Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics (BP604TT)
Chapter 4 Excretion of drugs
1. Drug elimination involves……. (ADME are steps of pharmacokinetics)
b. DME
c. ME
d. E only
Answer: c
2. If distribution of drug is slower than process of biotransformation and elimination
a. It will cause high blood level of drug
b. It will cause low blood level of drug
c. Cause failure to attain diffusion equilibrium
d. None of the above
Answer: c
3. Filtration fraction is
a. Fraction of plasma passing through the kidney which is filtered at glomerulus
b. Ratio of iulin clearance to PAH clearance
c. Ration of CFR to RPF
d. None of them
Answer: c
4. Creatinine clearance is used as measurement for
a. Glomerular filtration rate
b. Renal excretion rate
c. Passive renal excretion
d. Drug metabolism rate
Answer: a
5. What is the half life of a drug with a volume of distribution of 100U70kg and a clearance of 7t/hr/70kg
a. 15 hours
b. 10 hours
c. 13.5 hours
d. 5 hours
Answer: b
6. A Normal sized adult having hepatic clearance of a drug whose metabolism is limited by the rate of blood flow to the liver would be
a. 60 milliliters/min
b. 120 milliliters/min
c. 650 milliliters/min
d. 1500 milliliters/min
Answer: d
7. Which process involves alteration in drug excretion?
a. Increased fluid flow
b. Changes in urinary pH
c. Both
d. None
Answer: c
8. Which of the following is not a step of renal excretion?
a. Glomerular filtration
b. Tubular filtration
c. Tubular reabsorption
d. Secretion
Answer: b
9. Renal clearance is expressed as
a. Rate of urinary excretion / Plasma drug concentration
b. Elimination Rate / Plasma drug concentration
c. Rate of urinary excretion / Elimination Rate
d. Elimination Rate
Answer: a
10. Glomerular filtration rate would be increased by
a. constriction of the afferent arteriole
b. decrease in afferent arteriolar pressure
c. compression of the renal capsule
d. decrease in the concentration of plasma protein
Answer: d
11. The volume of plasma needed each minute to supply a substance at the rate at which it is excreted in the urine is known as the
a. diffusion constant of the substance
b. clearance of the substance
c. extraction ratio of the substance
d. filtration rate of the substance
Answer: b
12. Nephron is functional unit of…………..
a. Kidney
b. Heart
c. Lung
d. Liver
Answer: a
13. Hepatic extraction ratio of 0.60 indicates that
a. 40% drug is left after extraction by the liver
b. 60% drug is left after extraction by the liver
c. Only 0.6% drug is removed by the liver
d. None of the above
Answer: a
14. First pas metabolism occurs in:
- A. Liver
- B. In lungs
- C. In kidneys
- D. In pancreas
Answer: a
15. The term “biotransformation” includes the following.
A. Accumulation of substances in a fat tissue
B. Process of physicochemical and biochemical alteration of a drug in the body
C. Binding of substances with plasma proteins
D. Accumulation of substances in a tissue
Answer: b
16. For the calculation of the volume of distribution (Vd) one take into account:
A. Concentration of a substance in urine
B. Concentration of substance in plasma
C. A daily dose of drug
D. Therapeutic width of drug action
Answer: b
17. Biotransformation of a medicinal substance results in:
A. Slower urinary excretion
B. Faster urinary excretion
C. Higher binding to membranes
D. Easier distribution in organism
Answer: b
18. Biotransformation of the drugs is to render them:
- A. Less lipid soluble
- B. More lipid soluble
- C. More pharmacologically active
- D. Less ionized
Answer: a
19. Select the right statement.
A. Microsomal oxidation results in a decrease of compound toxicity
B. Microsomal oxidation results in an increase of ionization and water solubility of a drug
C. Microsomal oxidation always results in inactivation of a compound
D. Microsomal oxidation results in an increase of lipid solubility of a drug thus its excretion from the organism is facilitated
Answer: b
20. Choose the drug type for which microsomal oxidation is the most prominent.
- A. Water soluble
- B. Lipid soluble
- C. High molecular weight
- D. Low molecular weight
Answer: b
21. Metabolic transformation (phase 1) is:
A. Glucuronide formation
B. Binding to plasma proteins
C. Acetylation and methylation of substances
D. Transformation of substances due to oxidation, reduction or hydrolysis
Answer: d
22. Which of the following processes proceeds in the second phase of biotransformation?
- (a) Acetylation
- (b) Reduction
- (c) Oxidation
- (d) Hydrolysis
Answer: a
23. Conjugation is:
(a) Process of drug reduction by special enzymes
(b) Process of drug oxidation by special oxidases
(c) Coupling of a drug with an endogenous substrate
(d) Solubilization in lipids
Answer: c
24. Tick the drug type for which microsomal oxidation is the most prominent:
(a) Lipid soluble
(b) Water soluble
(c) Low molecular weight
(d) High molecular weight
Answer: a
25. Stimulation of liver microsomal enzymes can:
(a) Require the dose increase of some drugs
(b) Require the dose decrease of some drugs
(c) Prolong the duration of the action of a drug
(d) Intensify the unwanted reaction of a drug
Answer: a
26. Conjugation of a drug includes the following except:
- (a) Glucuronidation
- (b) Sulfate formation
- (c) Hydrolysis
- (d) Methylation
Answer: c
27. The renal clearance of inulin is used as a measurement of
- (a) effective renal blood flow
- (b) rate of renal drug excretion
- (c) active renal secretion
- (d) glomerular filtration rate
Answer: d
28. p-aminohippurate is used to measure
- (a) effective hepatic blood flow
- (b) effective renal blood flow
- (c) CFR
- (d) None of the above
Answer: b
29. Total body clearance is
(a) the drug elimination rate divided by the plasma drug concentration
(b) the drug elimination rate divided by the Vd
(c) the amount of drug in body divided by the plasma drug concentration
(d) None of the above
Answer: a
30. Renal excretion of drug depend on
(a) urine flow
(b) pH of urine
(c) Physicochemical properties of drug
(d) All of above
Answer: d
31. For a drug that is eliminated primarily by renal glomerular filtration, the theoretical maximum clearance is approximately
- (a) 1-2 milliliters/min
- (b) 12 milliliters/min
- (c) 120 milliliters/min
- (d) 1200 milliliters/min
Answer: c
32. Elimination is expressed as follows:
(a) Rate of renal tubular reabsorption
(b) Clearance speed of some volume of blood from substance
(c) Time required decreasing the amount of drug in plasma by one-half
(d) Clearance of an organism from a xenobiotic
Answer: d
33. ………….drug shows active tubular secretion.
- (a) Penicillin
- (b) Tetracycline
- (c) Indomethacine
- (d) None of the above
Answer: a
34. Which tissue has the greatest capacity to biotransform of drugs?
- (a) Kidney
- (b) Lung
- (c) Liver
- (d) Skin
Answer: c
35. The process in which some drugs stimulate their own metabolism is known as
- (a) Enzyme inhibition
- (b) Autoinduction
- (c) Product inhibition
- (d) None of the above
Answer: b