Herbal Drug Technology (Bp603tp) MCQs with Answers
101. Schedule Z refers for
A. Drug and Cosmetic Act
B. Homeopathy Act
C. Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act
D. Labour Act
Ans: A
102. DCC belong to
A. Ayurvedic System
B. Unani System
C. Siddha System
D. Ayurvedic, siddha and Unani System
Ans: D
103. Drugs and Cosmetics Act came in
A. 1941
C. 1942
D. 1943
Ans: B
104. CDSCO means
A. Central Drug Standard Control Office
B. Central Drug Standard Control Organization
C. Central Drug Standard Committee Organization
D. Central Drug Standard Committee Office
Ans: B
105. GMP means
A. Good Manufacturing Procedure
B. Good Manufacturing Practices
C. Good Manufacturing Personal
D. None
Ans: B
106. Components of GMP includes
A. Training staff
B. Quality control of finished product
C. Quality control of raw material
D. All
Ans: D
107. GMP part I includes
A. General requirements
B. Warehousing area
C. Personnel
D. All
Ans: D
108. Consolidated Components of GMP includes
A. Quality Control
B. Sanitation
C. Premises
D. All
Ans: D
109. Quarantine includes
A. Storage of finished good
B. Storage of final products
C. Storage of raw materials
D. Destination of raw material
Ans: A
110. Part II of GMP includes
A. SOP‟s
B. Distribution
C. Medical services
D. None
Ans: A
111. There should be…………sq. feet area for quality control selection
A. 160
B. 150
C. 190
D. 200
Ans: B
112. Machinery required for manufacturing of medicines comes under
A. Part-1
B. Part-2
C. Both
D. None
Ans: B
113. Capsule requires
A. Pulveriser
B. Bhatti
C. Hot air oven
D. None
Ans: A
114. Kajal requires…………….for collection.
A. Earthen lamps
B. Bhatti
C. Tube filling machine
D. Spatula
Ans: A
115. Primary processing includes
A. Garbling
B. Washing
C. Drying
D. All
Ans: D
116. Secondary processing steps includes
A. Roasting
B. Boiling
C. Steaming
D. All
Ans: D
117. Special processing which is used to treat selected herb
A. To reduce toxicity
B. To modify their therapeutic activity
C. Improve the purity
D. All
Ans: D
118. Which of following is an organic farming practice that helps to maintain soil health?
A. Crop rotation
B. Monoculture
C. Synthetic fertilizer
D. Sewage sludge
Ans: A
119. Organic farming is important because
A. No harmful chemical is used
B. It increases soil structure
C. It is less harmful to environment
D. All of above
Ans: D
120. Living organism like Bacillus thuringiensis, which is used for?
A. To control caterpiller
B. Ladybugs
C. Paraditoids
D. All of above
Ans: A
121. Pyrenthrins derived from
A. Bacillus thuringiensis
B. Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium
C. Azdirachta indica
D. None
Ans: B
122. Along with the use of biopesticides, organic pest control also utilizes
A. Biological control
B. Cultural control
C. Genetic control
D. All
Ans: D
123. Physical method for pest control includes
A. Use of traps and catch them
B. Low temperature
C. Crop rotation
D. Pesticides
Ans: B
124. Biopesticides includes
A. Biofungicides
B. Bioherbicides
C. Bioinsecticides
D. All of above
Ans: D
125. Trichoderma is an example
A. Biofungicides
B. Bioherbicides
C. Bioinsecticides
D. None
Ans: A
126. Which of the following is the closest English translation of the Sanskrit word “Ayurveda”?
A. Gain of Wheat
B. Wind in the tree
C. science of Life
D. Water on knee
Ans: C
127. Ayurveda recognises five essential elements of nature. Air, earth, fire and water are four of them; which is the fifth element?
A. Metal
B. Oil
C. Space
D. Mind
Ans: C
128. Each of the five essential Ayurvedic elements can be paired up with another to form one of three “biological humours”, or doshas, that affect all aspects of the human mind and body. Which of the following is NOT one of the three doshas?
