Hand written Notes of Instrumental Methods of Analysis NO. Chapter Publish By Click link 1. Uv visible spectroscopy (Unit:- 1) Vishnu Prajapati Click Hear 2....
Description Gel chromatography– Introduction, theory, instrumentation and applications Affinity chromatography– Introduction, theory, instrumentation and applications InTRODUCTION The different separation methods used in chromatography are based...
Description Ion exchange chromatography– Introduction, classification, ion exchange resins, properties, mechanism of ion exchange process, factors affecting ion exchange, methodology and applications Ion exchange material...
Description Gas chromatography – Introduction, theory, instrumentation, derivatization, temperature programming, advantages, disadvantages and applications Gas chromatography is a widely used technique for separation of gaseous...
Description High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)-Introduction, theory, instrumentation, advantages and applications The obvious way to increase the flow rate and get efficient separation is to...
Description Flame Photometry-Principle, interferences, instrumentation and applications Atomic absorption spectroscopy- Principle, interferences, instrumentation and Applications Nepheloturbidometry– Principle, instrumentation and applications It is a well known...
Description IR spectroscopy Introduction, fundamental modes of vibrations in poly atomic molecules, sample handling, factors affecting vibrations Instrumentation – Sources of radiation, wavelength selectors, detectors...
Description FluorimetryTheory, Concepts of singlet, doublet and triplet electronic states, internal and external conversions, factors affecting fluorescence, quenching, instrumentation and applications Analytical chemistry has since...
Advanced Instrumentation Techniques (BP811TT) 101. Bragg equation is a) nλ=2sinθ b) n=2dsinθ c) nλ=2dsinθ d) nλ=2fsinθ Answer: c 102. X-rays are produced when: a) Metal...
Advanced Instrumentation Techniques (BP811TT) 51. What is use of mass spectroscopy? a) Determination of molecule weight b) Elucidating the chemical structures of molecules c) A...
Advanced Instrumentation Techniques (BP811TT) 1. Which of the following organic compound with molecular formula C3H C12 exhibits only one signal in the IH NMR spectrum?...