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pharmacyTopic wise MCQs

Pharmacology of ANS, PNS & Autacoids (Part:- 3) MCQs with Answers

Pharmacology of ANS, PNS & Autacoids

101. Neostigmine :
a. It is a quartenary ammonium compound
b. Metabolised in liver
c. It can cross the blood brain barrier
d. Prominent effect on smooth muscles

102. Central muscle relaxants act by :
a. Decreased nerve conduction
b. Inhibits spinal polysynaptic reflexes
c. Block conduction across reflexes
d. CNS depression
e. Decreased muscle excitation

103. Properties making cardioselective beta blockers desirable are :
a. Less bronchoconstriction
b. Adverse effect on lipid profile
c. Cause glucose intolerance profile
d. May be used in Raynaud’s disease
e. Less liable to impair exercise capacity

104. COX pathway is inhibited by :
a. Aspirin
b. Indomethacin
c. Betamethasone
d. Calcitonin
e. Diclofenac

105. Ondansetron acts by :
a. Acting on CTZ
b. 5- HT3 antagonist
c. D1 and D2 receptors
d. Increase GIT motility

106. Atropine causes :
a. Decreased cardiac output
b. Heart block
c. Hypertension
d. Miosis
e. Sweating

107. True of the following is are :
a. β1 receptors in heart stimulate its contractions
b. β2 receptors in heart stimulate its contractions
c. β receptors are present in smooth muscles
d. α1 receptors cause preganglionic stimulation
e. α2 receptors cause postganglionic feedback inhibition

108. Drug of choice for cardiogenic shock :
a. Dopamine
b. Propranolol
c. Digitalis
d. Milrinone

109. Dales vasomotor reversal :
a. Stimulation of alpha-1 receptors
b. Stimulation of alpha-2 receptors
c. Stimulation of beta-1 receptors
d. Stimulation of beta-2 receptors

110. Atropine – mechanism of action in poisoning:
a. Reactivation of chronic – esterase
b. Acts on central and peripheral post. ganglionic receptor
c. Acts on central and peripheral cholinergic receptors
d. Acts on peripheral cholinergic receptors only

111. Which prostaglandin is used in NSAID induced ulcer :
a. Misoprostol
b. Carboprost
c. Mirtazapine
d. Miprinone1

112. The action of non – competitive muscle blockers is affected by :
a. Hypocalcemia
b. Hyponatremia
c. Hyperthermia
d. All of the above

113. ACE inhibitors are contraindicated in :
a. U/L renal artery stenosis with single kidney
b. Proteinuria with DM
c. MI
d. Hypotension

114. Local anesthetics act by inhibiting :
a. Influx of K +
b. Influx of K +
c. Influx of Na +
d. Efflux of Na +

115. Ganglion blocker act by :
a. Inhibition of release of acetyl choline
b. Competing of acetyl choline receptor
c. Preventing conduction from pre post ganglionic
d. Inhibition of Ach destruction

116. α1 stimulation produce :
a. HR ↑
b. BP ↓
c. HR ↓
d. None

117. Amatoxins in mushroom poisoning acts by Inhibiting :
a. DNA
b. mRNA
c. Adenosine
d. G – proteins

118. β blocker acts by :
a. ↓ cardiac output
b. ↓ HR
c. ↓BP
d. All

119. Selective alpha 1 antagonists are following except:
a. Prazosin
b. Terazosin
c. Butoxamine
d. Tamsulosin

120. Granulomatous hepatitis is caused by :
a. Allopurinol
b. Methyldopa
c. Furazolidone
d. Furazolidone
e. Amiodarone

121. Max. Nicotinic effect is seen with :
a. Pilocarpine
b. Carbachol
c. Bethenachol
d. Methacholine

122. Adrenaline cause vasoconstriction in all of the following vessels except :
a. Gut
b. Cerebral
c. Cutaneous
d. Renal


  • 101. a. It is a …
  • 102. a, d and e
  • 103. b. Inhibits …
  • 104. a, b and e
  • 105. a and b
  • 106. a. Decreased …
  • 107. a and d
  • 108. a. Dopamine
  • 109. d. Stimulation …
  • 110. c. Acts on …
  • 111. a. Misoprostol
  • 112. a. Hypocalcemia
  • 113. a. U/L renal artery …
  • 114. c. Influx of Na +
  • 115. c. Preventing …
  • 116. c. HR ↓
  • 117. b. mRNA
  • 118. d. All
  • 119. c. Butoxamine
  • 120. a, b and e
  • 121. b. Carbachol
  • 122. a. Gut