A. Vatta
B. Pitta
C. Kapha
D. Mind
Ans: D
129. The ayurvedic classification system of physiological components of human beings, vaata, pitha kaba, is also followed in
A. Naturropathy
B. Yoga
C Unani
D. Siddha
Ans: D
130. Who introduced the Unani system of medicine to India?
A. Chinese
B. Japanese
C. Portuguese
D. Arabs
Ans: D
131. What the does the Arabic term “Yunani” mean?
A. Unique
B. Greek
C. European
D. Youth
Ans: B
132. The Unani system of medicine is based on the teachings of
A. Galileo
B. Theodotus
C. Hippocrates
D. Herophilos
Ans: C
133. Out of the three basic doshas in Ayurveda, the pitta dosha is linked to which one of the following five classical elements?
A. Fire
B. Air
C. Space
D. Earth
Ans: A
134. TriGunas are
A. Satva, Rajas & Tamas
B. Satva, vatta & Rajas
C. Tamas, Kapha & Prithvi
D. None
Ans: A
135. Mamsa Dhatu means
A. Bone tissue
B. Adipose tissue
C. Muscle tissue
D. Bone marrow tissue
Ans: C
136. Which Dhatu supports the Asthi Dhatu?
A. Mamsa Dhatu
B. Meda Dhatu
C. Majja Dhatu
D. None
Ans: B
137. Mamsa Dhatu supports which Dhatu?
A. Meda Dhatu
B. Majja Dhatu
C. Rasa Dhatu
D. Rakta Dhatu
Ans: A
138. Various waste products of food known as………..
A. Malas
B. Purisa
C. Mutra
D. Sveda
Ans: A
139. According to ayurveda there are………….types of Agni in the body.
A. Thirteen
B. Eleven
C. Fifteen
D. Seven
Ans: A
140. Which following Agni is most important in our body?
A. Bhutagni
B. Dhatwagni
C. Jatharagni
D. None
Ans: C
141. In siddha system of medicine sense organs are known as…………..
A. Pori
B. Pulan
C. Nilam
D. Aagayam
Ans: A
142. In siddha system of medicine function of sense organs are known as…………..
A. Pori
B. Pulan
C. Nilam
D. Aagayam
Ans: B
143. In normal condition, the ratio between Vaadham, Pitham and Kabham
A. 4:2:1
B. 2:4:1
D. None
Ans: A
144. In siddha system Air relate to which organ?
A. Nose
B. Ear
C. Skin
D. Eyes
Ans: C
145. In siddha system of medicine Kaaya Karpam involve studies of
A. Mooligai Karpam
B. Thatu and Seeva Karpam
C. Yoga Karpam
D. All
Ans: D
146. In siddha system of medicine Mooligai Karpam means
A. Deals with drug of plant origin
B. Deals with minerals and animal products
C. Deals with yoga
D. All
Ans: A
147. In siddha system of medicine Thatu and Seeva Karpam means
A. Deals with drug of plant origin
B. Deals with minerals and animal products
C. Deals with yoga
D. All
Ans: B
148. In siddha system of medicine, approach to disease called……..
A. Noi naadal
B. Noi mudal naadal
C. Kaya Karpam
D. None
Ans: A
149. In siddha system of medicine, determination of etiology of the disease called………
A. Noi naadal
B. Noi mudal naadal
C. Kaya Karpam
D. None
Ans: B
150. In siddha system of medicine consists of eight criteria for physical examination is called…..
A. Noi naadal
B. Noi mudal naadal
C. Envagi thervu
D. None
Ans: C
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➡️ Herbal Drug Technology (Bp603tp) (Part:- 2) MCQs with Answers:- Click here
➡️ Herbal Drug Technology (Bp603tp) (Part:- 3) MCQs with Answers:- Click here
➡️ Herbal Drug Technology (Bp603tp) (Part:- 4) MCQS with Answers:- Click here
Subject:- Herbal Drug Technology
Semester:- 6th sem, sem 6
MCQs with answers topic wise MCQs