1. The principle light- trapping pigment molecule in plants, Algae, & cyanobacteria is
a. Chlorophyll a
b. Chlorophyll b
c. Porphyrin
d. Rhodapsin
2. During Bio Geo chemical cycle some amount of elemental carbon was utilized by the microorganisms. The phenomenon is called as
a. Dissimilation
b. Immobilization
c. Decomposition
d. Neutralization
3. Who demonstrated that open tubes of broth remained free of bacteria when air was free of dust?
a. Abbc Spallanzani
b. John Tyndall
c. Francisco Redi
d. Pasteur
4. Spirulina belongs to
a. Xanthophyceae
b. Cyanophyceae
c. Rhodophyceae
d. Pheophyceae
5. Direct microscopic count can be done with the aid of
a. Neuberg chamber
b. Anaerobic chamber
c. Mineral oil
d. Olive oil
6. Father of Medical Microbiology is
a. Pasteur
b. Jenner
c. Koch
d. A.L.Hock
7. The term mutation was coined by
a. Pasteur
b. Darwin
c. Hugo devries
d. Lamark
8. Hybridoma technique was first discovered by
a. Kohler and Milstein
b. Robert Koch
c. ‘D’ Herelle
d. Land Steiner
9. Tuberculosis is a
a. Water borne disease
b. Air borne disease
c. Food borne disease
d. Atthropod borne disease
10. The main feature of prokaryotic organism is
a. Absence of locomotion
b. Absence of nuclear envelope
c. Absence of nuclear material
d. Absence of protein synthesis
11. Meosomes are also known as
a. Mitochondria
b. Endoplasmic reticulum
c. Plasmids
d. Chondroids
12. In electron microscope, what material is used as an objective lense?
a. Magnetic coils
b. Superfine glass
c. Aluminium foils
d. Electrons
13. Kuru disease in Humans is caused by
a. Bacteria
b. Viroides
c. Prions
d. Mycoplasma
14. Hanging drop method for motility study was first introduced by
a. Robert Koch
b. Louis Pasteur
c. Jenner
d. Leeuwenhock
15. The inventor of Microscope is
a. Galileo
b. Antony von
c. Pasteur
d. Koch
16. The causative organism of Rocky Mountain spotted fever was first described by
a. Howard Ricketts
b. da Rocha-lima
c. Both a and b
d. Robert Koch
17. Compound Microscope was discovered by
a. A.V. Lewenhoek
b. Pasteur
c. Janssen and Hans
d. None of these
18. Electron Microscope was discovered by
a. Prof. Fritz
b. Janssen and Hans
c. Knoll and Ruska
d. None of these
19. Mycorrhiza was first observed by
a. Funk
b. Frank
c. Fisher
d. Crick
20. The lethal dose required to kill 50% of the lab animals tested under standard called
a. ID b. LD50
c. ID50 d. MLD
21. Cold like symptoms are caused by which bacteria
a. Pseudomonas
b. E.coli
c. Haemophilus influenza
d. Haemophilus streptococcus
22. Staining material of gram positive bacterium is
a. Fast green
b. Haematoxylon
c. Crystal violet
d. Safranin
23. Bacteria that are responsible for fermentation of dairy milk are
a. Azetobacter
b. Rhizobium
c. Lactobacillus
d. Hay bacillus
24. Virus will contain
a. Cell membrane
b. Cell wall
c. DNA
d. DNA or RNA
25. Meosomes are the part of
a. Plasma membrane
b. ER
c. Lysosomes
d. Golgi
26. Bioleaching is done by
a. Protozoa
b. Bacteria
c. Algae
d. All of the above
27. Thylakoid is present in
a. Mitochondria
b. Chloroplast
c. ER
d. Golgi apparatus
28. Diphtheria is caused by
a. Corynebacterium
b. Staphylococcus
c. Streptococcus
d. None of these
29. An example for common air borne epidemic disease
a. Influenza
b. Typhoid
c. Encephalitis
d. Malaria
30. Bacillus is an example of
a. Gram positive bacteria
b. Gram negative bacteria
c. Virus
d. Viroid
31. Mordant used in grams staining is
a. Crystal violet
b. Iodine
c. Saffranin
d. All of these
32. Gram staining is an example for
a. Simple staining
b. Differential staining
c. Negative staining
d. None of these
33. The percentage of O2 required by moderate anaerobe is
a. 0%
b. < 0.5%
c. 2 – 8%
d. 5 – 10%
34. Spirochete is
a. Gonococci
b. Strphylococci
c. Treponema pallidum
d. Streptococci
35. Rod shaped bacteria are known as
a. Cocci
b. Comma forms
c. Bacilli
d. Plemorphic from
36. Thickness of cell wall ranges from
a. 9-10 nm
b. 12-13 nm
c. 10-25 nm
d. 30-40 nm
37. Bacterial capsule chemically composed of
a. Polypeptide
b. Polynucleotides
c. Polysaccharides
d. Polypeptides or polysaccharides
38. The motile bacteria is
a. Salmonella typhi
b. Klebsiella pneumoniae
c. Bacillus anthracis
d. Shigella flexneri
39. Bacteria multiply by
a. Spore formation
b. Simple binary fission
c. Conjugation
d. Gametes
40. Cell-wall is
a. Thick in Gram positive than Gram negative
b. Thick in Gram negative than Gram positive
c. Equal in both
d. In Gram negative cell-wall is absent
41. The Lipid content present in Gram positive bacterial cell-wall is
a. 1-10 %
b. 1-5 %
c. 2-8 %
d. None of these
42. Rickettsiae stained by this technique responds as
a. Gram positive
b. Gram negative
c. Between positive and negative
d. None of these
43. ‘Fluorescence’ was first observed by
a. Kohler
b. Coons
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
44. Most molds are capable of growing in the temperature range between
a. 0 oC – 25 oC
b. 0 oC – 35oC
c. 10 oC – 25 oC
d. 10 oC – 35 oC
45. Nitrite is converted into nitrate by bacteria?
a. Nitrosomonas
b. Nitrosocytes
c. Nitrobacter
d. Azatobacter
46. Bacillus Schlegelli is
a. Hydrogen – Oxydising bacteria
b. Sulphur – Oxydising bacteria
c. Iron-Oxidising bacteria
d. Nitrite oxidizing bacteria
47. Cholera vaccine gives protection for
a. 1 – 3 months
b. 3 – 6 months
c. 6 – 9 months
d. 9-12 months
48. Acid fast bacteria are
a. Neisseria
b. Staphylococci
c. Mycobacteria
d. All of the above
49. Lepromin test
a. Is negative in tubercular leprosy
b. Positive in lepromatous type
c. Indicated delayed hypersensitivity test
d. Indicates infection
50. Main cause for Cholera is
a. Poverty and insanitation
b. Mosquitoes
c. Toxin produced by pesticides
d. None of these