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NursingpharmacyTopic wise MCQs

The Heart MCQs with Answers

1. The most common anatomic pattern of distribution of coronary blood supply is:
A. Left coronary preponderance
B. Right coronary preponderance
C. Circumflex preponderance
D. Balanced circulation

2. Right heart failure is predominantly characterised by the following except:
A. Chronic venous congestion liver
B. Chronic venous congestion spleen
C. Chronic venous congestion kidney
D. Pulmonary congestion

3. The thickness of left ventricular wall in left ventricular hyper-trophy is at least:

  1. A. 13 mm
  2. B. 15 mm
  3. C. 17 mm
  4. D. 19 mm

4. The features of tetralogy of Fallot are as under except:
B. Displacement of aorta to right to override the VSD

C. Pulmonary stenosis
D. Left ventricular hypertrophy

5. Post-ductal coarctation of aorta has following features except:
A. Hypertension in upper extremities
B. Weak pulses
C. High blood pressure in lower extremities
D. Claudication in lower legs

6. Non-infarct effects of myocardial ischaemia are as under except:
A. Sudden cardiac death
B. Angina pectoris
C. Subendocardial infarcts
D. Chronic ischaemic heart disease

7. The most thrombogenic constituent of atheroma is:

  1. A. Fibrous cap
  2. B. Lipid core
  3. C. Foam cells
  4. D. Smooth muscle cells

8. The most important and common complicated atheromatous lesion in coronary artery in acute myocardial infarction is:

  1. A. Calcification
  2. B. Coronary thrombosis
  3. C. Aneurysm
  4. D. Ulceration

9. Infarcts are least common in:

  1. A. Left ventricle
  2. B. Right ventricle
  3. C. Left atrium
  4. D. Right atrium

10. CKMB2:CKMB1 ratio sensitive for the diagnosis of acute MI is:

  1. A. >0.5
  2. B. >1.0
  3. C. 1.5
  4. D. >2.0

11. Chronic ischaemic heart disease is most often due to:
A. Coronary atherosclerosis
B. Repetitive coronary vasospasm
C. Embolisation to coronary branches
D. Stenosis of coronary ostia

12. In hypertensive heart disease left ventricular hypertrophy is correlated with:
A. Duration of hypertension
B. Severity of hypertension
C. Cause of hypertension
D. Severity of coronary atherosclerosis

13. In rheumatic heart disease, antibodies against the following streptococcal products are seen in the serum except:

  1. A. DNAase B
  2. B. Streptokinase
  3. C. Streptolysin S
  4. D. Streptohyaluronidase

14. Anitschkow cells are believed to be derivative of:
A. Cardiac myocyte
B. Cardiac histiocyte
C. Endocardial smooth muscle cells
D. Endothelial cells of lymphatics

15. In chronic RHD, the most common valvular deformities are:
A. Mitral stenosis and insufficiency
B. Mitral stenosis alone
C. Mitral insufficiency alone
D. Mitral and aortic stenosis combined

16. MacCallum’s patch appears in the region of:
A. Pericardial surface in the posterior wall of left atrium
B. Pericardial surface in the posterior wall of left ventricle
C. Endocardial surface in the posterior wall of left atrium
D. Endocardial surface in the posterior wall of left ventricle

17. Major criteria in the modified Jones’ criteria include the following except:

  1. A. Carditis
  2. B. Polyarthritis
  3. C. Raised C-reactive proteins
  4. D. Subcutaneous nodules

18. Haematoxylin bodies of Gross may be seen in vegetations of:
A. Rheumatic valvulitis
B. Libman-Sacks endocarditis
C. Non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis
D. Subacute bacterial valvulitis

19. Most frequent underlying heart disease in causation of SABE is:
A. Ventricular septal defect
B. Chronic rheumatic valvular disease
C. Floppy mitral valve
D. Atherosclerotic valvular disease

20. Vegetations of the following types of endocarditis are generally not friable except that of:
A. Rheumatic endocarditis
B. Libman-Sacks endocarditis
C. Subacute bacterial endocarditis
D. Non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis

21. Mitral stenosis causes the following effects on the heart except:
A. Dilatation and hypertrophy of left atrium
B. Dilatation and hypertrophy of left ventricle
C. Dilatation and hypertrophy of right ventricle
D. Dilatation of right atrium

22. In the following heart disease, there is generally involvement of valves of right heart:
A. Heart disease in SLE
B. Carcinoid heart disease
C. Non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis
D. Subacute bacterial endocarditis

23. The following type of cardiomyopathy is classically charac- terised by four chamber dilatation:
A. Idiopathic congestive cardiomyopathy
B. Idiopathic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
C. Endomyocardial fibrosis
D. Loeffler’s endocarditis

24. All of the following cause left-sided heart failure except:
A. Cor pulmonale B. Systemic hypertension
C. Mitral stenosis D. Aortic stenosis

25. The most common location for myxoma of heart is:

  1. A. Left ventricle
  2. B. Right ventricle
  3. C. Left atrium
  4. D. Interventricular septum

26. An important protein from bacterial cell surface implicated in pathogenesis of RHD is:

  1. A. G-protein
  2. B. M-protein
  3. C. L-protein
  4. D. X-protein

27. For endomyocardial biopsy, the safest site for biopsy is:

  1. A. Left ventricle
  2. B. Left atrium
  3. C. Right ventricle
  4. D. Right atrium

28. Which of the following produces right ventricular hypertrophy:

  1. A. Coarctation of aorta
  2. B. Aortic stenosis
  3. C. Pulmonary insufficiency
  4. D. Systemic hypertension

29. Most common congenital anomaly of the heart is:

  1. A. VSD
  2. B. ASD
  3. C. PDA
  4. D. Tetralogy of Fallot

30. Acronym “STEMI” stands for:
A. Standard Treatment and Evaluation in MI
B. Serial Testing of Enzyme levels in MI
C. ST segment Elevation in acute MI
D. Steps Taken in Emergency in case of Multiple Infarcts

31. Reported incidence of RHD in school going children by the Indian Council of Medical Research is:
A. 1 to 5.5 per 100 children
B. 5.5 to 10 per 100 children
C. 10 to 15.5 per 100 children
D. 15.5 to 20 per 100 children

32. MacCallum’s patch is seen in:

  1. A. Right atrium
  2. B. Right ventricle
  3. C. Left atrium
  4. D. Left ventricle

33. Chronic alcoholism is associated with:
A. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
B. Dilated cardiomyopathy
C. Restrictive cardiomyopathy
D. Infiltrative cardiomyopathy

34. Most common location for performing endomyocardial biopsy is:

  1. A. Right atrium
  2. B. Right ventricle
  3. C. Left atrium
  4. D. Left ventricle

35. A one month old male baby is brought to paediatric emergency due to difficulty in feeding and lethargy. On auscultation, a loud murmur is heard. Which of the following is the most likely congenital heart disease in this baby?

  1. A. Tetralogy of Fallot’s
  2. B. VSD
  3. C. ASD
  4. D. Aortic atresia

Answers Key
1) = B, 2) = D, 3) = B, 4) = D, 5) = C, 6) = C, 7) = B, 8) = B, 9) = C, 10) = C, 11) = A, 12) = A, 13) = C, 14) = B, 15) = A, 16) = C, 17) = C, 18) = B, 19) = B, 20) = C, 21) = B, 22) = B, 23) = A, 24) = A 25) = C 26) = B 27) = C 28) = C, 29) = A, 30) = C, 31) = A, 32) = C, 33) = B, 34) = B, 35) = B