1. Mechanism of action of nitrates is
a. Inhibits phos phodiesterase
b. Stimulates gua nylate c yclase
c. B-blockers
d. Calcium channel b lockers
2. Mechanism of action of aspirin is
a. Inhibits phos phodiesterase
b. Stimulates guanylate cyclase
c. β-blockers
d. Antiplatelet agent
3. Which statement is false on organic nitrates?
a. Organic nitrates can prevent or reverse coronary artery spasm.
b. Organic nitrates are lipid-soluble and are well absorbed through the skin.
c. These generate the unstable nitrate salts in situ .
d. These can be administered by the sublingual route.
4. The antianginal drug useful for the emergency treatment of cyanide poisoning is
a. Aspirin
b. Glyceryl t rinitrate
c. Amylnitrate
d. Dipyridamole
5. The antianginal drug that inhibits phosphodiesterase is
a. Aspirin
b. Dipyridamole
c. Isosorbide di nitrate
d. Nifedepine
Answer keys
1. b. 2. d 3. c 4. c 5. b