazide (iii) Furosemide.
    2. Give the synthesis and uses of the following: (Any two)
        (i) Tolbutamide (ii) Benzocaine (iii) Dibucaine.
    1. SAR of local anaesthetic.
    2. What is Diabetes? Classify antidiabetics with examples and give their
        mechanism of action.
    1. Write synthesis of following
        i) i) Promethazine hydrochloride ii) Cimetidine
    2. Write Synthesis of following
        i) Nitroglycerin ii) Methyldopa
    3. Write Synthesis of following
        i) Tolbutamide ii) Benzocaine
    4. Write Synthesis of following
        i) Chlorothiazide ii) Acetazolamide
    5. What is obesity? Write a note on anti obesity drugs.
  1. What is type II diabetes? Classify anti-diabetic agents in detail.
  2. Explain the SAR of local anesthetics.
  1. Outline the synthesis of a) Diphenhydramine b) Cimetidine
  2. Outline the synthesis of a) tolbutamide b) benzocaine.