Advanced Instrumentation Techniques (BP811TT)
1. Which of the following organic compound with molecular formula C3H C12 exhibits only one signal in the IH NMR spectrum?
a) 2, 2-dichloropropane
b) 1, 2-dichloropropane
c) 1, 3-dichloropropane
d) 1, 1-dichloropropane
Ans. A
2. NMR spectroscopy is used for determining structure in which of the following materials?
a) Radioactive materials
b) Insoluble chemical compounds
c) Liquids
d) Gases
Ans. c
3. NMR is the study of absorption of __________ by nuclei in a magnetic field?
a) Radioactive radiation
b) IR radiation
c) Radio frequency radiation
d) Microwaves
Ans. c
4. NMR spectrometer provides ____________ and _____________ method of determining structure in soluble chemical compounds.
a) Accurate, destructive
b) Accurate, non-destructive
c) Inaccurate, destructive
d) Inaccurate, non-destructive
Ans. b
5. NMR spectroscopy indicates the chemical nature of the __________ and spatial positions of_______
a) Electrons, Protons
b) Neutrons, electrons
c) Nuclei, electrons
d) Nuclei, neighbouring nuclei
Ans. d
6. In NMR spectroscopy, the spinning nuclei in strong magnetic field must be irradiated by which of the following?
a) Perpendicular and stronger field
b) Perpendicular and weaker field
c) Parallel and stronger field
d) Parallel and weaker field
Answer: b
7. Interaction between matter and electromagnetic radiation can be observed by subjecting a substance to magnetic fields in which of the following manner?
a) Both fields should be stationary
b) Both fields should be varying
c) One field should be stationary and the other should be varying
d) It must be subjected to only one field
Answer: c
8. When energy is absorbed by the sample, the absorption can be observed as a change in signal developed by which of the following components?
a) Amplifier
b) Photodetector
c) GM counter
d) Radiofrequency detector
Answer: d
9. Which of the following are considered to be the lowest form of Electromagnetic radiation?
a) IR radiation
b) Micro waves
c) UV radiation
d) Radio waves
Answer: d
10. The amount of energy available in radio frequency radiation is sufficient for which of the following?
a) Excite an atom
b) Vibrate an atom
c) Vibrate a molecule
d) Affect the nuclear spin of an atom
Answer: d
11. Nuclei having either the number of protons or neutrons as odd have _______ spin.
a) Integral spin
b) Half integral spin
c) Zero spin
d) Positive spin
Answer: b
12. If the number of protons or neutrons is even the spin of the nucleus will be which of the following?
a) Integral spin
b) Half integral spin
c) Zero spin
d) Positive spin
Answer: c
13. The difference between the field necessary for resonance in the sample and in some arbitrary chosen compound is which of the following?
a) Field shift
b) Matrix effects
c) Chemical shift
d) Resonance shift
Answer: c
14. Which of the following has three types of hydrogens in the following compounds?
a) Br-CH = CH2
b) CH3 – CH2 – CH3
c) C6H5CH2
d) CH3– CH2 – CH(CH3) – N02
Ans. a
15. Which of the compound show only one signal is present in the PMR spectra?
a) C3H4, C3H6
b) C4H6, C5H12
c) C8H18, C2H6O
d) All of the mentioned
Ans. d
16. The distance between the centers of the peaks of doublet is called as?
a) Coupling constant
b) Spin constant
c) Spin-spin coupling
d) Chemical shift
Answer: a
17. H2, CH4, C2H6 and C6H6 exhibit which PMR spectra?
a) Singlet
b) Doublet
c) Triplet
d) Quintet
Answer: a
18. A proton Hb is coupled to four equivalent protons Ha. The multiplicity and the relative intensity of lines in the signal Hb is?
a) Doublet, I : 4
b) Triplet, I : 4 : 6
c) Quintet, 1 : 4 : 6 : 4 : 1
d) Quartet, 1 : 4 : 6 : 4
Answer: c
19. Nuclei with odd number of protons and odd number of neutrons will have spin quantum number as
a) 1/2
b) 3/2
c) 0
d) 1
Answer: d
20. The possible spin states of a nucleus with spin quantum number 1/2 are
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 4
Answer: c
21. More the shielding effect
a) Lower the chemical shift
b) No change in chemical shift
c) Higher the chemical shift
d) More the peak splitting
Answer: a
22. Signal splitting in NMR arises from
a) Shielding effect
b) Spin-spin decoupling
c) Spin-spin coupling
d) Deshielding effect
Answer: c
23. Which mass number of nuclei are NMR active?
a) Odd
b) Even
c) A&B
d) None
Ans: a
24. Which of the following are expected to show nuclear spin orientations?
(a) 1H
(b) 12C
(c) 16O
(d) 18O
Answer: a
25. 13C NMR counts no of
(a) Protons
(b) Carbon
(c) Hydrogen
(d) All
Answer: b
26. PMR counts no. of protons by using_____rule
(a) 2n
(b) n
(c) (n+1)
(d) none of this
Answer: c
27. Coupling constant is_______between adjacent peaks.
(a) Distance
(b) Distance ration
(c) Height
(d) All
Answer: a
28. ______Spin state has high energy of nucleus.
