Pharmaceutical Analysis- II
Third Y. B. Pharmacy (Semester-VI)
Q No. 1) It is defined as the number of times electrical field radiation oscillates in one
a) Frequency
b) Wavelength
c) Absorption
d) all of above
Q No. 2) What is red shift
a) The shifting of an absorbance to shorter wavelength
b) Shifting of an absorption towards the blue end of spectrum
c) The shifting of an absorption to higher energy
d) The shifting of an absorption to Lower energy
Q No. 3) Select the wavelength range corresponding to UV-visible region.
a) 400-800 nm
b) 200-800 nm
c) 25 μm-2.5 μm
d) 2.5 μm – 1mm
Q No. 4) In UV visible Spectroscopy the highest energy required for transition of
a) n → σ*
b) σ → σ *
c) n → π*
d) π → π
Q No. 5) Grating is a device used in the spectrophotometer to function as
a) a light source
b) monochromator
c) a detector
d) a nebulize
Q No. 6) Beer’s law states that the intensity of light decreases with respect to
a) Concentration
b) Distance
c) Composition
d) Volume
Q No. 7) Bathchromic shift involves.
a) Increase in intensity of absorption
b) Decrease in intensity of absorption
c) Increase in wavelength of maxima absorption
d) Decrease in wavelength of maxima absorption
Q No. 8) The transition from excited state to ground state is called.
a) Excitation
b) Absorption
c) Relaxation
d) Scatterin
Q No. 9) Mercury lamp is used as radiation source in which technique?
a) Colorimetry
b) Flourimetry
c) UV visible spectroscopy
d) IR
Q No. 10) Most widely used detector in UV spectroscopy
a) Bolometer
b) Photomultiplier tube
c) Photoemissive cell
d) Pyroelectric detector
Q No. 11) The most widely used detector in spectrofluorometer is——–
a) Barrier layer
b) Golay detector
c) Bolometer
d) PMT
Q No. 12) Phosphorescence mainly results from
a) Internal conversion
b) Vibrational relaxation
c) Intersystem crossing
d) All of the above
Q No. 13) Angle between source and detector in flourimeter is
a) 90°
b) 45°
c) 180°
d) 60°
Q No. 14) Fluorescence is due to which transition?
a) n – π*
b) π – π*
c) σ – σ*
d) n – σ*
Q No. 15) Which of the following factors cause fluorescence quenching?
P) Increasing in Viscosity
Q) Decrease in Viscosity
R)Change in pH
S)Lowering of Temperture
a) P,R
b) Q,S
c) P,S
d) Q,R
Q No. 16) In Flame emission photometers, the measurement of _____________ is used for
qualitative analysis.
a) Colour
b) Intensity
c) Velocity
Q No. 17) Choose correct sequence of flame photometry ?
a) Sample residue → excited state atoms → Return in ground state → Emission of radiation
b) Sample residue → ground state → excited state → Emission of radiation
c) Emission of radiation → excited state →ground state → Sample residue
d) sample residue → ground state → excited state → emission of radiation
Q No. 18) Which of the following is not a fuel used in flame photometry?
a) Acetylene
b) Propane
c) Hydrogen
d) Camphor oil
Q No. 19) The process undergo by the analyte in flame photometry is
a) Evaporation
b) Nebulization
c) Condensation
d) Precipitation
Q No. 20) Emission of radiation is measured by ______ method.
a) Raman spectroscopy
b) Flame photometry
c) UV Visible Spectroscopy
d) Calorimetry
Q No. 21) Atomic Absorption spectroscopy also called as——–.
a) Flame emission spectroscopy
b) Flame Spectroscopy
c) flame absorption spectroscopy
d) flame diffraction spectroscopy
Q No. 22) In Atomic absorption Spectroscopy the most strongly absorbed light is called as——.
a) resonance line
b) base line
c) stokes lines
d) antistokes lines
Q No. 23) Background interferences can be eliminated by
a) Continuum source
b) Zeeman effect
c) self reversal
d) All of the above
Q No. 24) Which of the following is used as a source in Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy?
a) Tungsten halogen lamp
b) Hollow cathode lamp
c) Xenon arc
d) Globar
Q No. 25) The gas used in hollow cathod lamp is——-
a) Argon
b) Helium
c) Nitrogen
d) Hydrogen
Q No. 26) Which of the following is not a thermal detector that used in IR spectroscopy?
a) Thermocouple
b) Photoconductive detector
c) Bolometer
d) Golay pneumatic detector
Q No. 27) IR spectroscopy generally used to determine
a) Molecular structure
b) Functional group
c) Number of protons
d) All of the above
Q No. 28) Bending vibrations include all following except.
a) Rocking
b) Stretching
c) Twisting
d) Wagging
Q No. 29) CO2 not identified by IR spectroscopy it’s due to
a) CO2 has no dipole moment although C=O is polar
b) CO2 has no dipole moment since C=O is non-polar
c) Optical activity of the system
d) Both a and b
Q No. 30) Normally graph plotted in IR spectroscopy?
