Q.1 Calculate the λmax of the given structure.
a) 250
b) 320
c) 348
d) 387
Q.2 what will be the effect of hydrogen bonding on vibrational frequency in I.R spectra?
a) Increase the wave number
b) Decrease the wave number
c) Decrease the wave length
d) Does not affect the wavelength
Q.3 In I.R. bending vibrations (Deformations), the movement of atoms takes place in the same direction is known as
a) Scissoring
b) Rocking
c) Wagging
d) Twisting
Q.4 which one of the following factors does not affect the chemical shift?
a) Inductive effect
b) Anisotropic effect
c) Concentration
d) Hydrogen bonding
Q.5 Bathochromic shift is also known as
a) Hypochromic shift
b) Hyper chromic shift
c) Red shift
d) Hypsochromic shift
Q.6 which one of the following drugs is assayed by dissolving in glacial acetic acid and titrated with standard perchloric acid using orcet blue as indicator
a) Paracetamol IP
b) Salbutamol sulphate IP
c) Isoniazid IP
d) Aspirin IP
Q.7 one of these detectors is not used in gas chromatography
a) Flame Ionization
b) Thermal conductivity
c) Golay
d) Electron capture
Q.8 Nuclear magnetic movement is shown by
a) 12C
b) 16O
c) 32S
d) 15N
Q.9 which types of radiation has the wavelength between 2.5-50 μm in electromagnetic Spectrum?
a) UV light
b) Near IR
c) Mid-IR
d) Far IR
Q.10 Free radical substances showing paramagnetism due to the magnetic movement of unpaired electron, which spectroscopy is applied for its determination?
a) NMR
b) ESR
c) IR
d) PMR
Q.11 Conductance cells for conductivity measurements can be made from one of the Following metal
a) Potassium
b) Sodium
c) Platinum
d) Stainless Steel
Q.12 The Scientists were awarded Noble Prize in Physics for Phenomenon of NMR
a) Henery and Moseley
b) Flix Bloch and Edward M. Purcell
c) Beer and Lambert
d) Frederic William Herschel
Q.13 Absorption band originates due to n-π* transition of a single chromophoric group is
A) K-band
b) B-band
c) E-band
d) R-band
Q.14 what will be the wave number of infrared light of wavelength 10 μm?
A) 100 cm-1
B) 1000 cm-1
c) 104 cm-1
d) 105 cm-1
Q.15 A detector woks on the principle that if wires of two dissimilar metals are joined head to tail, then a difference in temperature between both causes a current to flow
a) Bolometer
b) Photovoltaic
c) Thermocouple
d) Pneumatic
Q.16 Calculate the molar absorptivity, ε, for a solution containing 1.0 mmol dm-3 (1.0 × 10-3 mole per liter) of solute, when the absorbance of 1cm cell was 1.5
a) 1200
b) 1500
c) 900
d) 5000
Q.17 Mass-Mass spectrometer also known as
a) Double focusing
b) Electrospray desorption
c) Tandem
d) Quadrupol
Q.18 If Molecular weight of parent ion is 77 and further it breaks in metastable ion and daughter ion of molecular weight 51. Then calculate metastable ion.
a) 48.2
b) 33.4
c) 63.2
d) 48
Q.19 if analytical work has to be carried out in UV region, cuvette must be made up of
a) Gelatin
b) Glass
C) Plastic
d) Quartz
Q.20 the source of radiation used in I.R. spectroscopy
a) Nernst glower
b) Sodium lamp
c) Deuterium lamp
d) Tungsten lamp
Q.21 Reduction in the intensity of fluorescence is called as
a) Suppression
b) Depression
c) Sedation
d) Quenching
Q.22 In TLC plates, which one spraying agent is used for alkaloid sample?
a) 2, 4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine
b) Mercuric nitrate
c) Antimony trichloride
d) Aniline phthalate
Q.23 The transition between a triplet excited state and singlet excited state is known as
a) Allowed
b) Forbidden
c) Both
d) None of these
Q.24 The time from point of injection of sample to the time of elution of separated Component from the column is known as
a) Retention time
b) Retardation time
c) Separation time
d) Mean time
Q.25 Silver-silver chloride reference electrode is made up of
a) Copper wire coated with copper chloride
b) Sodium wire coated with sod. Chloride
c) Mercury with calomel
d) Silver wire coated with silver chloride
Q.26 In polarography any change in diffusion current is denoted by
a) Ilkovic equation
b) Nernst Equation
c) Arrhenius equation
d) Stock equation
Q.27 In acid base titration which electrode is used as indicator electrode.
