Q301.Which form of the ergot alkaloids are especially important:
A. Levo
B. Dextro
C. Cis
D. Trans
Q302.Ergot contain large number of indole alkaloid ,Which are the derivatives of :
A. Lysergic acid
B. Benzoic acid
C. Cinnamic acid
D. Meconic acid
Q303.Ergometrine show ——configuration:
A. Levo
B. Dextro
C. Racemic Mixture
D. Trans
Q304.Which ergot alkaloid is water –s–uble :
A. Ergotamine
B. Ergosine
C. Engocristine
D. Ergometrine
Q305.Which is not the biological source of Cinchona :
A. Cinchona calisaya
B. Cinchona offcinalis
C. Cinchona Succirbra
D. Cinchona indica
Q306.Which drug is not belonging to family Liliaceae:
A. Aloe
B. Rauwolfia
C. Garlic
D. Shatavair
Q307.‘Thorn apple’ is the synonym for the drug:
A. Belladonna
B. Cinchona
C. Datura
D. Asafoetida
Q308.Which is the active chemical constituent obtained from Ipecac:
A. Cepaeline
B. Berberine
C. Hydrastine
D. Tropane
Q309.Government opium factory is situated in—–.
A. Izatnagar
B. Kasauli
C. Gazipur
D. Lucknow
Q310.Which chemical constituent is not naturally obtained from Opium:
A. Morphine
B. Codeine
C. Narcotine
D. Heroine
Q311.Which is not the use of Stramonium :
A. Anticholinergic
B. Miotic
C. Antiadrenergic
D. Contron of Motion sickness
Q312.Family of Ipecac is:
A. Rubiaceace
B. Polygonanceae
C. Solanaceae
D. Acantheceae
Q313.Nux vomica is not used as:
A. Respiratory stimulant
B. Bitter stomachic
C. Alcohol denaturant
D. Expectorant
Q314.The following drugs are ergot alkaloid ,expect:
A. Cabergoline
B. Ergometrine
C. Bromocriptine
D. Methysergide
Q315.Balsams of Tolu Contains mainly acids:
A. Acetic acid+Benzoic acid
B. Cinnamic acid+Hydrochloric acid
C. Benzoic acid +Sulphuric acid
D. Benzoic acid+Cinnamic acid
Q316.Flower bud of drug showing medicinal importance:
A. Saffron
B. Clove
C. Fig
D. Caraway
Q317.Tannins gives—– colour with iron compounds.
A. Pale yellow
B. Blue black
C. Light pink
D. Orange
Q318.Drug is used as antimalarial:
A. Ashwagandha
B. Tulsi
C. Ginseng
D. Artemesia
Q319.Drug is not used as expectorant:
A. Liquroice
B. Gokhru
C. Ipecacuanha
D. Vasaka
Q320.Drug is used as emetic:
A. Agar
B. Ispaghula
C. Ipecac
D. Banana
Q321.Drug is not used as anti–r—umatic:
A. Shatevari
B. Aconite
C. Colchicum
D. Guggul
Q322.Drug do not used as anticancer:
A. Podophyllum
B. Curare
C. Camptotheca
D. Taxus
Q323.—– is not used as CNS depressant.
A. Hyoscyamine
B. Belladonna
C. Coffee
D. Opium
Q324.—- is used as anticholinergic drug.
A. Ephedra
B. Physostigma
C. Pilocarpus
D. Belladonna
Q325.——can be detected by Keller –Killiani Test.
A. The aglycon of digitalis glycoside
B. The digitoxose (sugar)of dogitalis glycoside
C. Digitoxgenin
D. None of these
Q326.Which are the right test for the detection of cardio active glycoside?
A. Biuret Test
B. Baljet Reagent
C. Foam Test
D. Vanurk Test
Q327.What kind of compound can be detected by Mayer,s reagent:
A. Starches
B. Alkaloids
C. Glycosides
D. Resins
Q328. Alkaloids are naturally occurring compounds which contain —–in their molecules.
A. One or more N atom
B. Two heterocyclic rings
C. One or more N atoms originated from amino acids
D. All of above
Q329.Saponin containing drugs are used as—–.
A. Laxative
B. Bitter tonic
C. Expectorant
D. Emetic
Q330.What are known as balsams .
A. Resins dissolved in volatile oil
B. A mixture of volatile oils with sesquiterpenes
C. Resins dissolved in water
D. Polysacchairde mixed with volatile oil
Q331.Volatile oils are the complex mixture of —–
A. Mono and Sesquiterpenes as well as phenyl-propane derivatives
B. Mono and Diterpene alcohols and ethers
C. Sesquiterpene and other aromatic compounds
D. Monoterpene acids and lactones
Q332.Which test are used for detection of cardiac glycoside.
A. Borex test
B. Legal Test
C. Keris Test
D. Libermann buchard Test
Q333.Choose the right test for the identification of anthraquinone Glycoside.
A. Libermann- burchard Test
B. Brontrager Test
C. Murexide Test
D. Legal Test
Q334.Opium is used in the medicine as —-.
A. Tranquillant
B. Starting material for morphine production
C. Pain Killer
D. Laxative
Q335.What is Opium.
A. Dried Wateric extract of the riped capsule
B. Latex exudates od the unripe incised capsule after air dried
C. Conc. Alcoholic extract of poppy straw
D. Wateric extract of the riped seed
Q336.Cocaine is used as —–in the official medicine.
A. Narcotic
B. Emetic
C. local Anaesthetic
D. Cough Suppressant
Q337.Ergot is the —-of the fungus Claviceps purpurea.
A. Vegatative form
B. Dried Sclerotium
C. Ascopore
D. Conidospore
Q338.Alkaloid ——.
A. Contain Nitrogen
B. Have a bitter taste
C. Have a salty
D. Only a &b are correct
Q339.The most effective alkaloid treatment for malaria is quinine ,the active alkaloid in the bark of the—–.
A. Reuwolfia
B. Cinchona
C. Artemesia
D. Ephedra
Q340.Alkaloidal salt are soluble in —‘
A. Benzene
B. Acetone
C. Water
D. Chloroform
Q341.Which is not alkaloid?
A. Morphine
B. Neostigmine
C. Emetine
D. Atropine
Q342.Which is not the use of ergot:
A. Migraine
B. Laxative
C. Post partum Hemorrhage
D. Oxytocin
Q343.Deadly Nightshade is the synonym of the drug:
A. Cinchona
B. Belladonna
C. Digitalis
D. Opium
Q344.True alkaloids are always present in the plants as:
A. Salt of meconic acid
B. Salt of acetic acid
C. Salt of organic acid
D. Salt of inorganic acid
Q345.Example of pseudo alkaloid is:
A. Arecoline
B. Lobeline
C. Caffeine
D. Hygrine
Q346.Proto alkaloid are also called as:
A. True Alkaloid
B. Amino Alkaloid
C. Pseudo Alkaloid
D. Extra Alkaloid
Q347.Flower bud of following drug showing medicinal importance:
A. Caraway
B. Clove
C. Dill
D. Saffron
Q348.Tannins give which colour with iron compound?
A. Pale yellow
B. Light Pink
C. Orange
D. Blue black
Q349.Glycoside are condensation product of :
A. Suger+Aglycone
B. Protein+ Aglycone
C. Fats+Aglycone
D. Suger+Aglycone
Q350.Alkaloids are—–type of substance
A. Acid
B. Neutral
C. Chemical
D. Basic Nitrogenous