Principles of General Anesthesia MCQs
1. A complete general anesthetic produces all of the following, EXCEPT
a. sedation as a maximum effect.
b. unconsciousness.
c. muscle relaxation.
d. unresponsiveness.
2. Which statement is FALSE in regard to amnesia?
a. Amnesia can be either present or absent in a conscious patient.
b. Amnesia can be either present or absent in an unconscious patient.
c. Amnesia effects are most closely related to the limbic structures of the CNS.
d. Amnesia effects are most closely related to the spinal cord structure of the CNS.
3. Which is the only inorganic general anesthetic in use?
a. Ether.
b. Chloroform.
c. Nitrous oxide.
d. Cyclopropane.
4. All inhalation general anesthetics produce which effect?
a. Increased myocardial contractility.
b. Depressed myocardial contractility.
c. Stimulate respiration.
d. Increase glomerular filtration in the kidney.
5. Which component of respiration is most sensitive to inhalation general anesthetics?
a. Muscles that support respiration.
b. Respiratory center located in the central nervous system.
c. Peripheral chemoreceptors that respond to low blood oxygen levels.
d. Linings of the respiratory tract through which anesthetic is delivered.
6. Which delivery system feature decreases the amount of anesthetic gas the practitioner is exposed to?
a. Regulators.
b. Vaporizers.
c. Safety shutoff valve.
d. Vacuum exhaust line.
7. The first inhalation general anesthetic was
a. ether.
b. isoflurane.
c. cyclopropane.
d. nitrous oxide.
8. Anxiolysis is a decreased response to which stimulus?
a. Fear.
b. Pain.
c. Light touch.
d. Verbal commands.
9. General anesthesia occurs in which sequence?
a. Induction, maintenance, muscle relaxation, amnesia, unconsciousness, recovery.
b. Induction, unconsciousness, amnesia, muscle relaxation, maintenance, recovery.
c. Muscle relaxation, amnesia, induction, maintenance, unconsciousness, recovery.
d. Amnesia, muscle relaxation, maintenance, induction, recovery, unconsciousness.
10. Which theory of the mechanisms of general anesthesia is supported by research involving fireflies?
a. Membrane lipids.
b. Neurotransmitters.
c. Neurologic circuits.
d. Membrane proteins.