1. Chalazion is chronic inflammatory process involving:
A. Sebaceous gland of Zeis
B. Apocrine gland of Moll
C. Meibomian glands
D. Eyelash follicle
2. Proliferative retinopathy consists of the following lesions except:
A. Capillary microaneurysms
B. Neovascularisation of the retina at optic disc
C. Vitreous haemorrhages
D. Proliferation of astrocytes and fibrous tissue around blood vessels
3. Hypertensive retinopathy has the following features except:
A. Flame-shaped haemorrhages in retinal nerve layer
B. Arteriolosclerosis
C. Vitreous haemorrhages
D. Microaneurysm
4. Mikulicz’s syndrome is inflammatory enlargement of lacrimal and salivary glands which may occur with following conditions except:
- A. Sjögren’s syndrome
- B. Sarcoidosis
- C. Tuberculosis
- D. Lymphoma
5. Sebaceous carcinoma occurs most commonly at:
- A. Axilla
- B. Groin
- C. Upper eyelid
- D. Lower eyelid
6. Following histologic type of uveal malignant melanoma has the worst prognosis:
- A. Spindle A
- B. Spindle B
- C. Epithelioid
- D. Mixed
7. The most common ocular metastatic tumour is from the follow-ing primary cancer:
- A. Melanoma
- B. Breast
- C. Epidermoid
- D. Neuroblastoma
8. Sjögren’s syndrome produces the following pathological change in the eye:
- A. Uveitis
- B. Phthisis bulbi
- C. Keratoconjunctivitis
- D. Glaucoma
9. Most common eyelid tumour is:
A. Sebaceous carcinoma
B. Squamous cell carcinoma
C. Malignant melanoma
D. Basal cell carcinoma
10. What is true about retinoblastoma:
A. 60% cases are sporadic and 40% are familial
B. 40% cases are sporadic and 60% are familial
C. 80% cases are sporadic and 20% are familial
D. 20% cases are sporadic and 80% are familial
11. Wegener’s granulomatosis generally produces lesions in the following tissues except:
- A. Nose
- B. Ears
- C. Lungs
- D. Kidneys
12. Nasopharyngeal angiofibroma has the following features except:
A. It is endemic in people of South-East Asia
B. It occurs exclusively in adolescent males
C. It is a benign nasopharyngeal tumour
D. Testosterone hormone plays a role in its etiology
13. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma has the following features except:
A. It is common cancer in South-East Asia
B. It occurs in males exclusively
C. EB virus plays a role in its etiology
D. The prognosis is usually fatal
14. Sebaceous carcinoma is commonest tumour in the following location:
- A. Upper eyelid
- B. Lower eyelid
- C. External auditory canal
- D. Lip
15. Lateral cervical cysts of the neck include the following examples except:
- A. Branchial cyst
- B. Thyroglossal cyst
- C. Cervical thymic cyst
- D. Parathyroid cyst
16. Which of the following is post-inflammatory pseudotumour of ear:
- A. Chondrodermatitis nodularis
- B. Cauliflower ear
- C. Otosclerosis
- D. Cholesteatoma
17. Characteristic cells seen in rhinoscleroma are known as:
- A. Mikulicz cells
- B. Dendritic cells
- C. Langerhans cells
- D. Touton cells
18. Which HPV types are implicated in causation of laryngeal papilloma:
- A. HPV type 6 and 11
- B. HPV type 8 and 16
- C. HPV type 33 and 36
- D. HPV type 46 and 52
19. Ackerman’s tumour is:
A. Spindle cell carcinoma of larynx
B. Verrucous carcinoma of larynx
C. Adenocarcinoma of larynx
D. Sarcoma of larynx
20. Which one of the following viruses is a member of the herpes family, infects B cells and epithelial cells of the oropharynx, and causes a positive heterophil antibody test?
- A. CMV
- B. EBV
- C. HBV
- D. HIV
Answers Key
1) = C, 2) = A, 3) = C, 4) = C, 5) = C, 6) = C, 7) = B, 8) = C, 9) = A, 10) = A, 11) = B, 12) = A, 13) = B, 14) = A, 15) = B, 16) = D, 17) = B, 18) = A, 19) = B, 20) = B