- Write details note on Staning techniques
- Classification of Staning
- Measurement of bacterial growth
- Write definition on sterilization on short note about sterilization
- Indole test
- Methyl red test
- Voges test
- Cirate utilization test
- Definition and short note :- Sterility indicator
- Write about dry heat sterilization
- Write about physical indicator, chemical indicator, biological indicator
- Write details note note on moist heat sterilization
- Write details note note on Gasous sterilization
- Write details note note on Radiation sterilization
- Write details note note on Filtration sterilization
According to syllables
Unit II
- Identification of bacteria using staining techniques (simple, Gram’s &Acid fast staining) and biochemical tests (IMViC).
- Study of principle, procedure, merits, demerits and applications of physical,chemical gaseous,radiation and mechanical method of sterilization.
- Evaluation of the efficiency of sterilization methods.
- Equipments employed in large scale sterilization.
- Sterility indicators.