a) % T vs frequency
b) % T vs wave number
c) Absorbance vs wave number
d) Absorbance vs wavelength
Q No. 31) The solvent not used in IR spectroscopy is
a) Chloroform
b) Carbon tetra chloride
c) Carbon disulfite
d) Water
Q No. 32) What is the wavelength of mid-IR?
a) 800–2500 nm
b) 2500–4000 nm
c) 4000–25000 nm
d) 25000–50000 nm
Q No. 33) What is the normal range of fingerprint region in IR?
a) 8000–4000 cm–1
b) 4000–1500 cm–1
c) 1500–500 cm–1
d) 4000–500 cm
Q No. 34) The most commonly used mulling reagent in IR is
a) CHCl3
b) Nujol
c) Hexachlorobutadienc
d) Chlorofluoro carbon oil
Q No. 35) Basic principle underlying FT-IR is?
a) Polarization
b) Diffraction
c) Refraction
d) Interference
Q No. 36) In IR spectra, alkene have C=C stretching at
a) 1280–1220 cml–1
b) 1360–1300 cm–1
c) 1680–1620 cm–1
d) 2180–2150 cm–1
Q No. 37) In IR Spectroscopy Globar sources is made of
a) Earth oxide Zirconia
b) Mercury
c) Silicon dioxide
d) Silicon carbide
Q No. 38) —————- is used to determine potential deference between indicatior electrode and
reference electrode.
a) Conductometry
b) Potentiometer
c) Polarography
d) Voltametry
Q No. 39) The ————- represent a defined electrical connection between the measured medium
and the pH meter
a) Indicator electrode
b) Reference electrode
c) Polarizable electrode
d) Calomel electrode
Q No. 40) In acid base titration ————– electrode is used as indicator electrode.
a) Glass
b) Mercury
c) Silver
d) Platinum
Q No. 41) ————– is reciprocal of the the resistence.
a) pH
b) Conductance
c) Current
d) Both (a) and (b)
Q No. 42) Conductometric titrations have been used in the study of formulae of complex compounds is known as
a) Precipitation titration
b) Conductometric titration
c) Complexometric titration
d) Redox tiration
Q No. 43) The ratio of cell constant and resistance in conductometric titration is known as
a) Specific conductance
b) Standard potential
c) EMF
d) Standard potential
Q No. 44) What will be the unit of molecular conductance ?
a) Ω-cm
b) Ω-1cm-1
c) Ω-1cm2mol-1
d) Mho
Q No. 45) In polarography apparatus ________________ is generated.
a) Polarogram
b) Polarograph
c) Polarometer
d) Polaroscope
Q No. 46) The reference electrode in potentiometry is ________
a) Dropping mercury electrode
b) Saturated calomel electrode
c) Platinum electrode
d) Glass electrode
Q No. 47) Which equation is used for quantification of a substance by Polarography?
a) Ilkovic equation
b) Vandeemter
c) Langmuir equation
d) Hilderband Scott equation
Q No. 48) Which of the following techniques is based on Tyndall effect?
a) Turbidimetry
b) Nephelometry
c) Raman spectroscopy
d) All of the above
Q No. 49) Angle between source and detector in nephalometer is
a) 75°
b) 90°
c) 45°
d) 180°
Q No. 50) Turbidimetry analysis is perfered when sample solution is in
a) High Conc
b) Low Conc
c) Both High and Low
d) None
Q No. 51) Principle of paper chromatography is
a) Adsorption
b) Partition
c) Ion exchange
d) Affinity
Q No. 52) In chromatography capacity factor related to
a) The migration rate of solute
b) Resolution
c) Polarity of solvent
d) Number of theoretical plate
Q No. 53) Chromatography is used to separate
a) Solution
b) Mixture
c) Atoms
d) Molecules
Q No. 54) The type of stationary phase in paper chromatography are
a) Aqueous system
b) Hydrophilic system
c) Hydrophobic system
d) All of above
Q No. 55) Derivatizing agent for TLC of lipid compound is
a) Antimony trichloride
b) Bromothymol blue
c) Ninhydrin
d) Diphenyl carbazone
Q No. 56) In TLC Kiesleguhr material ________ is used as coating material
a) Acidic nature
b) Alkaline nature
c) Neutral nature
d) Amphoteric nature
Q No. 57) Column chromatography is often used for ——— application.
a) Preservative
b) API
c) Water
d) All
Q No. 58) Common name of Rf value is
a) Retention factor
b) Retardation factor
c) Revolution factor
d) All of theses
Q No. 59) TLC is based on Principal of
a) Adsorpation
b) Partition
c) Size Exclusion
d) Ion exchange
Q No. 60) Devolement of paper chromatgraphy is carried out by ——
a) Ascending
b) Descending
c) Both a and b
d) None of these