1. Essential element called essential
(a) It must occur in all healthy tissue
(b) Facilitate a great many essential life
(c) It must cause reproducible life
(d) All of the above
2. Anaemia can be caused by
(a) excessive blood loss.
(b) excessive blood formation.
(c) both (a) and (b)
(d) none of the above
3. Copper has role in
(a) Hb formation
(b) ATP production by reformation
(c) formation of fibres elastic
(d) all of the above
4. Cu deficiency can lead to
(a) Leucopenia
(b) Ganulocytopenia
(c) Anemia
(d) All of the above
5. In Wilson disease a condition of excess storage of
- (a) Fe
- (b) Zn
- (c) Cu
- (d) I
6. CuSO4 is essential component of
(a) Fehling solution
(b) Benedict solution
(c) Tolland reagent
(d) Both (a) and (b)
7. Zinc deficiency is associated
(a) Impaired growth
(b) Parakeratosis
(c) Retired sexual motivation
(d) All of the above
8. Iodine has been used therapeutically as
(a) ameliorating agent in hyper-
(b) fibrocystic agent in syphilis
(c) expectorant
(d) all of the above
9. Sulfur has been used therapeutically
(a) cathartic action
(b) simulate in allopathic
(c) fumigation
(d) all of the above
10. The mechanism of antidotal action
(a) by counteracting the effect of person
(b) by changing chemical nature of
(c) by preventing absorption of poison
into the body.
(d) all of the above
11. Sodium nitrite is classified as
(a) chemical antidote
(b) physiological antidote
(c) mechanical antidote
(d) all the above
Subject:- Inorganic chemistry
Sem:– first sem, sem 1 Pharmacy
Unit 4 Essential And Trace Elements MCQs with Answers inorganic chemistry unit:- 4