Pharmacognosy & Phytochemistry-I MCQs with Answers
1. Pest is a –
a) Undesired animal
b) Manure
c) Undesired plant
d) Fertilizer
a) a,b
b) a,c
c) b,d
d) b,c
2. Phytophthora erythrosceptica which causes damping off in young seedlings is a –
a) Virus
b) Insect
c) Weed
d) Fungi
3. Cercospora dioscorea produces a leaf spot on dioscorea is a –
a) Fungi
b) Virus
c) Weed
d) Insect
4. Weed is a
a) Undesired plant
b) Undesired animal
c) Insect
d) Rodents
5. MS medium stands for
a) Gautheret medium
b) (B) Murashige and Skoog medium
c) (C) Haller’s medium
d) (D) Erikson medium
6. The pests like Ephestia elutella and Tinea pellionella are
a) Weeds
b) Insects
c) Virus
d) Fungi
7. Tissue and cells cultured in a liquid medium (without agar) produce a: –
a) Callus culture
b) Suspension culture
c) Inorganic culture
d) Protoplast culture
8. Which of the following is not a insect pest?
a) Aphids
b) Caterpillar
c) Virus
d) Termites
9. Surface sterilization is done by
a) Sodium Hypochlorite (2%)
b) Calcium hypochlorite (9-10%)
c) Mercuric chloride (0.1-1%)
