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pharmacyTopic wise MCQs

Pharmacognosy (Part:- 10) MCQs with answers


51. Which of the following types of compounds are the capsaicinoids?
A) Monoterpenes
B) Pseudoalkaloids
C) Carotenoids
D) Protoalkaloids

52. Which of the following is the medical use of common fumitory?
A) Decreasing high blood pressure
B) Relieving joint pain
C) Enhancing bile synthesis and excretion
D) Promotion of wound healing

53. The basic structure of Boldi folium alkaloids is…
A) Indole
B) Piperidine
C) Morphinan
D) Aporphine

54. Vinpocetine (Cavinton®) is a semi-synthetic derivative of the main active compound of which of the following plants?
A) Rhamnus frangula
B) Pulmonaria officinalis
C) Catharanthus roseus
D) Vinca minor

55. To which of the following types of compound does taxol belong?
A) Diterpene alkaloid
B) Steroidal alkaloid
C) Sesquiterpene
D) Lignan

56. Which of the following statements relating to the traditional herbal medicinal products is false?
A) Attributing a preventive or curative effect to these products is forbidden
B) They contain one or more herbal substances, preparations or their combination as active agents.
C) The products may also contain vitamins and minerals
D) Their authorization is possible via abridged registration

57. Which of the following types of medicines was developed from the alkaloid camtothecin, isolated from Camptotheca acuminata?
A) Antidiabetic
B) Anticancer
C) Hypotensive
D) Anti-inflammatory

58. Which of the following types of medicines was developed from galegine, isolated from Galega officinalis?
A) Antidiabetic
B) Anticancer
C) Hypotensive
D) Anti-inflammatory

59. Which of the following is the advantage of collecting medical herbs from their natural habitat?
A) The whole process (culturing, harvesting, etc.) can be controlled
B) The appropriate harvesting and quality can be guaranteed
C) The stock is homogeneous
D) No culturing costs are involved

60. Which of the following groups of compounds consists of primary metabolites?
A) Alkaloids
B) Lignans
C) Flavonoids
D) Carbohydrates

61. Which of the following structural features is characteristic of saponins?
A) Their skeleton may be built up from 10, 15, 20 or 30 carbon atoms
B) They are triterpene glycosides
C) They are glycosides with aromatic rings
D) They are heterocyclic molecules containing sulphur.

62. The essential oil of Melissa officinalis is sometimes falsified with the essential oil of
A) Cymbopogon winterianus
B) Citrus aurantium
C) Hyssopus officinalis
D) Commiphora molmol

63. Flavonoids such as … are able to decrease the permeability of the capillaries.
A) Liquiritin and isoliquiritin
B) Apigenin and luteolin
C) Genistein and ononin
D) Hesperidin and rutin

64. Which of the following types of components are used in photochemotherapy (PUVA)?
A) Anthrone glycosides
B) Dimeric coumarins
C) Furanocoumarins
D) Quinoline alkaloids

65. Which of the following is the tetracyclic oxindole alkaloid of Uncariae tomentosae radix?
A) Pteropodine
B) Mitraphylline
C) Speciophylline
D) Rinchophylline

66. As defined by the European Pharmacopoeia, which of the following are herbal drugs?
A) Processed plants, plant or animal parts that are mainly used in the fresh state, or sometimes after drying
B) Mainly unprocessed, whole or ground plants, algae, fungi or lichen, which are particularly Used after drying or sometimes in the fresh state
C) Generally herbal products, prepared by different methods such as extraction, distillation, Extrusion, fractionation, concentration or fermentation
D) Plant species used as therapeutic agents to influence the functions of the human body

67. Chromatography on normal-phase silica gel is based on which of the following physicochemical processes?
A) Distribution
B) Adsorption
C) Ion exchange
D) Antigen-antibody interaction

68. Which of the following chromatographic techniques always use forced flow?
A) Rotation planar chromatography
B) Gel-filtration chromatography
C) Thin-layer chromatography
D) Ion-exchange chromatography

69. Which of the following is the definition of chromatographic Rf (retention factor) value?
A) The distance that a particular compound moves from the start
B) The distance between the start and the solvent front
C) The distance that a particular compound moves divided by the distance of the solvent front from the start
D) The distance travelled by the solvent front from the start divided by the distance that a particular compound moves

70. Which of the following is the shape of maize starch grains?
A) Oval
B) Round
C) Polygonal, with a central triangular or 2 to 5 stellate cleft hilum
D) Triangular

71. Which of the following processes can be used to prepare an extract rich in polysaccharides from linseed?
A) From grained drug with water
B) From grained drug with alcohol
C) From whole seeds with hot water
D) From whole seeds with diluted alcohol

72. Which of the following is characteristic of mucilages?
A) They can be extracted from the drug with water
B) They undergo hydrolysis to monosaccharide units upon boiling
C) They can be precipitated with alcohol
D) They give a viscous solution with water

73. Which of the following is the main method for the preparation of fixed oils used in medicine?
A) Heating the drug with organic solvents
B) Extraction with water
C) Cold extrusion
D) Warm extrusion

74. Flavonoids can be detected with reactions based on complex formation. Which of the following substituents on the flavone skeleton prevent this?
A) -OH on C5 (e.g. apigenin)
B) -OH on C3 and C5 (e.g. quercetin)
C) -O-galactoside on C5 and -OH on C3 (e.g. hyperoside)
D) -OCH3 on C5 and no –OH on C3 (e.g. nobiletin)
E) -OH on C5 and -O-rutinoside on C3 (e.g. rutin)

