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pharmacyTopic wise MCQs

Introduction to Haematopoietic System and Disorders of Erythroid Series MCQs with Answers

1. During foetal life, haematopoiesis commences in the bone marrow by:

  1. A. 2nd to 3rd month
  2. B. 4th to 5th month
  3. C. 6th to 7th month
  4. D. 7th to 8th month

2. Bone marrow trephine biopsy has advantage over aspiration since:
A. The former method is less time-consuming
B. Romanowsky stains can be done in the former
C. Architectural pattern of marrow is better in the former
D. Cell morphology is better appreciated in the former

3. Erythroid cells continue to proliferate up to the stage of:

  1. A. Reticulocytes
  2. B. Late normoblasts
  3. C. Intermediate normoblasts
  4. D. Early normoblasts

4. Weight of haemoglobin in RBC is:

  1. A. 50%
  2. B. 70%
  3. C. 90%
  4. D. 99%

5. Red cell membrane defects include the following except :

  1. A. Spherocytosis
  2. B. Ovalocytosis
  3. C. Leptocytosis
  4. D. Echinocytosis

6. The following factors determine the release of oxygen from haemoglobin in tissue capillaries except :
A. Nature of globin chains in Hb
B. Bicarbonate ions in blood
C. pH of blood
D. Concentration of 2,3-BPG

7. Absorption of iron is enhanced by the following except :

  1. A. Ascorbic acid
  2. B. Citric acid
  3. C. Tannates
  4. D. Sugars

8. In iron deficiency anaemia, TIBC is:

  1. A. Low
  2. B. Normal
  3. C. High
  4. D. Borderline

9. Pappenheimer bodies are found in:

  1. A. Sideroblasts
  2. B. Siderocytes
  3. C. Late normoblasts
  4. D. Intermediate normoblasts

10. In anaemia of chronic disorders, serum ferritin is:

  1. A. Normal
  2. B. Low
  3. C. Increased
  4. D. Absent

11. Folate circulates in plasma as:

  1. A. Methyl tetrahydrofolate
  2. B. Polyglutamate
  3. C. Monoglutamate
  4. D. Diglutamate

12. Measurement of formiminoglutamic acid (FIGLU) for folate deficiency is done in:

  1. A. Whole blood
  2. B. Serum
  3. C. Plasma
  4. D. Urine

13. Pernicious anaemia causes pathologic changes in the anatomic region of stomach as under except:

  1. A. Antrum
  2. B. Body
  3. C. Body-fundic area
  4. D. Fundus

14. In warm antibody autoimmune haemolytic anaemias, the antibody is commonly:

  1. A. IgA
  2. B. IgG
  3. C. IgM
  4. D. IgD

15. Cold agglutinin antibody in autoimmune haemolytic anaemia

  1. A. Mature erythrocytes
  2. B. Reticulocytes
  3. C. Siderocytes
  4. D. Late erythroblasts

16. In paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH), the undue
sensitivity of red cells to complement can be detected by:

  1. A. Ham’s test
  2. B. Heinz body test
  3. C. Direct Coombs’ test
  4. D. Indirect Coombs’ test

17. In hereditary spherocytosis, the following membrane structure
is deficient:

  1. A. Band 3 protein
  2. B. Glycophorin
  3. C. Spectrin
  4. D. Glycolipid

18. G6PD deficiency has the following genetic basis of inheritance:
A. Autosomal dominant
B. Autosomal recessive
C. Sex-linked trait
D. Sex-linked homozygous

19. The rate of sickling in sickle cell anaemia is directly correlated with the following factors except:
A. Higher concentration of HbS
B. Lower concentration of HbA
C. Higher concentration of HbF
D. Higher deoxygenation

20. Molecular pathogenesis of a-thalassaemia involves:
A. Mutation in transcription promoter sequence
B. Gene deletion
C. Codon termination mutation
D. mRNA splicing defect

21. The pathognomonic abnormality in b-thalassaemia minor is:
A. Marked rise in HbA2
B. Marked rise in HbF
C. Marked unconjugated hyperbilirubinaemia
D. Marked anaemia

22. In aplastic anaemia, there is generally:
A. Relative neutrophilia
B. Relative lymphocytosis
C. Microcytosis
D. Reticulocyte count normal

23. Erythropoietin is produced by:

  1. A. Liver
  2. B. Lungs
  3. C. Bone marrow
  4. D. Kidney

24. Pappenheimer bodies represent:

  1. A. DNA
  2. B. RNA
  3. C. Non-haem iron
  4. D. Mitochondria

25. In Schilling’s test ‘hot’ B12 is given:

  1. A. Intramuscular
  2. B. Subcutaneous
  3. C. Intravenous
  4. D. Oral

26. Antibody in paroxysmal cold haemoglobinuria is against:
A. P blood group antigen
B. I blood group antigen
C. A blood group antigen
D. Rh blood group antigen

27. Which of the following G6PD variant provides protection against

  1. A. Type B
  2. B. Type A+
  3. C. TypeA –
  4. D. G6PD Mediterranean

28. Which of the following is not microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia?

  1. A. March haemoglobinuria
  2. B. TTP
  3. C. HUS
  4. D. Lead poisoning

29. Precipitated gamma chains are known as:

  1. A. Heinz bodies
  2. B. Pappenheimer bodies
  3. C. Hb Barts
  4. D. Russel bodies

30. Which of the following autoantibodies is most likely to be present in a patient with pernicious anemia?
A. Antigliadin antibodies
B. Anti-intrinsic factor antibodies
C. Antimitochondrial antibodies
D. Antismooth muscle antibodies

Answers Key
1) = B, 2) = C, 3) = C, 4) = C, 5) = C, 6) = B, 7) = C, 8) = C, 9) = B, 10) = C, 11) = A, 12) = D, 13) = A, 14) = B, 15) = B, 16) = A, 17) = C, 18) = C, 19) = C, 20) = B, 21) = A, 22) = B, 23) = D, 24) = C, 25) = D, 26) = A, 27) = C, 28) = D, 29) = A, 30) = B