d) All of the above
10. Which of the following is not a method to control the pest?
a) Agricultural
b) Biological
c) Mechanical
d) Electro-magnetic
11. An explant is
a) excised piece of tissue or organ used for culture
b) B) a organ meant for respiration
c) a secondary metabolite
d) None of the above
12. Which of the following is a biological method to control the pest?
a) Crop improvement
b) Pathogen is destroyed by another living organisms
c) Crop rotation
d) Ploughing the fields deeply
13. Who introduced the protoplasmic plant tissue culture
a) Kuster, 1909
b) Schleiden,1839
c) Zenk 1978
d) Cocking,1960
14. The techniques like hand picking, pruning, burning and trapping of pest are related to
a) Agricultural method
b) Biological method
c) Mechanical method
d) Chemical method
15. The concept of totipotency was laid by
a) Loo
b) Haberblandt
c) (C)Cocking
d) Galen
16. Rodenticides are used to kill the
a) Weeds
b) Rodents
c) Fungi
d) Virus
17. B 5 medium stands for
a) Gautheret medium
b) White’s medium
c) Gamberg et al medium
d) Erikson medium
18. In culture medium the elements required in the concentration greater than 0.5 m mol 1 are called as: –
a) Macronutrients
b) Micronutrients
c) Organic nutrients
d) Stiff agents
19. Panchamahabhuta and Tridosha theory is related to
a) Homoeopathy
b) Aromatherapy
c) Unani System
d) Ayurveda
20. According to Ayurveda PITA (Bile) is responsible for
a) transmitting sense impression to the mind
b) providing the static energy for holding body tissue together
c) all digestive and metabolic activities
d) lubrication of various points of friction
21. The Yin and Yang theory is related to :
a) Ayurveda
b) Chinese system
c) Unani system
d) Homoeopathy
22. The Hippocratic theory and Pythagorian theory find its origin in :
a) Unani system of medicine
b) Homoeopathy
c) Aromatherapy
d) Chinese system of medicine
23. The traditional healer who practices the unani system is termed as
a) Pharmacist
b) Doctor
c) Vaidh
d) Hakim
24. Who developed the Homoeopathic system of medicine?
a) Shen Nung
b) (B) N. Le’mary
c) Samuel Hahnemann
d) (D) Sir Edward
25. Raw cotton consists of
a) 62% of cellulose
b) 25% of cellulose
c) 54% of cellulose
d) 91% of cellulose
26.Most of the alkaloids have test
a) Sweet
b) Sour
c) Bitter
d) Spicy
27. The concept of Proving and Prover is related to
a) Ayurveda
b) Homoeopathy
c) C) Aromatherapy
d) Chinese system
28. Who coined the term Aromatherapy ?
a) Rene-maurice Gattefosse in 1928
b) Theophrastus in 1930
c) Caventou in 1925
d) Hooker in 1910
29. Aromatherapy provides the treatment by using
a) Tannins
b) Essential oil
c) Resins
d) Alkaloids
30. In India where cotton is not cultivated?
a) Kashmir
b) Rajasthan
c) Gujarat
d) Maharashtra
31. Aromatherapy can be effected by :
a) Local massage
b) Whole body massage
c) Aromatic baths and inhalation
d) All of the above
32. Cotton consists of hairs of the seeds of:
a) Cyamopsis tetragonolobus
b) Arachis hypogaea
c) Gossypium barbadense
d) Saraca indica
33. The book entitled “The Secret of Life and Youth” is authored by
a) Valnet
b) Bill Clinton
c) C) Maury
d) George Bush
34. Hemp and jute are:
a) Plant fibres
b) Animal fibres
c) Mineral fibres
d) Synthetic fibres
35. Gunny is
a) Gentian
b) Jute
c) Cannabis
d) Opium
36. Important chemical constituents honey is
a) Glucose
b) Fructose
c) Maltose
d) Invert sugar
37. The biological source for Indian gum is
a) Cyamopsis tetragonoglobules
b) Astragalus gammifer
c) Acacia arabica
d) Acacia senegal
38. When Indian gum is treated with ruthenium red it show
a) Pink colour
b) Red colour
c) Blue colour
d) No colour change
39. When Indian gum is treated with hydrogen peroxide and benzidine in alcohol is show blue colour due to
a) Hydrolyase enzyme
b) Oxidase enzyme
c) Reductage enzyme
d) Invertase enzyme
40. The mostly used adulterant for Indian gum is
a) Acacia senegal gum
b) Gum from Astragalus gammifer
c) Gum ghatti from Anogeissus latifolia
d) Guar gum
41. Aritifical invert sugar is an adulterant for honey and it is detected by
a) Tollen’s
b) Ninhydrine
c) Baljet test
d) Fiehe’s test
42. The water soluble portion of tragacanth is known as
a) Tragacanthin
b) Bassorin
c) Galctouronic acid
d) D-galctopyranase
43. Which is not the common use of cotton?
a) Filtering medium
b) Surgical dressing
c) Insulating material
d) Astringent
44. Agar is used as
a) Binder
b) Disintigrant
c) Emulsifying agent
d) Preservative
45.Tesla is a unit to express a
a) Frequency
b) Pressure
c) Voltage
d) Magnetic field strength
46. Optical rotation is measured by
a) Viscometer
b) Polarimeter
c) Opticometer
d) Microtome
47. Cotton is soluble in:
a) Hcl
b) KOH
c) Cold 80% sulphuric acid
d) Acetone
48. One of the following parameter is not used in quality control of crude drug
a) Total ash
b) Acid insoluble ash
c) Water soluble ash
d) Water insoluble ash
49. Which of the following is not present in raw cotton?
a) 7.5% to 8% of moisture
b) 5% of tannins
c) 91% of cellulose
d) 0.4% of fat
50. Which of the following is not a type of trichome
a) Glandular
b) Non glandular
c) Cruciferous
d) Hydathodes
51. Purified absorbent cotton is almost a pure
a) Cellulose
b) (B) Chitin
c) (C) Sodium alginate
d) (D) Talc
52. The principal of separation of HPTLC is
a) Absorption
b) Attraction
c) Adsorption
d) None of the above
53. A target material used in the production of X-rays is
a) Potassium
b) Copper
c) Aluminium
d) Sodium
54. In NMR spectrometery the chemical shift is expressed in
a) Parts per million
b) Gauses
c) Tesla
d) Hertz
55. In mass spectra the most intense peak is the
a) Base peak
b) Metastable ion peak
c) Fragment peak
d) Rearrangement ion peak
56. A solvent used in NMR studies is
a) Chloroform
b) Acetone
c) Carbontetrachloride
d) Methanol
57. Which of the following is not a aprt of flower
a) Calyx
b) Bark
c) Corolla
d) Gynoecium
58. Drug evaluation means
a) Confirmation of identity
b) Determination of purity and quality
c) Debasement of an article
d) Substitution of inferior drug
a)ac b) ab c) ad d) bd
59. The main function of stomata is
a) Exchange of gases
b) Prepare the food
c) Elongate the roots
d) None of the above
60. Generally clove is adulterated with
a) Mother clove
b) Father clove
c) Clove stalks
d) Mother clove and clove stalks