75. Which of the following forms are alkaloids mainly present in plants?
A) Esters of mineral acids
B) Salts of mineral acids
C) Free bases
D) Esters of organic acids

76. In which of the following ways can alkaloids be extracted from plants in salt form?
A) Warming with organic solvents
B) Boiling with aqueous ammonium hydroxide
C) Shaking with acidified water at room temperature or above
D) Warming with lead acetate and water

77. With which of the following tests can the alkaloids of deadly nightshade be identified?
A) The Marquis test
B) The Thalleioquin test
C) With cc. HNO3
D) The Vitali test

78. In which of the following ways is Lavandulae aetheroleum prepared?
A) Warm extrusion
B) Extraction with organic solvent
C) Warm extrusion
D) Steam distillation

79. Which of the following is a suitable reagent for the TLC detection of carvone?
A) Iodine vapour + starch solution
B) Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde solution
C) vanillin-sulphuric acid
D) 2, 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine

80. Which of the following does the hemolytic index indicate?
A) The di- and sesquiterpene content of volatile oils
B) The saponin content of the drugs
C) The steroid content of the drugs
D) The aliphatic monoterpene content of volatile oils

81. Which of the following reagents is suitable for the detection of the cardioactive glycosides of Digitalis purpureae folium?
A) 2, 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine
B) Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde solution
C) Potassium hydroxide solution
D) 3, 5-Dinitrobenzoic acid + sodium hydroxide solution

82. With which of the following methods can the anthraquinone derivative content of a drug be detected:
A) Upon warming of the extract with glacial acetic acid a red precipitate is formed
B) After extraction of the drug with organic solvent and mixing with diluted ammonium hydroxide solution, the separating alkaline phase shows a reddish-orange or red colour
C) The aqueous extract of the drug gives a blue precipitate with lead acetate
D) The aqueous extract of the drug forms a green complex with cc. sulphuric acid

83. Which of the following methods is specified by the European Pharmacopoeia for quantification of the anthraquinone glycoside content of drugs?
A) Gravimetry
B) High-performance liquid chromatography
C) Spectrophotometry
D) Gas chromatography

84. Which of the following is a C-glycoside?
A) Arbutin                                                                                                                                                                                              B) Gypsoside
C) Gentiopikrin                                                                                                                                                                                  D) Aloin
85. Which of the following factors does not influence the effectiveness of chromatographic separations:
A) The polarity of the solvent
B) The humidity of the air
C) The shape of the developing chamber
D) The optical rotation of the solvent system

86. During steam distillation matricin breaks down. Which of the following steps is not involved in this process?
A) Opening of the lactone ring
B) The loss of water
C) Decarboxylation
D) Water addition

87. Which of the following drugs contains homopolysaccharide?
A) Cyamopsidis seminis pulvis
B) Acaciae gummi
C) Solani amylum
D) Agar

88. Which of the following factors does not influence the effectiveness of extraction?
A) Temperature
B) The polarity of the solvent
C) The particle size of the grounded drug
D) The refractive index ofcompounds to be extracted

89. Which of the following volatile oils has a higher density than that of water?
A) Thymi aetheroleum
B) Caryophylli aetheroleum
C) Lavandulae aetheroleum
D) Anisi stellati aetheroleum

90. Which of the following is Calendulae flos?
A) A carminative
B) A cardiotonic
C) A roborant
D) An epithelogenic

91. Which of the following is Silybi mariani fructus?
A) A cardiotonic
B) A roborant
C) A hepatoprotectant
D) A mild antidepressant

92. Which of the following are active agents of Alchemillae?
A) Tannins (ellagic acid derivatives)
B) Alkaloids
C) Anthraquinones
D) Galaktomannans

93. Which of the following is the use of Alchemillae herba in medicine?
A) As laxative
B) For the treatment of eczema and skin inflammation
C) As spasmolytic
D) As hepatoprotectant
E) To increase bile production

94. Which of the following is the use of Calendulae flos in medicine?
A) To improve cognitive functions
B) As antiemetic during travel sickness
C) As spasmolytic
E) For the treatment of skin and mucosal inflammation

95. Which of the following is the use of Zingiberis rhizoma in medicine?
A) To improve cognitive functions
B) As antiemetic during travel sickness
C) As spasmolytic
D) As secretolytic

96. Which of the following is the use of Hederae folium in medicine?
A) Expectorant, secretolytic, spasmolytic
B) Treatment of skin inflammation
C) Cardiotonic
D) Antiemec

97. Which of the following compounds are responsible for bitter taste of Lupuli flos?
A) Phloroglucine derivatives
B) Triterpene saponins
C) Polysaccharides
D) Pseudoalkaloids

98. Which of the following compounds of Hyperici herba has photosensitizing effect?
A) Rutin
B) Hyperforin
C) Hyperoside
D) Hypericin

99. Which of the following is the official name (specified by the European Pharmacopoeia) of the drug of bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi)?
A) Folia uvae ursi
B) Uvae ursi folium
C) Folium arctostaphylos uva-ursi
D) Arctostaphylos folium

100. The volatile oil of … is prepared by mechanical pressing (extrusion)?
A) Salvia officinalis
B) Thymus vulgaris
C) Quercus petraea
D) Citrus sinensis