1. Which of the following is a set of bacterial diseases?
a. Malaria, polio, mumps
b. Plague, leprosy, diphtheria.
c. Mumps, cholera, typhoid
d. measles Tuberculosis Tetanus
2. Vibrio Cholerae is a motile bacterium, which belong to the group of –
a. Lophotrichous
b. Peritrichous
c. Monotrichous
d. Amphitrichous
3. What is the standard treatment of Cholera?
a. ORS replacement therapy
b. Tetracycline antibiotics
c. Trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole
d. Diuretic drugs?
4. What is the full frame of SARS?
a. Severe acute respiratory syndrome
b. Severe acute Respiratory symptoms
c. Severe actual respiratory symptoms
d. Serious acute respiratory syndrome
5. What is the biggest risk factor for the infection with Ebola?
a. working in a category IV laboratory
b. Nursing a patient at home
c. Attending of funeral of a victim outside
d. Attending large gatherings
6. Ebola virus disease is a type of….
a. viral hemorrhagic fever
b. Avian Influenza
c. plague
d. viral respiratory illness
7. Incubation period of Ebola virus is …
a. within an hour
b. 2 to 21 days
c. within 48 hours
d. 2 to 7 days.
8. Which of the following indicates hypertensive crisis?
a. blood pressure of 140 /99 mmhg
b. BP of 160 / 100 mmhg
c. BP of 150 / 99 mmhg
d. BP of 180 / 120 mmhg
9. what are the top three modifiable risk factors for developing cancer?
a. Tobacco use, excess body weight, alcohol intake
b. Tobacco use, cancer-causing pathogens, physical inactivity
c. Tobacco use Sun / UV exposure, alcoholic use
d. Tobacco use, Sun / UV exposure, excess body weight
10. Changing or modifying certain behaviors can reduce your risk for developing cancer, which of the following lifestyle modification can reduce your risk of cancer.
a. Stay Physically Active
b. limit consumption of red meat and processed food
c. limit alcohol consumption
d. all of the above
11. Which of the following drop functions as a CNS depressant?
a. amphetamine
b. caffeine
c. opium
d. cocaine
12. compulsory drinking is also called…
a. Dipsomania
b. Pyromania
c. Trichotillomania
d. Dyslexia
13. Substance abuse is…
a. taking of a drug or alcohol in damaging quantities or in quantities other than prescribed
b. typified by continued use of alcohol or other drugs in spite of negative consequences
c. characterized by repeated compulsive seeking or use of a substance despite adverse
social psychological and / or physical consequences
d. use of any drug
14. Filarial larvae can be collected from man’s…
a. peripheral blood at midnight
b. smears of spleen
c. smears of intestinal contents
d. biopsy of liver
15. This does not accurately describe lymphatic filariasis.
a. Vector is the mollusc
b. chyluria is the most common manifestation
c. Mainly affects the lower limb
d. Caused by worms wuchereriabancrofti
16. Which of the following coronavirus is has goes to thousands of deaths around the world as an emergent virus?
c. OC43
d. HKU1
17. Chikungunya is primarily spread by…
a. bacteria
b. viruses
c. protozoa
d. mollusc
18. Chikungunya has spread widely from Asia and Africa into the Caribbean in recent years. This has been mainly facilitated by
a. mutation in the virus allowing the replication in the mosquito aedesalbopictus
b. Air travel
c. climate change
d. poor mosquito control and absence of the DTT.
19. Mosquito responsible for malaria transmission..
a. Aedesegypti
b. Aedesalbopictus
c. Anopheles
d. Haemagogus
20. Trophozoites, scizonts and gamatocytes of all the malarial parasites are seen in the peripheral blood smear except;
a. P.falciparum
b. P.malariae
c. P.Ovale
d. P.vivax
21. Which of the following can repel mosquitoes…
a. banana
b. chili
c. citronella
d. garlic
22. At what age should you have your first screening for high blood pressure…
a. 16
b. 18
c. 30
d. 50
23. What is the most common symptom of high blood pressure?
a. racing heartbeat
b. fatigue
c. high body temperature
d. It has no symptoms that you notice
24. This measure does not help to prevent diabetes complications
a. controlling blood lipids and blood pressure
b. controlling blood glucose
c. prompt detection of diabetic eye and kidney
d. eliminating all carbohydrates from the diet
25. Gestational diabetes is diagnosed by:
a. Glucose tolerance test
b. fasting and postprandial blood sugar
c. random blood sugar
d. 24 hours blood glucose profile
26. Vibrio Cholera is a motel bacterium. Which belong to the group of..
a. Lophotrichous
b. Peritrichous
c. Monotrichous
d. Amphitrichous
27. What is /are the Primary goals of oral replacement therapy?
a. replace lost water and electrolytes
b. kill vibrio Cholerae
c. slow down the heart rate
d. prevent transmission of the vibrio cholerae
28. Which makes SARS even more difficult to diagnose?
a. asymptomatic nature
b. symptoms same as common cold and flu
c. Mistake in lab tests
d. all of the above
29. Which Laboratory test is the criteria standard for diagnosis of viral community-acquired pneumonia in adults?
a. viral culture
b. Rapid RSV test
c. Rapid antigen testing
d. nasal swab test
30. Risk factors for Hospital acquired pneumonia include all of the following except
a. presence of COPD
b. obesity
c. duration of surgery
d. age older than 60 years.
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➡️ Social and Preventive Pharmacy Chapter 2 MCQs with Answers :- Click here
➡️ Social and Preventive Pharmacy Chapter 3 MCQs with Answers :- Click here
➡️ Social and Preventive Pharmacy Chapter 4 MCQs with Answers :- Click here
➡️ Social and Preventive Pharmacy Chapter 5 MCQs with Answers :- Click here
Subject:- Social and Preventive Pharmacy (BP802TT)
Semester:- 8th sem , sem 8
MCQs with Answers