1. The following tissues are lined by keratinised stratified squamous epithelium except:
- A. Hard palate
- B. Soft palate
- C. Lips
- D. Gingiva
2. Fordyce’s granules are composed of the following:
- A. Sebaceous glands
- B. Sweat glands
- C. Fibrous tissue
- D. Epithelial hyperplasia
3. Patients of AIDS have the following type of oral leukoplakia:
- A. Speckled
- B. Nodular
- C. Hairy
- D. Wrinkled
4. The most common gross pattern of carcinoma of oral cavity is:
- A. Papillary
- B. Nodular
- C. Ulcerative
- D. Scirrhous
5. The following type of dental cyst is more often associated with development of ameloblastoma:
- A. Radicular cyst
- B. Dentigerous cyst
- C. Primordial cyst
- D. Gingival cysts
6. Which of the following conditions is not associated with oral pigmentation?
- A. Addison’s disease
- B. Lichen planus
- C. Albright syndrome
- D. Haemochromatosis
7. The pseudocartilage or matrix in mixed salivary tumour is a product of:
- A. Connective tissue mucin
- B. Ductal epithelial cell origin
- C. Myoepithelial cell origin
- D. Combination of all mucins
8. Most common malignant salivary gland tumour is:
- A. Malignant mixed tumour
- B. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
- C. Adenoid cyst carcinoma
- D. Adenocarcinoma
9. The most common malignant salivary gland tumour in children is:
- A. Acinic cell tumour
- B. Adenoid cystic carcinoma
- C. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
- D. Adenocarcinoma
10. Malignant salivary gland tumour that commonly spreads along the nerves is:
A. Malignant mixed salivary tumour
B. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma
C. Acinic cell carcinoma
D. Adenoid cystic carcinoma
11. All of the following have strong association with oral squamous cell carcinoma except:
- A. Tobacco smoking
- B. Chronic alcoholism
- C. Submucosal fibrosis
- D. HPV 16 and 18
12. Secondary dentin is:
A. Reaction of the tooth to carious process
B. Mature form of dentin
C. Dentin formed with ageing
D. Mineralised primary dentin
13. Most common cyst arising from dental tissues is:
- A. Radicular cyst
- B. Dentigerous cyst
- C. Eruption cyst
- D. Gingival cyst
14. All the following are patterns of ameloblastoma except:
- A. Follicular
- B. Plexiform
- C. Granular
- D. Spindle
15. Which one of the following autosomal dominant disorders is characterised by the formation of multiple gastrointestinal polyps along with pigmented lesions around the oval cavity?
- A. Cowden disease
- B. Gardner syndrome
- C. Peutz-Jeghers syndrome
- D. Rotor syndrome
Answers Key
1) = B, 2) = A, 3) = C, 4) = C, 5) = B, 6) = B, 7) = C, 8) = B, 9) = C, 10) = D, 11) = C, 12) = A, 13) = A, 14) = D, 15) = C