1. The essential difference between plasma and interstitial fluid compartment is:
A. Glucose is higher in the former
B. Urea is higher in the former
C. Protein content is higher in the former
D. Potassium is higher in the former
2. Osmotic pressure exerted by the chemical constituents of the body fluids has the following features except:
A. Crystalloid osmotic pressure comprises minor portion of total osmotic pressure
B. Oncotic pressure constitutes minor portion of total osmotic pres- sure
C. Oncotic pressure of plasma is higher
D. Oncotic pressure of interstitial fluid is lower
3. For causation of oedema by decreased osmotic pressure, the following factor is most important:
A. Fall in albumin as well as globulin
B. Fall in globulin level
C. Fall in albumin level
D. Fall in fibrinogen level
4. Transudate differs from exudate in having the following except:
- A. No inflammatory cells
- B. Low glucose content
- C. Low protein content
- D. Low specific gravity
5. Nephritic oedema differs from nephrotic oedema in having the following except:
A. Mild oedema
B. Distributed on face, eyes
C. Heavy proteinuria
D. Occurs in acute glomerulonephritis
6. The following type of oedema is characteristically dependent oedema:
- A. Nephrotic oedema
- B. Nephritic oedema
- C. Pulmonary oedema
- D. Cardiac oedema
7. Pulmonary oedema appears due to elevated pulmonary hydrostatic pressure when the fluid accumulation is:
- A. Two fold
- B. Four fold
- C. Eight fold
- D. Ten fold
8. Active hyperaemia is the result of:
- A. Dilatation of capillaries
- B. Dilatation of arterioles
- C. Venous engorgement
- D. Lymphatic obstruction
9. Sectioned surface of lung shows brown induration in:
- A. Pulmonary embolism
- B. Pulmonary haemorrhage
- C. Pulmonary infarction
- D. CVC lung
10. In septic shock, pathogenesis of endothelial cell injury involves the following mechanisms except :
A. Lipopolysaccharide from lysed bacteria injures the endothelium
B. Interleukin-1 causes endothelial cell injury
C. TNF- a causes direct cytotoxicity
D. Adherence of PMNs to endothelium causes endothelial cell injury
11. An intact endothelium elaborates the following anti-thrombotic factors except :
- A. Thrombomodulin
- B. ADPase
- C. Tissue plasminogen activator
- D. Thromboplastin
12. The most common cause of arterial thromboemboli is:
- A. Cardiac thrombi
- B. Aortic aneurysm
- C. Pulmonary veins
- D. Aortic atherosclerotic plaques
13. Venous emboli are most often lodged in:
- A. Intestines
- B. Kidneys
- C. Lungs
- D. Heart
14. Pathologic changes between sudden decompression from high pressure to normal levels and decompression from low pressure to normal levels are:
A. More marked in the former
B. More marked in the latter
C. No difference between the two
D. Acute form is more marked in the latter
15. The infarct of following organ is invariably haemorrhagic:
- A. Infarct kidney
- B. Infarct spleen
- C. Infarct lung
- D. Infarct heart
16. Milroy’s disease is:
- A. Cerebral oedema
- B. Pulmonary oedema
- C. Hereditary lymphoedema
- D. Postural oedema
17. Pick the correct sequence:
A. Renin-Angiotensin II-Angiotensin I-Angiotensinogen-Aldosterone
B. Angiotensinogen-Renin-Angiotensin II-Angiotensin I-Aldosterone
C. Renin-Angiotensinogen-Angiotensin I-Angiotensin II-Aldosterone
D. Aldosterone-Renin-Angiotensinogen-Angiotensin II-Angiotensin I
18. Which of the following is true?
A. Arterial thrombi are white and occlusive
B. Venous thrombi are white and occlusive
C. Arterial thrombi are white and mural
D. Venous thrombi are red and mural.
Answers Key
1) = C, 2) = A, 3) = C, 4) = B, 5) = C, 6) = D, 7) = D, 8) = B, 9) = D, 10) = A, 11) = D, 12) = A, 13) = C, 14) = A, 15) = C, 16) = C, 17) = C, 18) = C