1. Which of the following are not causing agents of disease?
a. Physical agents
b. Biological agents
c. Chemical agents
d. All of the above
2. Sanitization broadly means
a. Supporting small scale entrepreneurs
b. Disposal of human excreta
c. To develop household water treatment and solid waste management system
d. Educate people and community
3. What is estimated death linked to poor sanitation and hygiene in rural india?
a. 1 in every 10 deaths
b. 10 in every 50 deaths
c. I in every 100 deaths
d. It can’t be estimated
4. The central rural sanitation program was launched in…
a. 1980
b. 1950
c. 1986
d. 2012
5. The central rural sanitation program was reconstructed in April and renamed as…
a. Nirmal bharat abhiyan
b. Nirmal gram abhiyan
c. Bhartiya nirmalta abhiyan
d. Total sanitation scheme
6. The first Nirmal Gram Puraskar was given in…
a. 2005
b. 2011
c. 2003
d. 2012
7. What do you mean by HWT?
a. Household waste treatment
b. Housing waste treatment
c. Housing water treatment
d. Household water treatment
8. The materials required for the construction of sanitary latrines and other sanitary facilities are sold from…
a. Rural sanitization mart
b. Rural sanitary mall
c. Rural sanitary mart
d. Gram panchayat
9. The main objective of the program…. Is to eradicate 100% open defecation
a. Nirmal bharat abhiyan
b. Total sanitation campaign
c. Central rural sanitation program
d. Open defecation free india
10. Which of following is objective of community health?
a. Promotion and protection of health i.e. primary level prevention
b. Early diagnosis and treatment and control of further spread of disesse i.e. secondary level prevention
c. Control of disability and rehabilitation
d. All of the above
11. The concept of primary health care was introduced at international level jointly by WHO and UNICEF at the Alma Atta conference in …… year.
a. 1975
b. 1978
c. 1976
d. 1973
12. What was the goal to achieve Alma Atta conference
a. Basic facility for all
b. Sanitization for all
c. Health for all
d. None of the above
13. The full form of PHC..
a. Primary health center
b. Purposive health center
c. Primary health care
d. Pediatric health care
14. Required number of population to establish PHC in plain area
a. 20000
b. 25000
c. 15000
d. 30000
15. What are levels of care in PHC
a. First level of health care
b. Second level of health care
c. Tertiary level health care
d. All of the above
16. What are objectives of PHC
a. To provide comprehensive primary health care to the community at PHCs
b. To achieve and maintain an acceptable standard of quality of care
c. To make the services more responsive and sensitive to the need of the community
d. All of the above
17. The government of India has launched the national urban health mission as a submission under
the national health mission (NHM) in
a. 1st April 2005
b. 1st may 2007
c. 1st may 2013
d. 1st April 2015
18. Rajiv Rin Yojana addresses housing need of
a. Economically weak and lower income groups in urban areas
b. Urban BPL population
c. Urban slum dwellers and homeless
d. All of the above
19. Urban areas covered under N.U.H.M are
a. Town panchayats
b. Municipal corporations
c. Municipalities
d. All of the above
20. The major cause of death in urban areas
a. Cardiovascular diseases
b. Tuberculosis
c. Malignant and other neoplasms
d. Diarrheal diseases
21. The key public health challenges are
a. Weak and dysfunctional public system of outreach
b. Poor environmental health, poor housing
c. Many slums not having primary health care facility
d. All of these
22. NUHM will promote……….. convergence to avoid duplication of resources and efforts
a. Inter sectoral
b. Intra sectoral
c. Both
d. none
23. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Health promotion can refer to any event, process or activity that facilitates the protection or improvement of the health status of individuals, groups, communities or populations
b. The objective of health promotion is to prolong life and to improve quality life
c. Health promotion practice is often shaped by how health is conceptualized
d. All of these
24. ——– refers to the application of consumer oriented marketing techniques in the design, implementation and evaluation of programs aimed towards influencing behavior change
a. Health education
b. Social marketing
c. Consumer health
d. None of these
25. Which of the following are major components of coordinated school health?
a. Comprehensive school health education
b. Physical education
c. Nutrition services
d. All of the above
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➡️ Social and Preventive Pharmacy Chapter 3 MCQs with Answers :- Click here
➡️ Social and Preventive Pharmacy Chapter 4 MCQs with Answers :- Click here
➡️ Social and Preventive Pharmacy Chapter 5 MCQs with Answers :- Click here
Subject:- Social and Preventive Pharmacy (BP802TT)
Semester:- 8th sem , sem 8
MCQs with Answers