(a) β
(b) α
(c) γ
(d) All
Answer: b
29. The exact value of δ or τ for protons in various chemical environments depends to a large degree of
(a) Substitution effect
(b) Solvent
(c) Hydrogen bonding
(d) All
Answer: d
30. An anisotropic effect causes shielding in the following molecule
(a) Alkynes
(b) Alkene
(c) Benzene
(d) Aldehyde
Answer: a
31. Which of the following can be used as solvent for NMR spectroscopy?
(a) Deuterochloroform
(b) Carbon tetrachloride
(c) Carbon disulphide
(d) All
Answer: d
32. The higher the electronegativity of the atom_______is the deshielding caused to proton.
(a) Neutral
(b) Less
(c) Greater
(d) none of this
Answer: c
33. The distance of the proton from the electronegative atoms increases, deshielding effect______
(a) Decreasec
(b) Increases
(c) Neutral
(d) All
Answer: a
34. If the external magnetic field is applied, the number of possible orientation is calculated by
a) 2I +2
b) 2I + 3
c) 2I +1
d) 2I +4
Ans. c
35. The ratio between the nuclear magnetic moment and angular moment is called
a) Magneto gyric ratio
b) Precessional movement
c) Gyromateric ratio
d) All of the above
Ans. a
36. Mass spectrometers are used to determine which of the following?
a) Composition in sample
b) Concentration of elements in sample
c) Relative mass of atoms
d) Properties of sample
Answer: c
37. In mass spectrometer, the sample that has to be analyzed is bombarded with which of the following?
a) Protons
b) Electrons
c) Neutrons
d) Alpha particles
Answer: b
38. Mass spectrometer separates ions on the basis of which of the following?
a) Mass
b) Charge
c) Molecular weight
d) Mass to charge ratio
Answer: d
39. In mass spectrometer, the ions are sorted out in which of the following ways?
a) By accelerating them through electric field
b) By accelerating them through magnetic field
c) By accelerating them through electric and magnetic field
d) By applying a high voltage
Answer: c
40. The procedure for mass spectroscopy starts with which of the following processes?
a) The sample is bombarded by electron beam
b) The ions are separated by passing them into electric and magnetic field
c) The sample is converted into gaseous state
d) The ions are detected
Answer: c
41. In mass spectrometer, the ion currents are measured using which of the following?
a) Scintillation counter
b) Ion counter
c) Electrometer tube
d) Electric fields
Answer: c
42. Which of the following ions pass through the slit and reach the collecting plate?
a) Negative ions of all masses
b) Positive ions of all masses
c) Negative ions of specific mass
d) Positive ions of specific mass
Answer: d
43. Which of the following statements is not true about mass spectrometry?
a) Impurities of masses different from the one being analysed interferes with the result
b) It has great sensitivity
c) It is suitable for data storage
d) It is suitable for library retrival
Answer: a
44. Which of the following statement is false for mass spectroscopy?
a) Mass spectroscopy is used to identify unknown compounds within a sample, and to elucidate the structure and chemical properties of different moleculea
b) Particle are characterized by their mass to charge ratios (m/z) and relative abundances
c) This technique basically studies the effect of ionizing energy on molecules
d) This technique can be used on all state of matter
Answer: d
45. Which of the following main component of mass spectroscopy deal with resolving the ions into their characteristics mass components according to their mass-to-charge ratio?
a) Ion Source
b) Analyzer
c) Detector System
d) Analyzer tube
Answer: b
46. Who discovered the mass spectrometer?
a) Francis Aston
b) J. J Thomson
c) Ernest O. Lawrence
d) Walter Kaufmann
Answer: b
47. In which state of matter mass spectroscopy is being performed?
a) solid
b) liquid
c) gaseous
d) plasma
Answer: c
48. What are the main criteria on which mass spectrometer used for?
a) Composition in sample
b) Relative mass of atoms
c) Concentration of elements in the sample
d) Properties of sample
Answer: b
49. Separation of ions in mass spectrometer takes place on the basis of which of the following?
a) Mass
b) Charge
c) Molecular weight
d) Mass to charge ratio
Answer: d
50. Which type of ionic species is allowed to pass through the slit and reach the collecting plate?
a) Negative ions of all masses
b) positive ions of the specific mass
c) Negative ions of the specific mass
d) Positive ions of all masses
Answer: b
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Subject:- Advanced Instrumentation Techniques
Semester:- 8th sem, sem 8