OPSC follows a robust transparent and merit based process in all the recruitments. Any assurance for selection by unscrupulous elements should not allow  OAS...
Pharmacy is the science and practice of discovering, producing, preparing, dispensing, and … Related jobs: Physician, pharmacy technician, toxicologist, chemist, pharmacy assist… Education required: Doctor...
Pharmacy is the clinical health science that links medical science with chemistry and it is charged with the discovery, production, disposal, safe and effective use,...
https://youtu.be/x2-87fYYf20 Disintegration time is the time required for a dosage form to break up in to granules of specified size (or smaller) under carefully specified...
Disintegration time is the time required for a dosage form to break up in to granules of specified size (or smaller) under carefully specified conditions....
Pharmaceutical Technology- 2 MCQs with Answers 1. Which one of these is responsible for hardness of tablet? a) Die Filling b) Compression force c) Both...