Remix education

Organic chemistry:- 2 practical 11 to 13


Practical:- 11 and 13

Practical:- 11(A)
Aim:- Standardization of 0.1 potassium hydroxide.

Practical:- 11 (B)
Aim:- Determination of acid value of oils.

Practical:- 12 (A)
Aim:- Standardization of 0.5N ethandic potassium hydroxide.

Practical:- 12 (B)
Aim:– Determination of saponifiction value of oils.

Practical:- 13 (A)
Aim:- Standardization of 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate.

Practical:- 13 (B)
Aim:- Determination of iodine value of oils.

Also includes

Aim, requirements, reagents, prepration of reagents, procedure, factors , results , calculation