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Oral Complications of Cancer Therapy MCQs With Answers

Oral Complications of Cancer Therapy MCQs

1. Chemotherapeutic agents produce toxic effects in the oral mucosa due to the agent’s
a. ability to selectively target cancer cells.
b. damaging effects on rapidly dividing cancer cells.
c. ability to produce effects in cells dividing at a normal rate.
d. damaging effects to rapidly dividing cells of normal tissues.

2. The effects of oral mucositis are most often seen in which tissue?
a. Hard palate.
b. Dorsal tongue.
c. Buccal mucosa.
d. Attached gingival.

3. Which is the preferable initial treatment for pain resulting from oral mucositis?
a. Combination solution containing an anesthetic, a coating agent, an antifungal drug, and perhaps other agents.
b. Systemic pain medications.
c. Local application of topical anesthetic.
d. Generalized application of topical anesthetic on the mucosa.

4. Permanently altered function of the salivary glands may result from which?
a. Antiemetic agents.
b. Anticholinergic agents.
c. Radiation cancer therapy.
d. Chemotherapeutic agents.

5. Higher dose bisphosphonate therapy is associated specifically with which adverse effect?
a. Taste dysfunction.
b. Tooth thermal hypersensitivity.
c. Osteonecrosis of the jaws (ONJ).
d. Temporomandibular joint disorders.

6. Thrombocytopenia, manifesting in cancer patients, generally results in which condition?
a. Oral hemorrhage.
b. Oral candidiasis.
c. Hairy leukoplakia.
d. Periodontal disease.

7. Full immune recovery after autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation occurs first at
a. 2 months.
b. 4 months.
c. 6 months.
d. 12 months.

8. Which effect of head and neck radiation therapy contributes the most to treatment-related morbidity?
a. Mucositis.
b. Candidiasis.
c. Taste dysfunction.
d. Salivary gland dysfunction.

9. Osteoradionecrosis results from damage to all EXCEPT which component of bone?
a. Blood vessels.
b. Osteoblasts.
c. Osteoclasts.
d. Calcium phosphate.

10. Which therapeutic component is most crucial to the overall management of cancer?
a. Nutritional counseling.
b. Physical therapy and muscle relaxants.
c. Prescription of an antifungal drug for Candida.
d. Precancer oral health stabilization.