a) Platinum
b) Glass
c) Mercury
d) Silver
Q.28 ………is used as supporting material in column in size exclusion chromatography.
a) ODS
b) TMS
c) Agarose
d) None of these
Q.29 Sulpha drugs are assayed by diazotization method, the titrant is used
a) Sodium nitrate
b) Sodium nitrite
c) Silver nitrite
d) Silver nitrate
Q.30 Captopril IP is assayed by titration
a) Against 0.1N sodium hydroxide using phenolphthalein indicator
b) Of a solution in dimethyl- formamide with 0.1M of tetrabutyl ammonium hydroxide.
c) Of a solution in anhydrous formic acid and acetic anhydride with 0.1N perchloric acid
d) of a solution containing 1.8M sulphuric acid and potassium iodide with 0.025M potassium iodate using starch solution.
Q.31 Platinum foil is coated with platinum black in which type of electrode?
a) Hydrogen
b) Glass
c) Mercury
d) Silver
Q.32 The equation θ = Sin-1(nλ ∕2d) is known as
a) Nernst equation
b) Iikovic equation
c) Bragg’s equation
d) Arrhenius equation
Q.33 the angle between the direction of the incident beam and that of diffracted Beam is
a) θ
b) 2 θ
c) 3 θ
d) 4 θ
Q.34 The wave number 3000-3100 cm-1 is characteristic for the band
A) –C=O
b) –O-H
c) –C-H (aromatic)
d) –C≡ N
Q.35 a dilute sulphuric solution is treated with 0.1 N ceric ammonium sulphate using ferrotin indicator is used for titration of
a) Sulfadiazine tablet I.P.
b) Salbutamol sulfate I.P.
c) Riboflavin tablets I.P.
d) Ascorbic acid tablet I.P.
Q.36 if molecule size is greater than 2000 than it can be separated by
c) Size exclusion chromatography
d) Gas-mass
Q.37 In reverse phase HPLC
a) Stationary phase is polar and mobile phase is non-polar
b) Stationary phase is non-polar and mobile phase is polar
c) Both phase are polar
d) Both phase are non-polar
Q.38 The current remains zero and graph is plotted between E versus volume of titrant in
a) Amperometric titrations
b) Potentiometric titrations
c) Conductometric titrations
d) Voltametry
Q.39 Re-emission of previously absorbed radiation is phenomenon of
a) Scattering
b) Flame Photometry
c) Luminescence
d) Absorbance
Q.40 Ferrous ion is very weakly colored for colorimetric analysis. It can be converted into a highly colored complex using
a) H2SO4
c) Thymol blue
d) 1:10-Phenanthroline
Q.41 σ-σ* and n-σ* electronic transitions are possible in
a) Benzene
b) Toluene
c) Bromine
d) Naphthalene
Q.42 the number of peaks shown by Iso propyl alcohol in an NMR spectrum is
A) Four
b) Two
C) three
d) Five
Q.43 In flame photometry, the flame temperature is attained by
a) Acetylene
b) Hydrogen
c) Propane
D) all
Q.44 if the induced field reinforces the applied field the proton will be in NMR
a) Shielded
b) Deshielded
c) No effect
d) Red shift
Q.45 A mixture of the following gases can be used in flame photometry to get a Temperature 31400C
a) Hydrogen& nitrous oxide
b) Acetylene & oxygen
c) Hydrogen & air
d) Hydrogen & oxygen
Q.46 Tesla is a unit used to express
a) Frequency
b) Pressure
c) Voltage
d) Magnetic field strength
Q.47 a Polychromatic light source is used in
a) UV spectrometer
b) FT-IR spectrometer
c) Spectroflurimeter
d) IR spectrometer
Q.48 E 1cm 1% (Absorptivity) of paracetamol is 740 and molecular weight is 151.6 than calculate molar absorption cofficient, ε
a) 1121.84
b) 11218.4
c) 112.184
d) None of these
Q.49 Calculate λmax for 2, 4 pentadiene
a) 215
b) 220
c) 217
d) 222
Q.50 Calculate the λmax for the P-hydroxybenzaldehyde in nm. Base value for Benzaldehyde in ethanol is 250 nm
a) 253
b) 275
c) 261
d) 270