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Herbal Drug Technology (Bp603tp) MCQs With Answers


1. „Kumari‟ is common name for
A. Aloe
B. Rhubard
C. Senna pod
D. None of them
Ans: A

2. The members of the D.T.A.B. hold the office for a period of :
A. 3 years
B. 1 years
C. 5 years
D. 7 years
Ans: A

3. The dried female insect Coccus cacti are the official source of:
A. Shellac
B. Honey
C. Cochineal
D. Cantharides
Ans: C

4. In herbal medicine, garlic is used most commonly as what?
A. Antibacterial
B. Treatment For Insomnia
C. Weight Reduction Tool
D. Seasoning
Ans: A

5. The word herb is derived from
A. Herbarium
B. Herba
C. Herbaum
D. Harba
Ans: B

6. Phytochemicals are of……. types.
A. One
B. Three
C. Two
D. Four
Ans: C

7. The randomize approach is
A. Without any criteria
B. Based on field observation
C. With criteria
D. None
Ans: A

8. Identification test includes
A. Macroscopic character
B. Chemical reaction
C. Microscopic character
D. All
Ans: D

9. Processing of herbal raw materials include
A. Primary processing
B. Specific processing
C. Drawing
D. All
Ans: D

10. Molecular markers means
A. Biochemical constituent
B. Secondary metabolites
C. Primary metabolites
D. All
Ans: D

10. Herbal drug preparations are prepared by
A. Decoction
B. Infusion
C. Maceration
D. All
Ans: D

11. The study of use of medicinal plants are known as
A. Herbarium
B. Pharmacognosy
C. Herbalism
D. None
Ans: C

12. Herbs are defined as plants with
A. Aromatic property
B. Flavouring properties
C. Medicinal properties
D. All
Ans: D

13. Macroscopic methods includes
A. Shape and size
B. Total Ash value
C. Cellular structure
D. Water solubility
Ans: A

14. Organic farming means
A. Not to use pesticides
B. Used organic fertilizers
C. To optimize productivity
D. All
Ans: D

15. Beneficial insects are
A. Lady bugs
B. Mice
C. Snake
D. Ants
Ans: A

16. Example of cover crop is
A. Maize
B. Sugar cane
C. Clover
D. None
Ans: C

17. Undesired plants in the field are known as
A. Pests
B. Weeds
C. Cover crops
D. Buffers
Ans: B

18. What is fullform of PIP?
A. Plant incorporated pesticides
B. Plant incorporated pollutant
C. Plant incorporated protectants
D. None
Ans: C

19. Pheromones are an example of
A. Biochemical pesticides
B. Microbial pesticides
D None
Ans: A

20. Advantages of biopesticides are
A. Natural
B. Less toxic
C. Effective in small concentration
D. All
Ans: D

21. Crop rotation helps in
A. Reload of the soil
B. Provide nutrients to the soil
C. Disrupts the weeds
D. All
Ans: D

22. There are……. Types of Vedas
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Ans: D

23. The first having the concept of Ayurveda is
A. Atherveda
B. Charka Samhita
C. Sushruta Samhita
D. All
Ans: B

24. Ayurvedic literature which aimed on surgery is
A. Atherveda
B. Charka Samhita
C. Sushruta Samhita
D. All
Ans: C

25. Agni regulates
A. Movement of the body
B. Digestion and metabolism
C. space with in the body
D. None
Ans: B

26. According to Ayurveda there are ………..stages of disease.
A. Two
B. Four
C. Five
D. Six
Ans: D

27. Siddha system of medicine originate from
A. Tamil culture
B. Bengali culture
C. Punjabi culture
D. North east culture
Ans: A

28. Kaya karpam is also known as
A. Oncology
B. Nephrology
C. Microbiology
D. Gerontology
Ans: D

29. Unani system was originated from
A. Greece
B. Iran
C. India
D. China
Ans: A

30. Homeopathy system of medicines is based on the principle of
A. Law of similar
B. Minimum dose
C. Totality of symptoms
D. All
Ans: D

31. Classical ayurvedic formulation includes
A. Ark
B. Bhasma
C. Churna
D. All
Ans: D

32. Powder made by calcification is also known as
A. Churna
B. Bhasma
C. Pak
D. Ghrita
Ans: B

33. Herbal granules use in ayurveda
A. Churna
B. Pak
C. Bhasma
D. Ghrita
Ans: B

34. Vati is another name of
A. Resins
B. Oils
C. Powders
D. Tablets
Ans: D

35. Arista is a
A. Fermented decoction
B. Fermented infusion
C. Decoction
D. Herbal mineral medicine
Ans: A

36. Standardization of Asava includes following parameters
A. Organoleptic parameters
B. Chemical Parameters
C. Physical Parameters
D. All
Ans: A

37. Lehvam is also known as
A. Arista
B. Asava
C. Avaleha
D. None
Ans: C

38. Shodhna is another name of
A. Distillation
B. Maceration
C. Filtration
D. Purification
Ans: D

39 Ark contains
A. Herbal juices
B. Powder drugs
C. Medicated butter
D. Distillates of herbs
Ans: D

40. According to Unani system of medicine, human body is made up of
A. Five
B. Six
C. Seven
D. Four
Ans: C

41. There are…………..essential temperaments.
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Ans: D

42. Nutraceutical products are divided into……………categories.
A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Ans: B

43. Which of the following is natural occurring antioxidant.
A. Vitamin C
B. Vitamin E
C. Alpha lipoic acid
D. All
Ans: D

44. Phytosterols are useful in
A. Lower LDL levels
B. Improve serum lipid profile
C. Inhibit absorption of cholesterol
D. All
Ans: A

45. Spirulina is another name of
A. Bacteria
B. Fungi
C. Alkaloids
D. Cynobacterium
Ans: D

46. Omega-3 fatty acid is useful in
A. Lower the inflammation
B. Cause vasodilation
C. Lower platelet aggregation
D. All
Ans: D

47. Which of the following Nutraceutical is used in the treatment of cancer
A. Green tea
B. Garlic
C. Ginseng
D. All
Ans: A

48. Alfalafa is useful in
A. Prevent cancer
B. Help in digestion
C. Reduce weight
D. None
Ans: A

49. Ginger is useful in
A. Prevent cancer
B. Help in digestion
C. Reduce Cholesterol
D. All
Ans: D

50. Another name of fenugreek is
A. Methi
B. Garlic
C. Saffron
D. None
Ans: A

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➡️ Herbal Drug Technology (Bp603tp) (Part:- 2) MCQs with Answers:- Click here

➡️ Herbal Drug Technology (Bp603tp) (Part:- 3) MCQs with Answers:- Click here

➡️ Herbal Drug Technology (Bp603tp) (Part:- 4) MCQS with Answers:- Click here

Subject:- Herbal Drug Technology
Semester:- 6th sem, sem 6
MCQs with answers topic wise MCQs